
Finally compensation for kidnapped children

A petition by the Freiburg association "Stolen Children - Forgotten Victims" was finally successful: children from Eastern Europe who were abducted by the Nazis are to be compensated.

77 years after the end of the Second World War, the country wants to recognize kidnapped children as victims of the Nazi regime. People who were abducted as children by the Nazis from Poland and other occupied territories are now to receive compensation from a special fund. The petition was brought in by the Freiburg association "Stolen Children - Forgotten Victims".

Rolf Klein: robbed as a two-year-old

"Rolf Klein, born on March 8, 1943 in Kraków," says the birth certificate that the former Freiburg innkeeper has on his living room table along with old photos. Whether that's true - who knows. One thing is certain: Rolf Klein is a kidnapped child. The 79-year-old lives with the name of an unknown. She had missed her child after the war. It turned out that he wasn't her son, but the name stuck.

"They didn't give a fuck. The main thing is that the guy has a name and was born at some point and that's it."

Archdiocese issues apology for role in post-war coerced adoptions

The Archdiocese of Vancouver has released an apology on Mother’s Day weekend for its role in what has been called Canada’s “post-war adoption mandate” that led to the coerced separation of unmarried mothers from their children.

The apology, released Friday, said in 1933 the Archdiocese of Vancouver founded a home for unmarried mothers where many women were pressured to give up their babies. 

The Our Lady of Mercy Home for unmarried mothers, under the direction of the Superintendent of Child Welfare of the Province of British Columbia, was located at 54th Avenue and Oak Street in Vancouver and offered unwed pregnant mothers “a place to stay, arrangements for medical care, counselling, financial planning, and temporary foster care for those who needed time to plan their future and make decisions about the care of their child, including adoption.”

The archdiocese’s apology said, “We now know that many of these mothers faced pressures that adoption was the only choice.”

The archdiocese’s role “in any pressured and coerced adoptions created a legacy of pain and suffering,” said the statement. “We contributed to a culture of shame, guilt and secrecy, which often led to pain and isolation.”

Birth by GPA in France: a complaint has been filed

Ukraine is one of the few countries that tolerate surrogacy on its soil. In recent years, many foreigners, often through agencies, have resorted to it, even when this practice is tolerated in their own country, because the prices there are attractive. The number of GPAs is estimated to be between 2000 and 2500 per year. Precariousness and economic difficulties have led many Ukrainian women to submit to this form of reproductive exploitation. The health crisis, then the war, have brought to light the inextricable injustices and difficulties that this practice induces. The contract signed by the surrogate, in effect, gives the Agency and sponsors complete control over her life and body. The surrogate mother no longer belongs to herself. In addition, the tragic population displacements and the interruption of the administrative services of the Birth Registration Office have shattered the framework in which these GPAs operated on Ukrainian soil. The legal resources used by the sponsors to bring their surrogacy project to fruition are thus undermined and force them to find other ways to obtain the baby that was the subject of the contract.

In France, it is estimated that two babies are born each week in Ukraine for French customers. Investigations, including that carried out by Le Figaro , revealed that Ukrainian surrogate mothers had been repatriated to France. Like Katarina, for example, who arrived in March, came without her children, two girls aged ten and three, who had to stay with their grandmother. Two “GPA babies” have already been born, one in the Lyon region and the other in Vendée.

But this practice is prohibited on our soil. To circumvent this, French clients who bring their surrogate mother to France then have her “give birth under X”, the man who provided his gametes for conception proceeds to recognize the child, then his or her spouse subsequently initiates an application for adoption.

The Juristes pour l'Enfance association has just filed a complaint against X for incitement to child abandonment. Indeed, “the sponsors of surrogacy are guilty of the offense of incitement to child abandonment, punishable by law [i] . The offense being committed in France, it is subject to French law and the French judge has jurisdiction. These people must therefore be prosecuted”.

Furthermore, Juristes pour l'Enfance stresses that childbirth under X is thus diverted from its purpose and used to allow the sponsors of surrogacy to achieve their ends: namely to obtain a child "without mother", a child whose maternal line is deliberately left blank. There is therefore a clear fraud against the law.

Adoptive parents form an organization aimed at improving state adoption, foster policies

TENNESSEE, USA — If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and gives the states the power to ban abortion, adoption systems are expected to take on more cases in Tennessee. However, some parents are concerned the system is already full of hurdles.

A new organization is working to ease the process and make it easier to foster or adopt in Tennessee. The Adoption Project was launched in March by two adoptive parents frustrated by the complex process.

Jeremy Harrell teamed up with a former coworker, Jennifer Donnals. They are both former public service workers in the office of former governor Bill Haslam. They said their first-hand experience in government helped them re-focus on a new challenge — adoption.

"In that conversation, I very clearly got the response, 'Well, Jeremy, if you think it is so messed up then why don't you do something about it?'" Harrell said.

"If we can make it easier for other families to adopt, that's our goal and that's what's driving this work," Donnals said.

The Adoption Obstacle

Recently, the apex court issued a notice in a matter seeking simplification of the adoption process in India. The current laws pertaining to adoption make it difficult for couples or individuals to adopt orphans and provide them a better life.

The Supreme Court last month issued a notice in a matter seeking simplification of the adoption process in India. A bench, comprising Justices DY Chandrachud and Surya Kant, heard the petition in which the counsel for the petitioner highlighted the ground reality with respect to the adoption process in India and the kind of impact it has had on the country over a period of time.

The petition and the apex court’s notice was long overdue. Laws pertaining to the adoption process in the country has definitely made it difficult for couples or individuals trying to adopt orphans and provide them a better life. This despite the fact that the treatment and facilities for orphans is woeful and open to abuse and mistreatment.

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, Section 2(42), defines an orphan as a child:

(i) Who is without biological or adoptive parents or legal guardian; or

Germany: Woman sentenced for poking holes in partner's condoms

In what the judge described as a "historic" case, a woman has been found guilty of sexual assault after poking holes in her partner's condoms without his knowledge or consent.

A court in western Germany found a woman guilty of sexual assault and handed her a six-month suspended sentence for purposefully damaging her partner's condoms, German media reported.

In handing down the ruling, the judge said the unusual case was one for Germany's legal history books — representing an instance of criminal "stealthing," but this time carried out by a woman.

What happened in the case?

The ruling was handed down at a regional court in the western German city of Bielefeld, local newspaper Neue Westfälische and the mass-circulation Bild newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Completing an Adoption Out of Wartime Ukraine

The drama surrounding the adoption of the stateless Ukrainian orphan Bridget has come to an end. The six-year-old from Zaporizhzhia has now been able to leave the country after her American adoptive parents braved the war to come get her.

They are sitting in the Pink Flamingo, a diner with red upholstered seats and walls plastered with photos of cars from the 1950s. A married couple from Maryland is sitting across from a six-year-old girl and a woman with red hair. The girl and the woman are from Zaporizhzhia, some 450 kilometers east of Kyiv.

The man from Maryland is trying to teach the girl a bit of English. He picks up the saltshaker and says: "Salt. Salt." The girl grabs for the shaker and says in Russian: "Give it to me."

The man grabs the bottle of ketchup. Ketchup is called ketchup everywhere. The girl says: "Ketchup."

The man says: "Yeah, bud."

FINLAND - Foreign Authorization

To support the viability of intercountry adoption as an option for permanency for children in Finland, the Office of Children’s Issues and the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki sought information from the Finnish Central Authority regarding its legal requirements for the authorization of adoption service providers (ASP), pursuant to Article 12 of the Hague Adoption Convention (Convention).

Finland ratified the Convention on March 27, 1997, and it entered into force on July 1, 1997.

Finnish law requires U.S. ASPs be authorized by the Finnish Adoption Board.

ASPs with questions about the information below or about pursuing authorization in Finland should contact the Finnish Adoption Board, National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira), P.O. BOX 43, FI-00521, Helsinki, Finland

Phone: +358 295 209 111

Susanne is adopted and did everything not to be found. But one day there was a letter from Greenland

Susanne Sahlgren has been adopted from Greenland, but people's prejudices made Susanne distance herself from her origins. Until she received a letter from her biological sister.

- Where are you from?

Or worse:

- Do you drink?

55-year-old Susanne Sahlgren has no figures on how many times she has been asked those questions.

Supreme Court hears case of birth father seeking custody of boy adopted 3 years ago

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The attorney for a couple whose adopted 3-year-old son is at the center of a legal fight told state Supreme Court justices that the family is the only one he knows.

Attorney Liisa Speaker said that the boy, who is nearly 4, must stay with his adoptive parents. They have the same rights as any biological parents, she said.

“They are his family,” she said.

The court is reviewing an appeals court finding that birth father Peter Kruithoff’s parental rights were wrongly terminated – potentially giving him a chance at obtaining custody.

Justice Richard Bernstein said: “This is a very difficult case.”