
Adoption: a compassionate emergency measure

Baby farms, kidnapped children, corruption: quite a bit has gone wrong in the adoption area. As a result, the process has acquired a negative charge. But is that right? Parent couples talk about their experiences with adoption.

The pastoral couple Maljaars-van Schothorst from 's-Gravenpolder adopted three children: Eline (25), Simon (22) and Christian (16).

How did you end up with adoption?

Rev. Maljaars: “We got married in 1992. After two years it turned out that we could not have children of our own. Before that we had already thought about adoption. We both have a background in education. We love children and were looking forward to being able to do something for others.” Mrs. Maljaars: "We have put this matter before the Lord in prayer, asking if He would show us the way." Rev. Maljaars: “You sometimes hear: if the Lord lays on you the cross of childlessness, may you go a different way? That is very personal. From the beginning we looked forward to the Lord's will to precede us in this. Because you must remain honest about God's guidance in your life: it is not about what we want, but what the Lord wants. In addition, the Lord can open roads, but He can also close them in His wisdom.” Mrs. Maljaars: "Just at that time there was an article about adoption in the GezinsGids that appealed to us. A lecture by Rev. Bac at the adoption association about God's providence in the light of adoption also touched us a lot." Rev. Maljaars: “And at your grandfather's funeral, remember? An uncle closed with the family. Addressing us as grandchildren, he pointed to Genesis 17, which speaks of the covenant God made with Abraham and his posterity. Not only the natives of his house were to be circumcised, but also those bought with money from a stranger, who were not of the family of Abraham. Unexpectedly, we were pointed to this scripture, in which there is a clear line to adoption. At that time, we had shared our plans with few people.

How did the process go?

TESTIMONY. Tarn-et-Garonne: parents victims of a mafia adoption network file a complaint for fraud

Véronique and Jean-Noël Piaser adopted a Sri Lankan baby in 1985. In 2018, they discovered that the little orphan had in fact been stolen from her mother. A huge shock. After a careful investigation, they decided to file a complaint this Friday.

The Piaser couple had two boys of around ten when they decided to adopt a child. In 1985, two-week-old Maria entered their lives. But 33 years later, in 2018, when she wants to find her biological parents, the family discovers the unthinkable. Maria was stolen from her Sri Lankan mother by mobsters. The young woman and her adoptive and natural parents were victims of a sector known in Sri Lanka as a "baby business".

The Piaser couple discovered it before their daughter. Anticipating the trip, to save time in the process, they ask a Sri Lankan friend to start the research. " We gave him the adoption file, which was only 6 or 7 pages long, explains Véronique Piaser . He began to inquire (…) and called us back to tell us: it's a baby business" .

"We must tell him about this disaster"

“ There everything collapses!” Continues the adoptive mother. To tell her child: the circumstances of your adoption were villainous and we were cheated. It's super difficult, because we love him and he is our girl. And at the same time, you have to tell her about this catastrophe .

Can’t restrict adoption only to kids in conflict with law or orphans: Bombay high court

NAGPUR: In a landmark verdict, the Nagpur bench of

Bombay High Court ruled that adoption can't be restricted to only orphaned,

abandoned and surrendered children or those

in conflict with law or in need of care and protection.

While partly allowing a revision application by the biological

Adopted in Sri Lanka in 1985, she denounces child trafficking and files a complaint against X

Chambérienne Champika Macherel was adopted in Sri Lanka in 1985 via a Grenoble association. After returning to Sri Lanka in search of her origins and her biological mother, she today denounces child trafficking and files a complaint against X, with an adoptive couple, before the Paris court. For her, the framework for international adoption needs to be completely revised.

Watch Video via link : https://www.ledauphine.com/faits-divers-justice/2021/07/02/adoptee-au-sri-lanka-en-1985-elle-denonce-un-trafic-d-enfants-et-porte-plainte-contre-x

Tamil Nadu: Illegal Adoption Row in Madurai; NGO comes under scanner after faking burial of 1-yr-old

Tamil Nadu: Illegal Adoption Row in Madurai; NGO comes under scanner after faking burial of 1-yr-oldAutoplay Next Video01 JULY 2021 10:24 IST | ENGLISH | CRIME | GENERAL AUDIENCEA shocking incident has now come to light from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, wherein an NGO staged a fake burial of a 1-year-old in order to illegally sell the baby. The NGO has now come under scanner after it informed the parents of the one-year-old boy that their baby passed away due to COVID-19. The NGO used fake documents to fool the parents. Times Now's Shilpa Nair reports that the NGO has come under the scanner and the investigation in this connection have begun. Further, it was also discovered from the sources at the cremation ground that a 75-year-old man was also falsely buried earlier


Mothers, we’re looking for you ! And yet…

I was born in Beirut in 1966. My mother was hidden during her pregnancy, and was forced to abandon me at birth. I was adopted a few months later in France. After a long and arduous search, I was lucky enough to find her in 2017. As this journey enriched my life so profoundly, since this time, I’ve been committed to helping other adoptees from Lebanon in their endless search for their biological roots.

Every year, a handful of people feel profoundly happy when they find their mother, their father, a sibling…people they resemble, a piece of their history, a biological home port, a possible response to the nagging question: "Why was I abandoned?". But too few get to experience this solace, and I just cannot remain silent in the face of the suffering of all the others.

Three years ago, I launched an appeal "Mamans, nous vous cherchons et nous ne vous en voulons pas"1 (Mothers we’re looking for you, we’re not blaming you) via the daily newspaper ‘L’Orient-Le-Jour.’ Thanks to Anne-Marie El-Hage’s article, a few biological mothers found the courage to ask for help to find their children. This article also provided an opportunity for a few half-siblings to launch their search. And yet….

And yet today, my observation is a sad one: the adoptees’ search is all too often in vain. In fact, when we go to Lebanon, all too often we’re faced with the tired old remark "but you already have a family back home!" The point is not however to find out whether or not we were lucky enough to have been brought up in an adoptive family, it is to find the person to whom we owe our life!

We’re here, ready to welcome you and listen to your story without judging, simply in response to the natural need to find a face in which we can find the reflection of our own, in order to make it easier to move forward, hear a birth story that we can root ourselves in. Unfortunately, we all too often come up against an incomprehensible omertà from those who have participated in our adoptions, as well as from a great number of Lebanese that we come into contact with - including those in the diaspora. Adoption is a subject so taboo that from the moment the word "adopted" is uttered, contact is often permanently cut off.

Maharashtra: 13,197 kids lost one of their parents to Covid

The number of children who lost either of their parents to Covid-19 has mounted to 13,197 in Maharashtra.

While 11,659 of them lost their father, 1,538 lost their mother to the virus. A total of 409 children have been orphaned after losing both the parents, according to the data collected by the women and child welfare department.

Acting on the Supreme Court direction, the state constituted task forces in each district to identify such children and avert trafficking and illegal adoption.

Women and child welfare officers have reached out to families with deaths due to Covid-19 and facilitate them with counselling, legal and financial aid. The process for enrolment of orphaned children whose extended family members are not able to look after them has begun.

Pune has the highest number of children who have lost either or both parents (1,380), followed by Nagpur (1,206), Thane (1,103), Mumbai (762) and Nashik (508). Thane has the highest number of orphaned children (53), followed by 36 in Nagpur and 34 in Pune. Of the orphaned children, 221 are boys and 180 are girls.

Child Abuse & Neglect

Forever family is like a manufactured Hallmark idea”: Adoption discontinuity experiences of intercountry adoptees


Intercountry adoptees with adoption discontinuity experiences experience legal, residential, relational, and cultural losses

Violent criticism of the youth welfare office: babies and mothers separated without sufficient reason?

Two cases, two mothers: the Waldeck-Frankenberg youth welfare office threatened to take away the newborn child.

Korbach - Does the Waldeck-Frankenberg youth welfare office tend to separate mothers and their children without sufficient reasons? The full-time supervisor Uwe Lutz-Scholten from Korbach and Carola Wilcke from the child and youth welfare law association in Dresden are in any case criticizing the decisions of the authority.

The allegations: general resolutions instead of individual help, a lack of transparency in decisions, violations of values ??protected by fundamental rights and prevailing legal opinions.

Violent criticism of the youth welfare office: babies and mothers separated without sufficient reason?

Case 1: The Waldeck-Frankenberg youth welfare office wanted to take the newborn child away from a young woman suffering from a mental illness, although the family court in Fritzlar had previously granted her custody.

'Single mother' Kim Mi-ae appeals for 'tears' against adoption system reform

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Park Kyung-joon = 'Single Mom Attorney' National Power Rep. Kim Mi-ae, on the 30th , appealed with tears for a re-examination in relation to the government's reform of the public adoption system.

Rep. Kim said at a press conference at the National Assembly on the same day, "The government is trying to reorganize the work that private adoption agencies have been doing for over 70 years without securing professional manpower , like flipping the palm of their hand."

The reform of the public adoption system, criticized by Rep. Kim, will come into effect from today. The reform plan aims to change the body of the adoption process from the existing adoption agency to the local government.

Counseling with birth parents, including pregnant unwed mothers, and children is carried out by the child protection agent, a private professional of the local government, and the children eligible for adoption are decided by the case decision committee of the local government.

Rep. Kim said, "The problem is that not all local government case decision committees are formed." He said, "It is said that public organizations decide on children to be adopted and protected, but the government does not consider the current situation of local governments and only gives orders unilaterally." pointed out