
Adopted children from China recognize their native language

Children aged 4 to 10 who have been adopted from China and who no longer know a word of Chinese have been shown to have stored a basic knowledge of their native language. This knowledge can be activated in young children. This baggage may even help in later years when they want to learn a Chinese language again.

Linguists Wencui Zhou, Mirjam Broersma and Anne Cutler of Tilburg University and Radboud University Nijmegen write this in the journal Cognition . They demonstrate this unconscious knowledge in children for Cantonese and Mandarin, so-called tonal languages ??with properties that Dutch does not know.

The linguists tested 46 children who were adopted when they were between nine months and 4.5 years old. As a test group, they set 47 non-adopted Dutch children against this. The subjects were on average seven years old.

The researchers visited all the children at home to have them take individual tests. Mirjam Broersma: 'The tasks are as playful as possible to motivate the children.' On a screen you see a panda mother with two panda babies. For example, the mother says the Chinese sound 'atshhhé'. Then one screen baby repeats 'atshhhé', the other 'atsé'; the test children have to say which baby says the same thing as the mother and which doesn't. If the test child gives the correct answer, flowers will appear and the baby panda will jump up and down.

Tone language

Domestic adoption bill en route to Senate after House approval

MANILA - The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on final reading House Bill 8998 or the proposed "Domestic Adoption Act", without rejection from any lawmaker.

The bill will be sent to the Senate for approval.

According to the congressional fact sheet, the proposed measure seeks to streamline and hasten the domestic adoption process, to establish the policies and rules on domestic administrative adoption, and eliminate the judicial phase of adoption.

It provides for pre-adoption services by the local government units and child-caring agencies to prevent the child’s separation from the biological parents.

It prescribes rules on who may adopt, who may be adopted and whose consent is necessary to the adoption.

Tokyo Olympics: Adopted from China, Canada’s Maggie MacNeil wins gold and Chinese social media laments its one-child policy

The 21-year-old’s victory in the 100m butterfly forces introspection given she was abandoned by her biological parents as a baby

Netizens lament the circumstances that forced the swimming star out of her birth nation, but are full of praise for those who raised and trained her

An adopted Chinese girl captured Canada’s first gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and it sparked outcry in China’s domestic media over its now-scrapped one-child policy.

On Monday, Canada’s Maggie MacNeil – who was born in China – garnered worldwide fame as she was crowned Olympic champion ahead of China’s Zhang Yufei, the top-ranked swimmer in the women’s 100m butterfly.

Zhang had to settle for the silver medal in a time of 55.64 seconds, while MacNeil was 0.05 seconds ahead.

Mother and Baby Homes: Two test cases to be heard by High Court later this year

TWO TEST CASES involving Mother and Baby Home survivors seeking judicial reviews are set to be heard by the High Court later this year.

The two cases, being brought by high-profile survivors Philomena Lee and Mary Harney, will be heard in late October or November.

Eight women, some of whom cannot be named, are seeking judicial reviews of the final report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes.

A third test case, involving Mari Steed, may also proceed at a later date. A discovery motion to receive certain documents related to the case is likely to be made by Steed’s legal team in the coming weeks.

A test case is one brought forward that would then set a precedent for future similar cases.

Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all'

The Hague PVV member Sebastian Kruis was adopted as a baby from Colombia and feels happy and at home in the Netherlands. Yet, after a damning report on international adoptions, he sets out in search of his biological family. "I feel a bit like I'm actually too late."

Two years ago, he wasn't there yet. Hagenaar Sebastian Kruis made a trip to his native country for the first time in 23 years, but did not feel called to search for his biological family in the capital Medellin. "The adoption is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life," said the PVV member in a political interview that became surprisingly personal. “It has given me a future and a mother. And also the nicest one around.”

Perhaps Kruis would still be quite laconic about his roots in Colombia, had it not been for a damning investigative report this year about adoptions from his native country, among others. Former top civil servant Tjibbe Joustra put the finger on abuses that had lasted for decades: corruption, child trafficking, forgery of documents and even child theft. Painful too: the Dutch government looked away for years.

"There had been signs for years that a lot had gone wrong with adoptions , but I have always taken that for granted," Sebastian Kruis says on a sunny summer terrace in Scheveningen. “This isn't about me, I thought. But I simply can't keep up after that hard report."

Why not?

Child-Trafficking Racket Busted In Odisha, Seven Arrested

All seven, including five women, hail from "well-to-do families" that operate businesses of their own in the steel city, Bikram Keshari Bhoi, the additional superintendent of police (ASP), Rourkela, said.

Rourkela: A child-trafficking racket has been busted with the arrest of seven persons, and a one-and-a-half year-old girl rescued from their clutches, a senior police officer said on Tuesday.

All seven, including five women, hail from "well-to-do families" that operate businesses of their own in the steel city, Bikram Keshari Bhoi, the additional superintendent of police (ASP), Rourkela, said.

The eighth member of the racket, also a woman, is at large, and the police are on the lookout for her, he said.

"This has been a real revelation ... We are not going to leave anything to chance and find out all about this illegal activity. We will investigate every possible angle that might be involved, including organ trade," Bhoi asserted.

Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all'

Two years ago, he wasn't there yet. Hagenaar Sebastian Kruis made a trip to his native country for the first time in 23 years, but did not feel called to search for his biological family in the capital Medellin. "The adoption is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life," said the PVV MP in a political interview that became surprisingly personal. ,,It has given me a future and a mother. And also the nicest one around.”

Jeffrey Epstein Is Not Unique, Read About The 20th Century Sodomite Who Stole Poor Christian Children, Put Them Into A Veritable

Jeffrey Epstein Is Not Unique, Read About The 20th Century Sodomite Who Stole Poor Christian Children, Put Them Into A Veritable Death Camp, And Then Sold The Survivors To Rich Jewish Families And Pedophiles In New York And California

Jeffrey Epstein is facing trial for child sex trafficking and rape. There is a tremendous amount of evidence against him, and given the large amounts of child pornography found on his person and the high-profiled connections he maintained for years, it is likely that he will be convicted.

What Epstein did is not new. In fact, a similar case happened during the early and mid-20th century in Tennessee with a woman named Beulah George “Georgia” Tann.

Beulah Tann is a very interesting person. She was born in Philadelphia, Mississippi in 1891. Her father was a powerful court judge in Meridian, known for his violent temper and irascible attitude. The family name “Tann” is an odd one, and it means “Pine tree” or “Fir tree” in German, such as with “Tannenbaum”, a name also associated with Ashkenazic Jewish communities. Likewise, Meridian is an area of Mississippi with a long-established historical and influential Jewish community that during the lifetime of Ms. Tann was one of the largest in the state.

Beulah was a sodomite who according to her Wikipedia biography expressed no desire to get married, but went into social work and started a lesbian relationship with one of her co-workers. Likewise, she was also accused of “questionable” adoption practices. Due to the nature of her actions she eventually fled Mississippi north to Tennessee where she became involved in another sodomite relationship with Camille Kelley, a powerful court judge in Memphis, who was favored by the local political machine run by E.H. Crump. The two would spend the next three decades destroying the lives of thousands of children through operating arguably what is the most horrible child and orphan trafficking scheme in American history whereby thousands of children were stolen or robbed from their parents using legally questionable and many times, illegal means covered up by the threat of legal action and then sold to pedophiles, celebrities and wealthy Jewish buyers in New York and California. Some children never made it, and died under the direct care of Ms. Tann which as Findagrave.com notes:

The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles

In 2017, a German man who goes by the name Marco came across an article in a Berlin newspaper with a photograph of a professor he recognized from childhood. The first thing he noticed was the man’s lips. They were thin, almost nonexistent, a trait that Marco had always found repellent. He was surprised to read that the professor, Helmut Kentler, had been one of the most influential sexologists in Germany. The article described a new research report that had investigated what was called the “Kentler experiment.” Beginning in the late sixties, Kentler had placed neglected children in foster homes run by pedophiles. The experiment was authorized and financially supported by the Berlin Senate. In a report submitted to the Senate, in 1988, Kentler had described it as a “complete success.”

Marco had grown up in foster care, and his foster father had frequently taken him to Kentler’s home. Now he was thirty-four, with a one-year-old daughter, and her meals and naps structured his days. After he read the article, he said, “I just pushed it aside. I didn’t react emotionally. I did what I do every day: nothing, really. I sat around in front of the computer.”

Marco looks like a movie star—he is tanned, with a firm jaw, thick dark hair, and a long, symmetrical face. As an adult, he has cried only once. “If someone were to die in front of me, I would of course want to help them, but it wouldn’t affect me emotionally,” he told me. “I have a wall, and emotions just hit against it.” He lived with his girlfriend, a hairdresser, but they never discussed his childhood. He was unemployed. Once, he tried to work as a mailman, but after a few days he quit, because whenever a stranger made an expression that reminded him of his foster father, an engineer named Fritz Henkel, he had the sensation that he was not actually alive, that his heart had stopped beating, and that the color had drained from the world. When he tried to speak, it felt as if his voice didn’t belong to him.

Several months after reading the article, Marco looked up the number for Teresa Nentwig, a young political scientist at the University of Göttingen Institute for Democracy Research, who had written the report on Kentler. He felt both curious and ashamed. When she answered the phone, he identified himself as “an affected person.” He told her that his foster father had spoken with Kentler on the phone every week. In ways that Marco had never understood, Kentler, a psychologist and a professor of social education at the University of Hannover, had seemed deeply invested in his upbringing.

Nentwig had assumed that Kentler’s experiment ended in the nineteen-seventies. But Marco told her he had lived in his foster home until 2003, when he was twenty-one. “I was totally shocked,” she said. She remembers Marco saying several times, “You are the first person I’ve told—this is the first time I’ve told my story.” As a child, he’d taken it for granted that the way he was treated was normal. “Such things happen,” he told himself. “The world is like this: it’s eat and be eaten.” But now, he said, “I realized the state has been watching.”


IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI % Reserved on: July 06, 2021 Pronounced on: July 26, 2021 + W.P. (C) 3187/2021, CM APPL.9662/2021 (by the petitioners u/S 151 CPC for ex parte ad interim orders) JS & ANR. .....Petitioners Through: Mr. Samar Bansal, Mr. Kartik Nagarkatti, Ms.Devahuti Pathak, Mr. Sachin Mishra, Mr. Aman Vishal, Ms.Harsheen Madan Palli, Advocates Versus CENTRAL ADOPTION RESOURCE AUTHORITY & ANR. .....Respondents Through: Ms. Biji Rajesh, Advocate for respondent No.1/CARA. Mr. Arnav Kumar, Senior Panel Counsel for respondent No.2/UOI CORAM: HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE ASHA MENON