
Disabled children 'dumped' in Ukrainian institutions

There are claims that thousands of disabled Ukrainian children have been forgotten and abandoned in institutions that can’t look after them.

The human rights organisation, Disability Rights International, has carried out an investigation and found children with severe disabilities tied to beds in overrun children’s homes unable to cope.

The BBC has been given exclusive access to an institution in western Ukraine, where disabled children from the east have been left by their carers who fled to neighbouring countries.

Reporting by Dan Johnson

Filmed by Jonathan Dunstan

Sumi was adopted and found her mother after 35 years: 'I screamed when she left us, but she didn't look back'

Sumi Kasiyo (48) was almost six when she was adopted. For years she was angry with her biological mother, who had given up her and her sister. Yet she sought her out in 2014. “I hoped she had missed me. But she asked if she could have my jewelry and the clothes I was wearing.”


“I used to always watch Spoorloos. I especially liked the stories of adoptees who were reunited with their biological family after so many years. Because I was adopted from Indonesia myself, I felt very sorry for them. At the same time, it was also confronting, because I knew that a reunion with my own biological mother would never take place. I didn't need to see her anymore. Why would I? When I was five, she had handed over me and my sister, Suyatmi, three years her senior, promising to pick us up later.

I waited for her for weeks. Even when my sister and I were in the Netherlands, I missed my mother terribly. But no matter how much I cried, she didn't come for us. I felt pushed aside. It led to many fits of anger and a severe identity crisis. Why didn't my mother want me? And who was I really: Sumiatin, the name my parents gave me when I was born? Or Petra, the name I went by since my adoption?

As young as I was, I was determined to forget about my birth mother. But after my sister tracked down our mother in Indonesia in 2005, it started to gnaw at me: I wanted to go back to my homeland and see my mother. Maybe I finally got the answers I've longed for. Well, things went a little differently…”

An adoptive mom was charged with abusing her Ethiopian son. Then the case was dropped

At 9 months old, baby Getahun was described as happy, active, and laidback. He had been adopted the month before from Ethiopia, by Kyle Wohlers and Matthew Willis, a couple living in western Washington state.

“He enjoys looking at brightly colored objects and just watching what is going on around him,” wrote a caseworker with Bethany Christian Services in an adoption follow-up report in 2010.

Now 13 years old, Getahun, identified here by his middle name to protect his identity, was small. At 16 pounds, he was in the 1st percentile for weight when he arrived in the U.S. His weight fluctuated over the years, but remained low by American standards.

Getahun’s adoptive parents initially attributed his low weight to malnourishment as an infant in Ethiopia. Later, they cited an unspecified eating disorder borne from neglect he’d experienced prior to being adopted.

That explanation didn’t sit right with people in their small community on Lopez Island, who reported noticing that Getahun and his adoptive parents did not connect with each other. Was Getahun's state the result of long-term trauma from being an orphan, they wondered, or was something else going on?

Scandal at Foster Parents Netherlands

Scandal at Foster Parents Netherlands



Publisher / broadcaster

The standard

German man, 44, who fell in love and had four children with his SISTER, 37, after their mother died continues his fight to make

Patrick Stuebing, from Leipzig, is continuing his fight to make incest legal

Was adopted as a child and didn't meet his sister Susan Karolewski till his 20s

Started having sex a month after meeting and now have four children together

Previously speaking of relationship, Patrick said they 'do not feel guilty' about it


DCI World Service Foundation Now Hiring: Fundraising Officer/Coordinator

Location: Brussels – Belgium

Working conditions: 80% (desired starting day: as soon as possible)

About Defence for Children International:

Defence for Children International is a leading child rights focused and membership-based grassroots movement. Created during the International Year of the Child (1979), DCI coordinated the NGO’s input for the drafting of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) – the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history. As a worldwide Movement, our aim is to ensure an ongoing, practical, systematic and concerted action towards the effective implementation of the human rights codified in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) by means of effective, multi-level coordination and active membership within key networks and fora. DCI membership includes 37 grass-roots organisations (National Sections and Associated Members) in five different continents, involving over 300 trained and specialized local staff and volunteers, who contribute daily to defend and protect the human rights of children. In all that we do, we aspire to orient our work so that it is transparent, accountable, socially-transformative and sustainable.

DCI-World Service Foundation: a strategic institutional tool in Brussels

History Fiom

History Fiom

Fiom stands for freedom of choice in the event of an unwanted pregnancy and for the right to parentage information. The current Fiom organization originated from many predecessors and has existed since 1930.

Fast to:

2001 - 2014

1990 - 2000

IAVAAN - International Association of Voluntary Adoption Agencies and NGO's


IAVAAN was founded in 1991 as an international NGO. Beginning in 2001, because of interest expressed by groups and individuals in a number of countries in having their own national "Committees" for IAVAAN, work was done to restructure IAVAAN and to provide for the creation of these Committees. The first Committee to be organized was the U.S.A. Committee for IAVAAN, which held its initial organizing meeting and elected its officers in Washington, D.C. on March 28, 2001. Committees are in formation or being considered in each of the following locations. Groups or individuals domiciled outside the U.S.A. should contact the USA Committee in the interim, and they will be put in touch with the appropriate organizers by USA Committee volunteers or staff.

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Country Affiliates

IAVAAN - Meet The Leadership

Australia Committee Netherlands Committee

Canada Committee New Zealand Committee

Germany Committee Romania Committee

Guatemala Committee South Korea Committee

India Committee Switzerland Committee

IAVAAN - International Agreements

International Agreements

IAVAAN seeks to support the drafting, implementation and the improvement of various international agreements which have as their goal the betterment of conditions and services for children and families. A listing of international agreements IAVAAN is presently focusing on appears below.

Hague Conventions

United Nations Conventions

(Please click on the to view the agreement.)