
Germanul Gunther Krichbaum trateaz? România ca pe o ?ar? african? din lumea a III-a

German Gunther Krichbaum treats Romania as an African country in the third world

The free attacks of some European leaders on Romania continue

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Fresh scandal erupts over Irish children sold to America for adoption

Fresh scandal erupts over Irish children sold to America for adoption

New investigative report reveals how Irish nuns profited from child adoption scheme

By: JAMES O'SHEA | Published Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 7:29 AM | Updated Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 10:19 AM

See More: Irish news

Fresh scandal erupts over Irish children sold to America for adoption

Oak Park's Adoption-Link Looking for Help

Oak Park's Adoption-Link Looking for Help

Longtime adoption agency specializing in placing special needs children asks for funding help.

By Casey Cora Email the author September 4, 2012

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Romania's problems must not halt childcare reform

Romania's problems must not halt childcare reform

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Monday, September 03, 2012
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Western Morning News

This summer a group of Cornish women have been working to raise funds for washing machines for Romanian orphanages. Remember those? Those scandalous institutions in which sedated, shaven-headed and severely undernourished children rocked to and fro, mindlessly, in cots from which they rarely escaped and within which many were permanently tethered.

The shame of the Romanian childcare system  – that obscene contradiction in terms – was exposed to the world when the Ceausescu regime was overthrown in 1989.

The story isn't over yet. One of the Cornish fundraisers, Reverend Canon Pat Robson, reflected wryly on how many people thought the problem  had been solved. She said: "A lot of the children from orphanages at the time Ceausescu died are still in institutions now. Now they are 28 to 30 years old – who is going to give them a home?"

This is the heartrending tragedy. Many of those children were irrevocably damaged goods by the time journalists and former Westcountry MP Emma Nicholson found them and highlighted their plight. It was relatively easy then to raise funds for the children. The world was rightly aghast. Raising funds for adults, however, is always harder – and yet no less important.

People's needs  do not vanish overnight when they turn 18. That generation of  orphans should never be forgotten and still have a claim on the world's compassion now they are adults.

But what of today's children? Has Romania actually changed? Can a country that knew nothing of democracy and which, less than 25 years ago, blithely accepted those hellish orphanages as normal, really turn itself round and wipe out such abuse?

Romania's democracy and its courts may yet be fragile, but its childcare system has changed radically. It was helpful that the EU made the closure of those ghastly institutions a condition of membership, but much of the real work has been done with the support of a pioneering British charity Hope and Homes for Children.

Founded by British Army officer Col Mark Cook, it came into being after he served as a UN peacekeeper in Croatia during the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. He was horrified by the plight of abandoned children and set up Hope and Homes to help them. Its aim was quite simple: to ensure that all children could grow up with the love of a family. Its staff are leading experts in closing children's institutions and reforming childcare.

Hope and Homes moved into Romania in 1999, when 100,000 children were still in those institutions. Today, fewer than 9,000 youngsters are housed in orphanages. The charity hopes to have all orphanages closed by 2020.

This is a complex ongoing operation that goes far beyond shutting individual institutions. Alternative family homes have to be found for the children. In many cases help is provided to enable their own relatives to take them back and to then function as stable families. Local childcare professionals have to be retrained and support services for children rebuilt, almost from scratch.

Hope and Homes cannot deliver on this alone. It gets some EU funding, but works with two principal partners: Absolute Return for Kids –  set up by financier Arpad Busson to help disadvantaged children worldwide – and the Romanian government. Only that, truly, has the authority to make such sweeping reforms. Yet it is a delicate flower of dubious stability. Its president and prime minister are at each other's throats – but whatever the ructions in Bucharest, they must never be allowed to slacken the pace of childcare reforms.

In the meantime, those who grew up in those  Ceausescu institutions have grown into equally needy adults. Jean Baker from Truro, who has been leading the fundraising for the White Cross Mission in Truro, met just some of them when she visited  the orphanage in Remeti that is struggling to care for 74 young people with just a couple of working washing machines.

The laundry was full of dirty, wet bedding and clothing, much of which would have to be washed by hand. In another room, a further four washing machines stood broken. There was no money to repair them.

The women of Truro intend to replace them. Good luck to them. It's valuable work.

Kyrgyz Adoptions Official Arrested For Bribery

Kyrgyz Adoptions Official Arrested For Bribery

Deputy Minister of Social Protection Gulnara Derbisheva visited RFE/RL's Bishkek bureau in January.

September 03, 2012

BISHKEK -- Kyrgyzstan has announced the arrest on suspicion of bribe-taking of an official of the Social Protection Ministry who worked to arrange the adoption of Kyrgyz children by foreigners.

State Committee for National Security officials said Gulnara Derbisheva was arrested on August 31.

10-day-old boy abandoned at child care centre

10-day-old boy abandoned at child care centre

Published: Monday, Sep 3, 2012, 6:50 IST
Dayanand Kamath | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA

A 10-day-old boy was found abandoned in a cradle of Vatsalya Trust, a child care centre near Kanjurmarg police station on Sunday morning. This is the fourth case of abandoned baby in the city in the last two months.At 6.45am, the watchman heard a baby cry from the cradle kept outside the main gate of the trust building.

“Akshata Salvi, who was the nurse on night duty at the trust, picked the baby, who was wearing white and pink clothes and took him in. Also, found in the cradle were two empty milk plastic bottles and few clothes. The on-duty doctor found the baby to stable and healthy.” said Bharati Sawant, who works with the trust. “We have registered a case under section 317 (exposure andabandonment of child under 12 years by parents/person) under the Indian Penal Code. We have sent wireless message with the baby’s description to all police stations in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai and government and private hospitals to trace the mother,\” said Mahadeo Salunkhe, assistant police inspector of the Kanjurmarg police station.The other three casesJuly 16: An unidentified woman kept a six-month-old girl wrapped in cloth on a bench at Dadar station and asked a family sitting nearby to look after her baby for a few minutes as she wanted to visit the toilet. When the woman did not return for a long time the family realised that she had abandoned the baby.

The family handed over the baby to the Government Railway Police June 28: Two-month-old girl wrapped in a salwar was foundabandoned at Dadar station. The baby was sent to Bal Asha Trust in MahalaxmiJune 24: A three-day-old girl wrapped in cloth and kept in a basket was found abndoned in a gutter near the Sion-Mankhurd Highway. The Trombay police were informed about the abandoned baby and they rushed her to Sion Hospital for medical tretament.

In Sierra Leone, Over the alleged HANCI child trafficking case: Prosecution Witnesses Testify In Court

In Sierra Leone, Over the alleged HANCI child trafficking case: Prosecution Witnesses Testify In Court
By Michael T. Kamara
Aug 29, 2012, 17:04
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Three Prosecution witnesses Isatu Sesay of Mohamed Bangura Street, Makeni, Sulaiman Moseray Summah of Sylvanus Street in Makeni and Momoh Kanu of Back Bone Road in Mile 9, have testified before Magistrate Komba Kamanda of Court No 2 on Tuesday 28th August 2012 on the ongoing trials of Child Trafficking involving HANCI, a Non Governmental Organization.

The witnesses told the Court that Ronald Foday Kargbo former Executive Director of HANCI, John Kapri Gbla, Henry Abu, Peter Lamin Dumbuya and Peter Brima Kargbo employees of HANCI arranged for an adoption of their children abroad without their knowledge and consent.

According to Prosecution Witness (PW1) Isatu Sesay, she told the Court that she recognized the accused persons as HANCI employees. She further told the Court that, she knew HANCI as an organization that takes care of children. Isatu testified that she could recall sometime in 1997, when the accused persons met her at her house and requested for her child so as to enroll him in school and support him financially until he completed university studies. She furthered testified that she willingly gave them her biological son Sulaiman Kargbo, on condition that, they (accused persons) should never attempt to hand over her child to any third party nor should they take him out of the country. She told the crowded Court that the accused persons agreed to her conditions and it was at that stage she released her son Sulaiman. She revealed in court that, up to date she has not seen her son neither heard from him. She said on several occasions she had approached the accused persons but they have been giving her conflicting stories which she described as lies. She later reported the matter to the Police.

Standing in the dock, PW2 Sulaiman Moseray Summah acknowledged that he knew the accused persons as HANCI employees when questioned by the prosecution representing the state. He further told the court that he could recall sometime in 1997 when the accused persons visited his home and informed him that there was an educational programme that his children could benefit from. He said they persuaded him to allow his daughter to be part of the programme. Suliaman Summah explained that he told them (accused persons) that he would only release his daughter if they adhere to certain conditions; that his daughter should not be handed over to any other care giver other than the accused persons, they should not take her out of the country and he should have access to visit her at any time he wished. He revealed that the accused persons promised to adhere to the conditions and it was on that basis he handed over his daughter, Mabinty Summah to them. He further told the court that all efforts to trace the whereabouts of his daughter through the accused persons proved futile. He concluded that as there was no sign of tracing his daughter he reported the matter to the Police.

The accused persons were granted bail and the matter was adjourned to 18th September 2012.

Why can't gays adopt?

Why can't gays adopt?

        Justin Foxton  | 27 août, 2012 00:30


        Anton Middleton and Jean Paul Krooneman at Camps Bay with their six-year-old adopted son Picture: ROB DURAND

        Wimpie and Andrew Mattison want to adopt a child. But repeatedly, they have been told "according to the Lord, it is wrong to help gay people to adopt".


As many as 10 different government accredited adoption agencies and social workers over a three-year period have refused to help this loving and committed couple.

Their story echoes that of Dutch couple Pieter and Dennis Duisburg* who, having registered to adopt from the Netherlands, discovered they were not welcome to adopt a child from South Africa.

Many local and international prospective adoptive parents are being turned away because of their sexual orientation.

Pam Wilson, head of adoptions at Johannesburg Child Welfare, has said there are 1.8 million children in SA children's homes, with the potential to be adopted. Yet the website of the National Adoption Coalition states that South Africa has on average less than 2400 adoptions per year.

Discrimination is not limited to gay people. Single parent and non-Christian applicants are allegedly also being chased away from certain local agencies that believe adoption is only for heterosexual, Christian couples.

These discriminatory practices are illegal and unconstitutional.

"The Children's Act clearly states that anyone who has been assessed by an adoption social worker and found to be fit and proper to parent may apply to adopt," said specialist adoption attorney and founder of Wandisa Adoption Agency, Debbie Wybrow.

"It is clear that, provided you are over 18, you can be single or in a committed relationship such as marriage, a permanent life-partnership or permanent family unit. Theconstitution declares discrimination on the basis of race, gender, marital status or sexual orientation to be unfair, and prohibits such discrimination by the state or any individual."

However, some adoption agencies - and the Department of Social Development that accredits them - are seemingly ignoring these sections of the Children's Act and the constitution. This is causing a diplomatic embarrassment for South Africa.

In the Netherlands an adoption lobby group, Ek Sien Jou[I See You], has been established comprising gay, single and non-Christian prospective adoptive parents who are being prevented from adopting from South Africa.

The 35 Dutch couples and singles who have joined Ek Sien Jou have close ties to South Africa and wish to adopt a child from here.

According to Ek Sien Jou, the Pretoria-based adoption agency Abba Adoptions, the only one in South Africa accredited to do adoptions into the Netherlands, prefers children not to be adopted by applicants who are gay, single or non-Christian.

The group is lobbying to have the Department of Social Development accredit a second agency - one that will allow them to adopt - to do placements from South Africa into the Netherlands.

Executive head of Abba Adoptions, Katinka Pieterse, declined to say how many adoptions they had done to gay, single or non-Christian applicants, saying only that while they still "valued" families with a Christian belief system, most of their applicants were single and not necessarily Christians.

"Please be assured that Abba does facilitate adoptions to all types of applicants that you have referred to in our national programme."

However, the website of local Abba partner, The Infertility Support Network, states: "Same-sex applicants, atheists or couples not belonging to or not actively involved in a Christian church will be referred to other adoption agencies by Abba Adoptions."

In the past few weeks, members of Ek Sien Jou have received e-mails from Wêreldkinderen - Abba's partner agency in The Netherlands - stating that they cannot adopt from South Africa.

No response was received from the Department of Social Development as to why such discriminatory practices were being allowed to continue or why a second adoption agency had not been accredited for adoptions into the Netherlands.

The few gay adoptions allowed to proceed are proving to be successful.

Cape Town couple Anton Middleton and Jean Paul Krooneman explain how well their six-year-old adopted son is doing: "Although he was three months premature and has mild cerebral palsy, he is in a mainstream school and doing phenomenally well. His teachers say he is the happiest kid in the class."

Said Wybrow: "We have amazing case studies where a child's interests have best been met by parents with views on marriage, sexual orientation and religion that are different to ours. Checks and balances must always be in place, but family life has to take precedence over institutionalisation."

*Couple's names have been changed to prevent further discrimination
Foxton is founder of the national awareness campaign for Stop Crime, Say Hello and The Baby House in Umhlanga


SC notice to Centre on plight of orphans - Right to Education

SC notice to Centre on plight of orphans
Asseem Shaikh, TNN Aug 23, 2012, 04.32AM IST
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