
FIOM: Vacancy Policy Advisor Program Relationship Questions 24-28 hours


Fiom is the center of expertise in the field of unwanted pregnancy, distance & adoption and related questions. The starting point of working at Fiom is the right of self-determination of unwanted pregnant women and the right of a child to know where he or she comes from and to grow up while retaining its own identity. Fiom offers information and help with unwanted pregnancies, aftercare in the field of adoption and guides people in their search for biological family in the Netherlands and abroad. We also manage the KID-DNA Database, which enables a match between a donor child and an anonymous donor. We do all this with approximately 80 passionate employees from our offices in 's-Hertogenbosch and Houten and from our home workplaces.

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Policy advisor Program Relationship questions

24-28 hours a week

I was lied to death

Last October, 35-year-old Mia Lee found out that everything she had been told so far about her adoption was a lie. She was lied dead to her biological parents in South Korea and adopted away. In December, she traveled to South Korea and met her parents for the first time. Now she hopes that someone will be held accountable for the lie.

Mia Lee hasn't cried yet. She even had to fight back a tear when she met her biological parents for the first time because she thought it seemed cold if she didn't show a reaction. But she thinks it's due to the shock, which she hasn't had time to process yet. It has all gone so fast.

- I really have a hard time taking it in and understanding it. I think I'm still in this shock phase. I cut myself off a little from feeling it, because it is simply so extreme, says Mia Lee.

In October last year, she found out that everything she had been told so far about her adoption was a lie. She had not been given away voluntarily by her South Korean family, but had been lied to dead and adopted.

- I have always thought that I knew a lot compared to others who are adopted. In my adoption papers there are a lot of things. My Korean name, where I was born, my date of birth and the reason for adoption. Now I know that not much of it is true, she says, leafing through the adoption papers on the table.

The difficult homecoming of Greece’s ‘lost children’

Many decades ago, mainly between 1948 and 1975, orphanages and families that could not afford to raise them sent some 4,000 Greek children to the United States, the Netherlands and other countries for adoption. The children themselves were never asked if they wanted to leave, or if they agreed to lose their Greek citizenship. They knew nothing about the circumstances of their departure. Many were given to families that had no Greek roots, cutting them off not only from the land of their birth but also from their culture, their identity. It is only in recent years that these isolated “lost children” discovered that they were among thousands, protagonists in an unknown but heart-rending episode in the history of the Greeks after the Civil War and during the Cold War. Now, some of them wish to close the circle of their lives with the restoration of their Greek citizenship. One would expect Greece to offer the warm embrace that it denied them when they were born. And yet, it keeps putting up obstacles and dashing hopes.

There is much irony in the fact that services which are notorious for mishandling their records should deny people’s right to their files while demanding full sets of documents from them

“I’ve stopped trying. It hurts too much. It’s broken my heart too many times,” Alexa Maros said during a recent public discussion on the internet hosted by the East Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA). “Self-preservation dictates that I have to stop this quest. I can’t do this alone. But my fondest hope is that together we can get there.” Maros, co-host of the “Persisting” podcast, has been trying to regain her Greek citizenship since 2016, at great cost in terms of dollars and pain. “I have shed many tears in the process. It left me crying and feeling rejected again,” she added. “When I was 8 years old, I asked, ‘Was I that unlovable that I had to be exported?’ The sense of loss can be overwhelming. And the grieving… it’s always there.”

Robyn Bedell, a chef assistant at the University of Connecticut who discovered her Greek family in 2007, added: “I just want to be able to go [to Greece] without a return date if that’s what I want to do.” The discussion was moderated by Lou Katsos, EMBCA’s founder and president. Other participants were: Professor Gonda Van Steen, Koraes Chair, King’s College London, whose 2019 book “Adoption, Memory and Cold War Greece: Kid pro Quo?” uncovered the breadth and depth of the adoptions; Mary Cardaras, academic and writer who has compiled an oral history of the “lost children,” of whom she is one; financial consultant Robert Lipsky; educator Maria Heckinger; and journalist Nikos Konstandaras, who has covered the story since 1995.

Some 700 of the thousands of children who were given up for adoption abroad have shown interest in learning more about themselves and in having their Greek citizenship restored. Of the 3,200 who were adopted in the United States and about 600 who were sent to the Netherlands, some have died; others are unaware of the networks of communication that have been established, while others still have been cut off entirely from their Greek past. The number of those who want to reconnect with Greece should not alarm the officials who are still blocking their access to their personal files, obstructing further research and not processing requests for Greek citizenship.

Adoptions of foreign children in France: historians report numerous frauds

A report by two historians reveals dysfunctions that have occurred over the years in the process of adopting foreign children in France.

Marie Marre, born in Mali, was adopted at 19 months by a couple from Normandy. "I was told that my mother was very poor, and that she had given me up for adoption ," she said. Its adoption was organized in 1989 by an association approved by the French State. By going back to her past, she studied each piece of her file and noted "inconsistencies" .

At the time, his adoptive mother, Brigitte Marre, was not suspicious of the organization, authorized by the State. "It's hard to think that we took someone else's child ," she says. Along with eight other adopted children, Marie Marre filed a complaint against the association and its correspondent in Mali.

Many reports

In a report, two historians report numerous reports of this type, in dozens of countries. "When candidates for adoption from northern countries ask for children to adopt, that creates an offer in southern countries, with all sorts of possible deviations" , analyzes Yves Denichère, researcher at the University of Angers (Maine -et-Loire).

Stolen Generations survivor Harry Mills, twice taken from his family, searches for his sons

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following article contains names and possibly images of people who have died. Readers are warned this story discusses issues that might be traumatic.

Harry Mills was taken from his family twice.

As a boy, he was removed from his parents on Yindjibarndi country in Western Australia's Pilbara region and placed in the Carnarvon Mission more than 700 kilometres away.

In the mid-1970s, as a young man with a wife and three children, he was working in the Gascoyne region when a senior elder connected to the Yindjibarndi mob told him he must return to the north to be with family and learn their culture.

Mr Mills refused, and says he cried for his wife and kids as he was bundled into the back of a Bedford truck.

Former US intel director's daughter gets 35 years for murder

Fatal Stabbing Ex Diplomats Daughter

FILE - This photo provided by the Montgomery County Police Dept. shows Sophia Negroponte. Negroponte, the daughter of former U.S. intelligence director John Negroponte, has been found guilty Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, of fatally stabbing a 24-year-old man after a drunken argument inside a Maryland home. (Montgomery County Police Dept. via AP, File)


ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) — The daughter of former U.S. intelligence director John Negroponte was sentenced Friday to 35 years in prison in the fatal stabbing of a friend after a drunken argument at a Maryland home, prosecutors announced.

Sophia Negroponte, 30, of Washington, D.C., was convicted in January of second-degree murder in the 2020 death of 24-year-old Yousuf Rasmussen. Guidelines called for a sentence of 15 to 25 years, but Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Terrence McGann went beyond those guidelines, citing a need for community protection and rehabilitation, and calling her a “struggling, anger-filled alcoholic,” news outlets reported.


L'Hybridé offers a series of six workshops including initiation and preparation activities related to the theme of returning to origins via the Zoom platform.

These workshops are intended for people adopted internationally who are thinking or who are in the process of returning to their country of origin in order to find out more about where they come from, or to go in search of of their biological family. The program is also relevant for anyone who has already had this experience and who wants to share it with others. The workshop can thus be used to reflect on what they have experienced and how they have felt since their return and/or the meeting with their biological families.


Normalize the quest for origins and gain confidence

Better understand the concerns, questions and needs related to the desire to return to origins

ANNEXE I : Reconnaissance légale, politique ou pratique du droit d’accès aux origines et conditions d’exercice de ce droit (Questions 1 et 2 de la Circulaire)

ANNEXE I : Reconnaissance légale, politique ou pratique du droit d’accès aux origines et conditions d’exercice de ce droit (Questions 1 et 2 de la Circulaire)

US Marine's Adoption of Afghan War Orphan Voided

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — In a highly unusual ruling, a state court judge on Thursday voided a U.S. Marine’s adoption of an Afghan war orphan, more than a year after he took the little girl away from the Afghan couple raising her. But her future remains uncertain.

For now, the child will stay with Marine Maj. Joshua Mast and his wife, Stephanie, under a temporary custody order they obtained before the adoption. The Masts will have to re-prove to the court that they should be granted a permanent adoption.

Despite the uncertainty, the ruling was a welcome move for the Afghan couple, who had been identified by the Afghan government as the child's relatives in February 2020 and raised her for 18 months. They dropped to their knees in prayer outside the courthouse. As they held each other, the young man wiped the tears from both their eyes with his wife’s headscarf.

The Masts quickly left the courthouse after Thursday's hearing, flanked by their attorneys. The parties are forbidden from commenting by a gag order.

The dispute raised alarms at the highest levels of government, from the White House to the Taliban, after an Associated Press investigation in October revealed how Mast became determined to rescue the baby and bring her home as an act of Christian faith. But until now, the adoption order has remained in place.

Ancestry records of pilgrim centres to shed light on India’s past

Indian Council of Historical Research is looking to release records of people’s ancestors kept by genealogy priests in religious destinations; it plans to help make these records available to researchers, scholars, historians to explore stories of famines, epidemics and migrations in the past

Kapil Parasher’s 10x10 foot office room near Kusha ghat in Haridwar is lined with steel almirahs weighed down with rolls of leather-bound record books. He opens a cupboard, its glass frontage showing the many piles stacked within, and takes out a ledger. On the floor, sits a middle-aged couple waiting to find out about their ancestors. The 40-year-old Mr. Parasher, who wears a dhoti-kurta, opens the bahi (book), and leafs through what could be hundreds of pages.

In a sonorous voice, he declares that they belong to the Kahloor Riyasat, the royal family of Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. The couple are pleasantly surprised, and the session takes barely 10 minutes.
