
Arthur Paes: ‘Onzin dat ik in Ghana verdachte zou zijn’

13:52 donderdag 12-07-2012 | Biz
door: Stefan Vermeulen

Arthur Paes: ‘Onzin dat ik in Ghana verdachte zou zijn’

Voormalig Quote 500-lid Arthur Paes zou verdachte zijn in een
Ghanese pedozaak. Maar vanuit Ghana laat de vastgoedmiljonair weten dat dat
volgens hem onzin is: ‘Het klopt echt niet. Er loopt juist een onderzoek naar
een set-up tegen mij.’



Posted on July 11, 2012 by Joint Council

Notice: Adoptions from South Africa to Begin With Approval of U.S. Adoption Service Providers

On June 6, 2012, the Department of State’s Special Advisor for Children’s Issues, Susan Jacobs, and U.S. Consulate General Johannesburg officials met with the South African Ministry of Social Development’s Central Authority (SACA) to clarify South African intercountry adoption procedures. SACA confirmed that it has authorized two U.S. accredited adoption service providers (ASPs) to contract with South African agencies to process Hague Adoption Convention (Convention) adoptions from South Africa to the United States.

The two U.S. ASPs are Bethany Christian Services and Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children. Both ASPs may now accept applications for adoptions.


Awaits Order from AG To Effect His Arrest, Prosecution

New Crusading Guide

Flow of overseas adoptees dries up

Flow of overseas adoptees dries up

by: Lauren Novak and Kris Crane From: The Sunday Mail (Qld) July 08, 2012 12:00AM

THE LUCKY ONES: Zewditu Harding, 18, Banchy Howells, 12, and Tamru Leckenby, 19. Source: Supplied

THE number of Australian families adopting children from overseas is at a 10-year low as foreign countries tighten criteria for potential parents and put fewer children up for adoption.

Queensland parents are waiting up to seven years for their children as countries such as Thailand, India and South Korea place more emphasis on domestic adoptions.

Parlamentarul german Krichbaum, cel care îi scria lui Barroso c? în România democra?ia e atacat?, este c?s?torit cu fosta consil

Parlamentarul german Krichbaum, cel care îi scria lui Barroso c? în România democra?ia e atacat?, este c?s?torit cu fosta consilier? a Monic? Macovei


08 Iul 2012

Presedintele Comisiei de afaceri europene a Bundestagului, Gunther Krichbaum, i-a cerut sefului Comisiei Europene, Jose Manuel Barroso, declansarea procedurii de infringement impotriva Romaniei si suspendarea votului sau in Consiliul European in urma subminarii statului de drept si democratiei. Si europarlamentarul PDL Monica Macovei a facut acelasi tip de declaratii. Pe 6 iulie ea a declarat pentru Hotnews ca va sesiza Parlamentul European cu privire la situatia politica din Romania. Macovei a invocat articolul 7 din tratatul privind Uniunea Europeana, care prevede ca drepturile unui stat membru pot fi suspendate, inclusiv dreptul de vot in Consiliu, atunci cand se constata nerespectarea legii si a democratiei.

Dincolo de similaritatea declaratiilor facute de oficialul german si Monica Macovei, intre cei doi exista si o altfel de legatura. Sotia lui Gunther Krichbaum este Oana Harvalia, consilier personal al fostului ministru al Justitiei, Monica Macovei. Potrivit site-ului primariei , Gunther Krichbaum si Oana Harvalia s-au casatorit in Sibiu, la 5 noiembrie 2010. Oana Harvalia a avut mereu o viata publica interesanta. Cotidianul Gardianul relata in 24 august 2006, despre fundatiile care au inlesnit adoptiile internationale si care au apartinut unor oameni influenti din societatea romaneasca. Pe aceasta lista apare si numele fostei consiliere personale ale Monicai Macovei. Astfel, Oana Harvalia a fost director executiv al Fundatiei "Parinti si Copii', ea fiind la acea vreme si secretar PNTCD. Gardianul cita in acest context pe Teodora Bertzi fostul secretar de stat al Oficiului Romande Adoptii (ORA) care declara ca "in Romania adoptiile s-au facut pe banda rulanta. Copii infiati erau tratati ca pe o marfa'. "Acestia erau pusi in avion ca niste pachete sI trimisi la familiile adoptatoare', mai spunea Teodora Bertzi. Ea mai declara ca pe baza informatiilor de la personalul medical din maternitati sau leaganele de copii despre mamele care nu aveau posibilitatea sa-si creasca copiii, reprezentantii fundatiilor specializate pe adoptii nu se lasau pana nu le convingeau sa-si dea copiii. "Miile de dolari proveniti din donatiile familiilor adoptatoare trebuiau folositi de fundatiile romanesti pentru implementarea de programe sau pentru intrajutorarea leaganelor de copii, insa niciodata nu s-a stiut care a fost drumul lor', mai afirma Bertzi. Declaratia de avere depusa de Oana Harvalia pe 10 noiembrie 2008, la eliberarea de functie, arata ca fosta consiliera a Monicai Macovei detinea trei terenuri - unul intravilan si doua extravilane - in Peris sI Mogosoaia, o casa de peste 300 de mp , un autoturism Renault Megane, bijuterii in valoare de 15.000 de euro sI obiecte de arta estimate la 30.000 de euro, doua depozite bancare de 20.000 ron si 4200 de euro, precum si un cont curent de 7000 de euro. La capitolul venituri anuale incasate, a declarat salariul de inginer al fostului sot, Paul Cicu, de 18.000 lei.

?Statement on the M.C.V report on Justice in Romania ?related to human rights abuses in in the MISA case.

?Statement on the M.C.V report on Justice in Romania ?related to human rights abuses in in the MISA case.

Cases - M.I.S.A. Case

18 July 2012, the European Commission issued their report “Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification for Justice regarding Romania” (M.C.V.) Soteria International follows the appearance of the long awaited report and the reactions it steers in media, with special attention to the MISA case, which is notorious by the Romanian judicial abuses related to it.

Domestic and international media mostly focus on the political implications enforced by the MCV report, and fails to elaborate on the implications for the Romanian people and the human dimension, which should be the focus of any government, local or European!

One exception is Vibeke Sperling in Danish Politiken. Ms. Sperling brings information about an interpellation to the European Commission made by an Italian member of European Parliament, Rita Borsellino, a prominent and prolific fighter against corruption and defender of human rights. The interpellation comes amid the tensions between various political groups related to the top-level political confrontation in Romania, and brings the focus back to the citizens’ rights in compliance with European legislation. The interpellation specifically refers to the situation of freedom of conscience and belief, and whether it is respected in the case of Yoga practitioners in Romania.


Department To Prosecute Paes On His Arrival

New Crusading Guide

Karnataka High Court Suo Motu vs State Of Karnataka on 5 July, 2012






Two NGOs raise funds to support child trafficking victims

Regional News of Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Source: GNA

Two NGOs raise funds to support child trafficking victims

The Enslavement Prevention West Africa (EPAWA), in collaboration with AiBi, Friends of Children Foundation, both NGOs have raised about 7,000 Ghana cedis to establish a fund to support victims of child trafficking.

The fund would also be used to sponsor victims of other forms of abuses through family re-integration throughout the country.

Speaking at the fund raising ceremony in Accra, Miss Tatiana Kotlyarenko, Executive Director of EPAWA, noted that the organisation had over the years been at the forefront in combating child trafficking in the country, with a focus on trafficking for sexual exploitation.

“We follow a three-pronged approach: prevention, prosecution and the protection. With proper prevention strategies in place, particularly focusing on empowering women and children, the current tide of human trafficking which impacts them directly can be reversed in a long-term,” she said.

Miss Kotlyarenk, said EPAWA, in its efforts to create the necessary victim protection infrastructure to ensure that rescued victims received adequate assistance to rebuild their lives, saw the need to partner with Friends of Children Foundation to raise the amount.

Miss Sylvia Andena, Country Director of AiBi, Friends of Children Foundation, indicated that the organisation had been involved in the re-integration and family support of rescued victims who suffered several forms of abuses.

“We work for the family re-integration of children, providing family support and income generating activities. In case it is not possible for the child to go back to the biological family, we look for an alternative solution through foster care and national or inter-country adoption,” she said.

The event brought together individuals, especially from the various embassies in Accra, and would be held again within three months.**

Susan Rutten lid Staatscommissie Internationaal Privaatrecht

Susan Rutten lid Staatscommissie Internationaal Privaatrecht

3 juli 2012

Bij Koninklijk Besluit van 7 juni 2012 is Susan Rutten benoemd tot lid van de Staatscommissie Internationaal Privaatrecht. Het Koninklijk Besluit heeft terugwerkende kracht vanaf 1 september 2011. Vanaf die datum fungeerde Susan feitelijk al als lid van de Staatscommissie.

De Staatscommissie voor het internationaal privaatrecht is in 1897 ingesteld om maatregelen voor te bereiden ter bevordering van de codificatie van het Internationaal Privaatrecht. Zij doet de Regering daartoe de nodige voorstellen en dient de Regering van advies omtrent onderwerpen van internationaal privaatrecht. Het internationaal privaatrecht geeft regels voor grensoverschrijdende zaken, bijvoorbeeld als bepaald moet worden van welk land het recht van toepassing is of welke rechter internationaal bevoegd is. De commissie is ingesteld in 1897 en bestaat uit zestien leden. De laatste jaren leverde de commissie een grote bijdrage aan de totstandkoming van het nieuwe Boek 10 Burgerlijk Wetboek over het internationaal privaatrecht. De Staatscommissie houdt zich ook intensief bezig met de diverse Europese voorstellen tot harmonisatie van onderdelen van het internationaal privaatrecht binnen de Europese Unie.

De Staatscommissie is ook aangewezen als het nationale orgaan in de zin van artikel 6 van het Statuut van de Haagse Conferentie. Zij is de Nederlandse instantie waarmee het Permanent Bureau van de Haagse Conferentie contact houdt. De werkzaamheden en inrichting van de Staatscommissie worden bepaald door de Wet van 14 februari 1998 op de Staatscommissie voor het internationaal privaatrecht (Stb. 1998, 208).