
Chinese baby trafficking leaves farmers forlorn

May 16, 2011

Chinese baby trafficking leaves farmers forlorn

By Anthony Germain,
CBC News

China is investigating the kidnapping and trafficking of babies by family planning officials who allegedly sold them to be adopted in the United States and other western nations.

Forty-seven year old Yang Li Bing puffs on a cigarette as he shuffles through photos of a daughter he hasn't seen in seven years.

"After she was taken in 2004, I could hardly sleep and I asked my wife if we could have another. But losing Yang Ling was too difficult," he says. "My wife left me."

Yang is one of many poor farmers in the remote village of Gao Ping in China's Hunan province, where residents say the family-planning officials who enforce the country's one-child policy have seized at least 20 babies and sent them to orphanages to be adopted abroad.

Yang says he has little faith in the Communist Party's ability to investigate misconduct by the local officials. After Yang went public with his story, other farmers came forward. The incidents all happened between 2002 and 2005.

At the time, Yang - like many poor farmers - was working far away in a factory in Guangdong province when he received a call from his father.

"As soon as I was told they had taken Yang Ling, I rushed back to Hunan and went to the family planning office. But they told me I was too late. My daughter had been adopted by a family in the United States."

Yang argued that he was not in violation of the one-child policy, he says. His one-year-old daughter was his only child.

"An official told me to stop complaining, that I was still young enough to have another child," he says. "When I kept demanding they return my daughter, several uniformed people in the family-planning office took me outside and beat me."

Took daughter by force

Another villager, 40-year-old Zeng You Dong, tells a similar story. With four daughters, Zeng admits that he was in violation of the population control law. In the Chinese countryside, many farmers keep trying to have children until a son is born.

Zeng says his second and third daughter were twins. Shortly after their births in 2002, he and his wife decided that Zeng's brother could take care of the elder twin.

Zeng was also away working when his brother called to say the one-child-policy officials had swarmed the house and used force to seize the girl.

'I know she probably has a better life in the United States, but she was never an abandoned baby. I loved her and I want her back'-Yang Li Bing

"When I returned, they said I could pay a fine to get her back. Then they doubled the fine, later they tripled it," Zeng says. "In the end, I couldn't pay and they told me it didn't matter: She had already been sent from the orphanage and to a foreign family, probably Americans."

Couples in the United States, where demand for foreign babies is highest, have adopted more than 70,000 Chinese babies since the early 1990s. Spain is second, followed by Canada, now home to more than 11,000 babies from China.

It is nearly impossible to determine how many adoptions consist of children stolen from their birth parents. After a similar scandal in 2005 in a different part of Hunan province, a study in the Cumberland Law Review determined that as many as 1,000 babies had been kidnapped and sold to orphanages for a finder's fee worth a couple hundred dollars per baby. A Chinese orphanage owner who was later sentenced to prison was found to be using the adoption profits to open a number of private old-age homes.

Foreign couples often pay up to $35,000 in a variety of administrative costs and fees to adopt a Chinese child. But where the money flows, and how the various agencies and middle men in the adoption process get paid, is difficult to track. One thing is certain: That kind of money being paid to orphanages in China's poorest provinces creates a strong incentive to produce babies for foreign adoptions.

Apart from the cash incentive, family-planning officials operate under a great deal of pressure and are expected to meet population control quotas.

Babies' names changed

This latest baby-trafficking scandal to hit Hunan has a different twist: Family planning officials are accused of abusing their power to designate babies as "abandoned" despite evidence those babies were still wanted by their parents.

Furthermore, it appears those officials also used their administrative power to give the babies new identities. In this case, all 20 babies in question were re-named "Shao," a reference to Shaoyang, the city closest to where the children were abducted. By changing their identities and processing the stolen children through legally recognized orphanages, the chances of any impoverished Chinese parent ever finding their child are almost nonexistent.

Farmer Yang says officials forged a document claiming he voluntarily gave up his daughter. But Yang can't read or write. Though uneducated, he has a rustic eloquence when he describes the stealing of children from his village as a violation of basic law and human rights.

"I know she probably has a better life in the United States, but she was never an abandoned baby. I loved her, and I still love her and I want her back."

After agreeing to be interviewed by CBC News, Yang was apprehended by police and held for several hours. He and the other villagers were warned not to talk to any foreign journalists. Despite being beaten for raising a fuss about his stolen daughter, Yang remains defiant.

"Kids are not products," he says. "Not everything made in China is made for export."

Woman held for child trafficking

Woman held for child trafficking
MAKKAH: Police in Makkah have arrested a woman on charges of trafficking and selling children.
Police spokesman Abdul Muhsin Al-Maiman said the woman was of an Asian nationality and that she had been detained by the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the Hai’a).
“They set up a plan and arrested her for human trafficking and selling children,” he said. “They found her with a newborn baby. The case was passed over to the Al-Ajyad Police Department, and during questioning she confessed to having taken the child from a family in Jeddah and taking him to Makkah.”
– Okaz/Saudi Gazette __

40 arrested in China for child trafficking

40 arrested in China for child trafficking

(AFP) – 9 hours ago

BEIJING — Police in China have arrested a gang of 40 people suspected of buying at least 22 children in the nation's southwest and trafficking them to a wealthier region, state press said Friday.

The suspected trafficking ring allegedly bought young children -- 22 of them have so far been recovered -- in impoverished areas of Yunnan province and sold them in coastal Fujian province in the southeast, the Beijing Times said.

More than 200 police were involved in the Wednesday arrests that took place in the two provinces, it said.

Foreign countries adopt 142 Lagos orphans

Foreign countries adopt 142 Lagos orphans

NO fewer than 200 Lagos children have been adopted by some European countries and members of the public in the state in the last one year, the Special Adviser to the state governor on Youth, Sport and Social Development, Mr Dolapo Badru has said.

He said this during the annual ministerial news conference to mark four years of Governor Babatunde Fashola’s administration on Thursday, adding that 174 orphans had their adoptions legalised through the Juvenile Court.

According to him, most of the children were adopted by foreign countries with Switzerland having the highest number of 25. The breakdown shows that 20 children were adopted by Italy; 41 by Netherlands;15 by Spain;25 by Denmark; eight by Belgium;16 by United States; eight by United Kingdom; two by Germany and five by Canada.

Badru also said that 161 babies were rescued and referred to various government homes and private orphanages in the last one year.

According to him,  many applications had been received from prospective adopters, locally and internationally to determine their suitability for adopting children out of which 177 of it had been approved.

While urging members of the public to contribute their quota to government’s initiative of removing the underprivileged citizenry by making donations to registered orphanages, motherless babies homes, churches, mosques or other recognised social welfare institutions in the state, Badru explained that his office was currently working on new guidelines for adoption both locally and internationally.      

He named countries such as Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany and Canada where many applications had come to adopt children.

He said, “International adoption gives succour to children with medical challenges. We have to conduct screening for international adopters who wanted to adopt children from Lagos. At present, 152 children have been adopted so far by 10 countries such as Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark and Belgium.

Meanwhile, the government from has deported over 3,105 beggars and lunatics to their countries and states of origin.

Giving a breakdown of the statistics, Badru revealed that Sokoto State had the highest number of beggars with 196 arrested on Lagos streets, followed by Oyo State with 83, Kano State 75, Osun  67, Ekiti 21, while Ondo State had seven.

On the number of lunatics he said available statistic showed that Niger Republic had the highest number of beggars and lunatics arrested by having 12, Chad Republic 2 and Cote D’Ivorie had just one.

Badru explained that the state government has zero tolerance for begging and destitution in state adding that picking of unwanted persons from streets of Lagos will be a continuous exercise.

He said that his office would continue to work together with security agencies to rid the city of these unwanted persons, saying it is an offence to indulge the beggars who troop to the state on daily basis to beg for arms.

On the essence of the state’s rehabilitation centre at Owutu, Ikorodu, where beggars, destitute,  mentally challenged and drug addicts picked from the roads are taken to, he said the state government  will continue to make provision for facilities to help rehabilitate the beggars/destitute .

He said the mentally unstable picked  on the roads across the state would be given  adequate medical attention, while 38 able bodied among those picked on the roads who were suspected to be criminals  have  been handed over to the State Task Force for prosecution.

To effectively tackle the problem in the state, Badru appealed to members of the public to desist from giving alms to beggars/destitute on the street, pointing out that giving alms to beggars will encourage them to remain in the act which is fast becoming a profession of some people disguising to be beggars.

In Hunan, Family Planning Turns to Plunder

By staff reporter Shangguan Jiaoming 11.05.10 19:10

In Hunan, Family Planning Turns to Plunder

Families in a poor mountainous region have had children seized, and apparently sold, in the name of China's one-child policy

(Shaoyang) – On a long journey in search of his lost child, Yang Libing carries a single photograph. It's a faded snapshot of his daughter Yang Ling, who this year turns seven years old.

Family planning agency cadres in the poor mountain town where Yang Libing lived with his wife Cao Zhimei seized their daughter in 2005 and shipped her to an orphanage because they didn't pay afford a 6,000 yuan penalty – so-called "social support compensation" – for violating China's one-child policy.

Family-planning officials took & sold babies: report

Family-planning officials took & sold babies: report 

May 10 2011] 

By Liu Linlin

Alleged child trafficking involving family-planning officials in Hunan Province stunned the nation on Monday.

Over the last 10 years, family-planning "enforcers" in Shaoyang have seized at least 20 children from Longhui county, who were born outside their parents' birth quota, and dispatched them to a local children welfare center, according to media reports.

German courtcase - adoption Ghana


OLG Celle 17. Zivilsenat vom 10.05.2011
Die Beschwerde der Beteiligten zu 1. und 2. gegen den Beschluss des Amtsgerichts -
Familiengericht - Celle vom 14. Juni 2010 wird zurückgewiesen.
Der Beschwerdewert wird auf 3.000 € festgesetzt.


Die Antragsteller begehren mit ihrem am 11. November 2009 bei dem Amtsgericht angebrachten
Antrag die Anerkennung einer von dem Bezirksgericht … in Ghana ausgesprochenen Adoption
eines Minderjährigen. Das Amtsgericht hat ihren Antrag durch Beschluss vom 14. Juni 2010 mit
der Begründung zurückgewiesen, dass die Antragsteller zumindest die ausländische
Adoptionsentscheidung hätten vorlegen und eine Erläuterung zum Ablauf des
Adoptionsverfahrens nebst Vorlage etwaiger in diesem Verfahren eingeholter und verwerteter
Sozialberichte hätten abgeben müssen. Gegen diese Entscheidung richtet sich die Beschwerde
der Antragsteller. Der Senat hat im Beschwerdeverfahren eine Stellungnahme der
Bundeszentralstelle für Auslandsadoptionen eingeholt.

Die Beschwerde ist statthaft (§ 5 Abs. 4 Satz 2 AdWirkG i.V.m. § 58 Abs. 1 FamFG) und auch
im Übrigen zulässig. In der Sache hat sie keinen Erfolg.

1. Gemäß § 5 Abs. 3 Satz 1 AdWirkG trifft das Familiengericht die Anerkennungs- oder
Wirkungsfeststellung nach § 2 AdWirkG im Verfahren der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit. Das
Gericht hat folglich von Amts wegen die zur Feststellung der Tatsachen erforderlichen
Ermittlungen zu veranstalten und die geeignet erscheinenden Beweise aufzunehmen, § 26
FamFG. Den Umfang der Ermittlungen bestimmt das Gericht nach pflichtgemäßem Ermessen.
Danach können die Ermittlungen dann abgeschlossen werden, wenn von einer weiteren
Beweisaufnahme ein sachdienliches, die Entscheidung beeinflussendes Ergebnis nicht mehr zu
erwarten ist. Allerdings werden die Beteiligten durch den Amtsermittlungsgrundsatz nicht von
ihrer Pflicht entbunden, ihrerseits an der Aufklärung des Sachverhalts mitzuwirken; die
Verpflichtung des Gerichts zur weiteren Aufklärung des Sachverhalts findet dort ihre Grenze, wo
es die Verfahrensbeteiligten selbst in der Hand haben, die notwendigen Beweismittel zu
bezeichnen oder vorzulegen (Keidel/Sternal FamFG 16. Auflage § 26 Rn. 20 f.).
2. Zu den mit einem Antrag auf Anerkennung einer Auslandsadoption dem Gericht
notwendigerweise vorzulegenden Unterlagen gehört das Original der ausländischen
Adoptionsentscheidung, die zudem grundsätzlich mit der entsprechenden Legalisation versehen
sein muss (vgl. Hölzel StAZ 2003, 286, 294). Soweit es die Legalisation betrifft, hat die
Bundeszentralstelle für Auslandsadoptionen in ihrer Stellungnahme vom 1. März 2011 darauf
hingewiesen, dass die deutsche Botschaft in Accra wegen der Unzuverlässigkeit des
Personenstands- und Beurkundungswesens in Ghana die Legalisation ghanaischer Urkunden
eingestellt hat und die Echtheit der Urkunden daher im Rahmen eines an die deutsche Botschaft
zu stellenden Überprüfungsersuchens aufzuklären ist. Auch hierfür ist das Original der zu
überprüfenden Urkunde zwingend erforderlich.

3. Mit dem verfahrenseinleitenden Schriftsatz vom 2. November 2009 haben die Antragsteller die
Übersetzung einer Adoptionsentscheidung des Bezirksgerichts … vom 17. Dezember 2008
vorgelegt. Das Amtsgericht hatte danach durch Verfügung vom 18./19. November 2009 - unter
anderem - die Vorlage der Adoptionsentscheidung angeordnet; auch auf Nachfrage vom 1. April
2010 erfolgte darauf keine Reaktion. In seinem Beschluss vom 14. Juni 2010 hat das Amtsgericht
die Zurückweisung des Antrages ausdrücklich darauf gestützt, dass es an der Vorlage der
Adoptionsentscheidung fehlt. Im Zuge des Beschwerdeverfahrens haben die Antragsteller
wiederum nur eine bereits bei Verfahrenseinleitung eingereichte Übersetzung der
Adoptionsentscheidung, nicht aber die Adoptionsentscheidung selbst vorgelegt. Auf das
Erfordernis der Vorlage der Originalentscheidung hat auch die Bundeszentralstelle in ihrem
Schriftsatz vom 1. März 2011 nochmals hingewiesen. Obwohl die Antragsteller daraufhin selbst
eine ergänzende Stellungnahme bis zum 11. April 2011 angekündigt haben, ist eine weitere
Reaktion bislang nicht erfolgt. Bei dieser Sachlage sieht der Senat unter Berücksichtigung des
bisherigen Verfahrensverlaufes von weiteren Ermittlungen ab

Serbia - Blog about illegal adoptions

Blogging about life in Minnesota, raising our six kids with Down syndrome while battling Breast Cancer.

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says, "Oh shit! She's up!"

Monday, May 09, 2011

Formal Announcement

To all my readers:

US pressure on Romania to re-open intercountry adoption

Romania is pressured to reopen adoptions for foreign citizens, Romania libera reads following a decision of Romanian authorities in 2005 to block the process. President Basescu gave plenty of assurances that the situation will not change in his mandate.

Meanwhile, Romania is under a lot of pressure from US and EU officials to reopen the adoptions program for foreign citizens. In an interview for the newspaper US General Consul James Gray talks about the issues that stand between cooperation of the two countries in this sector.

Gray said that things have changed since 2005 and now authorities have tougher measures that imply real responsibilities to satisfy the state of origin of the children. In his opinion, Romania needs to change legislation and there was a proposal for a limited reopening of adoptions but the incumbent PM Emil Boc refused it.