

Background to the study In 2021, 


Yves Denéchère, professor of contemporary history at the University of Angers and director of the TEMOS research laboratory (CNRS UMR 9016), proposed to the Mission de l'adoption internationale (MAI) that a historical study be carried out on illicit practices in international adoption in France. On the basis of a scientific project that he had drawn up, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (DFAE, Direction des Français à l'étranger et de l'administration consulaire - MAI) agreed to fund a 12-month post-doctoral mission (year 2022) and signed an agreement with the University of Angers and the TEMOS laboratory. Fabio Macedo, a PhD in history with a thesis on the history of adoption (EHESS, 2020), has been recruited by the University of Angers as a postdoctoral researcher to carry out this work under the supervision of Yves Denéchère. The agreement binding the parties, signed in December 2021, stipulated that the research work was to produce a "Historical study of illicit practices in international adoption in France". It was agreed that the scientific direction and orientations of the research would be the sole responsibility of the laboratory, that the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs would not be involved in its drafting, which was strictly respected, and that the research report would be disseminated freely. This is why the document has been posted on the HAL SHS portal. After an introduction defining the purpose of the research and placing it in the current context, particularly European, this document is divided into four parts. A review of the academic literature analyses how, by whom and why illicit practices in international adoption have been studied (I). The bibliography lists the books and scientific articles published on the subject (II). The main part of the research report consists of an annotated guide to the sources - archives, audiovisual sources, the press - used to document illicit practices (III). Finally, t

Orphaned Afghan child still in custody of U.S. Marine accused of abducting her

The Afghan woman ran down the street towards her friend’s apartment as soon as she heard the news: the White House had publicly weighed in on her family’s case.

Surely her child, who she says was abducted by a U.S. Marine more than a year ago, would now be returned, she thought. She was so excited that it was only after she’d arrived that she realized she wasn’t wearing any shoes.

“We thought within one week she’d be back to us,” the woman told The Associated Press.

Yet two months after an AP report on the high-stakes legal fight over the child raised alarms at the highest levels of government, from the White House to the Taliban, the baby remains with U.S. Marine Corps Major Joshua Mast and his family. The Masts claim in court documents that they legally adopted the child and that the Afghan couple’s accusations are “outrageous” and “unmerited.”

“We are all concerned with the well being of this child who is at the heart of this matter,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre after the AP detailed the child’s plight in October.

Disabled child, taunted at the Harap Alb Center: the carers washed him with the hose in the yard, because he escaped on it

33 years of democracy have not completely changed social services in Romania. An example of incredible aggression against a minor confirms this. An employee of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection in Bucharest revealed to Euronews Romania an abuse of a child with special needs from the Harap Alb Center in Bucharest.

A 16-year-old boy who suffers from autism was allegedly washed with the hose by the caretakers at the day care center. The aggression took place in the courtyard of the center in the summer of this year. The reason: he couldn't get to the toilet anymore and peed on himself. The Harap Alb Center in Sector 4 of the Capital is intended for children with disabilities. An employee of the Social Assistance Directorate revealed to us, under the protection of anonymity, the terrible event.

Anonymous source: "He was taken out into the courtyard of the center with other children and was hosed down by staff, and later the child was apparently placed on a hot surface because he had suffered burns on his soles, burns which were investigated by Institute of Forensic Medicine and we could see some burns of high intensity because the child, I understand, was not able to walk".

The boy ended up in a wheelchair due to burns on his soles

At the time the boy was examined, he was in a wheelchair due to burns on his legs. The doctors recommended 30 days of medical care. After the abuse occurred, the Department of Child Protection was notified. The City Hall of Sector 4 says that an internal investigation was launched, during which the two caregivers were no longer at the center.

Children suffer in Nepal’s orphanages

Gauri Lama* and Rajesh Lama*, siblings from Rukum, were brought to Kathmandu sometime in 2018 by a relative, with a promise of better health care and education. They were sent to one of the child care homes in Bhaisepati, Lalitpur, along with five other children from various districts. The place fed leftovers to the children and forced them into labor.

All of them ran away from the orphanage two years later, and were reintegrated in their families through Future Generation Nepal (FGN), a non-profit organization working for the protection of children and their rights.

Krishna Thadera* from Humla came to Kathmandu in 2017. He was brought by someone from his village, who took money from the family after promising to send their child to a good school. He dropped Thadera off to an organization, who paid him off for bringing him in. Thadera was around 10 years old. During the Covid-19 lockdown, shelter was shut and, in 2020, Thadera, was found begging on the streets.

Ram BK* from Bajura was 14 when he came to Kathmandu with his uncle, a politician, who left him at an orphanage in 2018. His paperworks showed that his parents were dead. He was back on the streets during Covid-19, and rescued by Voice of Children (VOC), who later on found that his parents were alive, and his uncle had made a fake death certificate and received a commission from the organization for bringing in the child.

These are just a few representative cases among all the other cases they have encountered so far, says Bashu Phuyal, program coordinator, FGN. He says that this has been going on for a long time. Most of the children brought to Kathmandu belong to rural parts of Nepal, especially from Karnali province. They are brought through agents who take money from the family to find their children a good home in Kathmandu. “Most of these children either run away or suffer terribly in these institutions,” he adds.

Fiom : Sister found, now my parents

I am from Romania. As I write this I am looking for my biological family. In the meantime I have found and met my sister Viorica. She and I have been in close contact for a few years now and I traveled to America, where she lives, to meet her. It felt like old times and very familiar. But because of this, my desire to find and possibly meet my parents has grown even more.

Experience story Sister found now my parents still.jpg

Together with her, I have already started with the information we have. We have names of our parents, of our sisters and brothers, but it's just not enough! I've never felt so desperate about it. Fortunately I have Viorica, I can really share everything with her, but at the same time it hurts that I just can't visit her quickly. I really want to know who my parents are, who I'm most like and if I recognize things in them in terms of character.

Sometimes I lie awake in bed for hours or I cry myself to sleep. Just because I want to know who those people are who brought me into the world and gave me up, the reason why. I'm not 100% sure yet. I've been told it's for money, that they couldn't give me what they might want to give. I often wonder: Why? I hope somewhere they want to meet me and my sister.


Interior Minister confirms adopted children from Congo had Croatian documents

Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic confirmed on Friday that the children from the Congo, who were adopted in Zambia by four Croatian couples subsequently arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, had Croatian documents.

“An investigation is being conducted. The children have Croatian documents that were issued based on appropriate decisions by Croatian institutions,” said Bozinovic at the Police Academy.

He added that at the moment several Croatian departments are cooperating and exchanging information in coordination with the Foreign and European Affairs Ministry (MVEP), which is in charge of taking care of Croatian citizens outside the Republic of Croatia.

Eight Croatian citizens have been detained in Zambia for more than three weeks due to suspicion about the validity of documents for adopting minor Congolese children, MVEP confirmed last Saturday.

Four couples from Croatia were arrested in Zambia on 7 December on suspicion of human trafficking, Croatian media reported last week, adding that the couples intended to adopt children from the Congo.

Sebastian Kruis (PVV) went looking for his biological mother: 'adoption file was correct'

THE HAGUE - Council member Sebastian Kruis of the Hague PVV is happy that his personal adoption file is correct. Last year he met his biological mother in Colombia. This was preceded by a considerable period of doubt, Sebastian told the Vrijmibo program on Den Haag FM.

'Misconduct with international adoptions forced me to check whether my own file was correct,' says Sebastian. 'Because I said that in the media at the time, it was also a big stick for me personally to actually do it. Very often people asked about it because they had read that interview in AD Haagsche Courant earlier this year. And sometimes I tend to put personal matters on the back burner. Because of that interview I had made my wish an obligation: that it finally had to happen for me this year.'

Earlier this year, Sebastian went to Colombia: 'I went there in April to check whether it was correct. And then I met my mother within a week. She knew essential personal things about me, which was very special. It actually went so fast that I didn't feel like I had time to think about it. It happened to me and that suits me too. But it is a special story and I am also happy that the file is correct. She left me in the hospital after two days. She knew where I was born, she knew my name and how old I was.

"Parents too often in suspect's bench"

Sebastian thinks that people often think too negatively about adoption: 'The most important lesson is that adoption is not always wrong. She lived on the street in Medellin and was a drug addict for 40 years, just like my father. Growing up on the street in such a situation is not a good situation. And that is why international adoption is often just a real solution. And of course: other countries are also developing, so the numbers of children are smaller. But it was nice at the time that people wanted to adopt children who would not get it right in their own country. I sometimes have the idea that parents are sometimes placed in the suspect's bench.'

Fiom : Vacancy Case manager international searches (ISS)(24 hours)


Fiom is the center of expertise in the field of unwanted pregnancy, distance & adoption and related questions. We offer information and help with unwanted pregnancies, information and aftercare in the field of adoption and guide people in their search for biological family in the Netherlands and abroad. We also manage the KID-DNA Database, which enables a match between a donor child and an anonymous donor.

The starting point of working at Fiom is the right of self-determination of unwanted pregnant women, the right of a child to know where it comes from and to grow up while retaining its own identity. In addition, we recently started with the establishment and design of the Expertise Center for Intercountry Adoption . We do all this with approximately 85 passionate employees from our offices in 's-Hertogenbosch and Houten and from our home workplaces.

Fiom has the Dutch representation of the International Social Service (ISS) network in its organization. ISS is an international social work organization with headquarters in Geneva and a network in more than 100 countries. Within Fiom, the ISS department, with the help of its international network, is involved in international searches for first- or second-degree relatives of the seeker (both adoption-related and non-adoption-related).

For team ISS we are looking for a

Liz was given up as a baby: 'My mother chose a life without me'

Liz (48) is three months old when she is adopted from Germany by Dutch parents. Two years ago, she met her birth mother for the first time. “She had no regrets,” she said very firmly and without emotion. 'Didn't I end up well?'”

Liz: “We were going to fondue that night, I was looking forward to it all day; it was my favorite food. 'We have to tell you something. You're adopted," my mother said. Her best friend was a psychotherapist, she had insisted that my parents should tell me the truth. I was seven and had no suspicions until that point. I was an only child and white, just like my parents. There was no reason to think I wasn't their child. The message really came like a bolt from the blue.

After the high word was out, my mother continued to fill the dishes. An immense sadness overcame me; I didn't know how to behave. It suddenly felt like I was visiting my own house. All this time I was lied to. My parents had always been firm about lying; you do not do that. That basic value suddenly vanished. I was also so angry at my birth mother. Who would throw away their own child? I found my new truth so painful that I rationally decided it just wouldn't be there. I did tell my best friends at school the next day, but after that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Two weeks later my mother asked if I understood what she had told me. I understood that very well, but I wanted to think about it as little as possible. My parents are honest and sincere, and while they didn't handle everything right, they did it with the best of intentions. My mother was infertile and they were on the long waiting list for adoption in the Netherlands. A cousin in Germany had an unwanted pregnant colleague. He mediated, and that is how I came to the Netherlands.”

Curious about my roots

Argentina identifies another child kidnapped during dictatorship

The confirmation is the second to occur in less than a week, bringing the total number of identified children to 132.

DNA tests have confirmed that a man was snatched from his mother as a baby during Argentina’s last military dictatorship and was illegally adopted by a family in a northern province, a human rights group said on Wednesday.

The case, the second announced in less than a week, has increased the total number of successful identifications to 132.

The activist group Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo did not release the latest person’s full name, identifying him only as Juan Jose, 46.

During Argentina’s bloody dictatorship, which lasted from 1976 to 1983, military officials carried out the systematic theft of babies from political prisoners who were often executed without a trace. The children were then illegally adopted by other military officers or allied families.