
Adopted, afraid to say she was a lesbian and a great relationship: Elly, 61, wrote a book about her life

ARNHEM - The struggle when you hear that you have been adopted at the age of 15. The fear of telling your parents you like women. A fantastic relationship that has lasted for 36 years. Cycling 12,000 kilometers through Asia together. Arnhem Elly Petri (61) did not want her life story to be lost and wrote it down in 'Losse eindjes'

"Sit down, we have to tell you something." Just so, in that businesslike way, Elly Petri was told by her parents at 15 that she had been adopted. “And after that moment the subject was always taboo. We were never allowed to talk about it at home again. ''

Why did your parents choose that moment to tell it?

“They had to. My sister turned 21 and had to officially take the name Petri in court. That was arranged at the time. They then told both my sister and me that we had been adopted. Not from the same biological parents. ''

How did you deal with that?

Delhi District Court Welfare Home For Children vs Applicant on 27 November, 2020

Delhi District Court

Welfare Home For Children vs Applicant on 27 November, 2020




Adoption: 'It's not your child, you're the caregiver'

Zwolle - “Adoption is only about the adoptive parents, the child is forgotten,” says adoption coach and adopted Soorien Zeldenrust. This month is Adoption Awareness Month. An important month for Soorien Zeldenrust, but an ordinary month for Rosa Bouw.

ANNO is a museum for and by Zwollenaren. In the exhibition about freedom, Soorien skews her story about adoption. “It is imposed on us by society that we should be grateful because we have been 'saved' by our adoptive parents,” says Soorien. According to her, there is often no room for the adoptee to indicate that they are struggling with a piece of grief, for example. Soorien is an expert in the field of adoption and is also adopted herself.

Soorien says she is not in favor of adoption. "It is a loss for both the biological mother and the child." According to Soorien, parents must first process their own trauma, for example that they will never be able to have children. If that fails, there are expectations that the adopted child can never live up to. “The wish for a child is simply not replaceable, and neither is the biological parent,” emphasizes Soorien. “It is really important that adoptive parents understand that it is not their child. Perhaps on paper, but the child will always keep a soul connection with the biological mother. ”

Rosa was adopted just like Soorien, but she experiences this differently. “I'm not actually working on it at all,” she says. “I don't know my biological parents, they are strange to me”, Rosa says. She is convinced that there would have been room for her at home if she had struggled with her adoption. “My parents have really involved Colombia in our lives,” she says. According to Soorien, it is also very important that the child is given speaking space.

Soorien indicates that the GGD could do more for adopted children. "I would really like it if you go to the GGD again at the age of twelve, sixteenth and eighteenth." She thinks this could have helped her.

Defence for Children Belgium (DEI-Belgium) asbl/vzw

Release by Donorinfo - Last modification : 26/11/2020

Followed by donorinfo since: 2008

Defence for Children Belgium (DEI-Belgium) asbl/vzw

DEI-Belgium looks for the children's rights


Gang of human traffickers arrested, two infants rescued

The police said that a case of kidnapping was registered at South Campus police station on October 22.

“The gang members used to visit private IVF centres/hospitals and collected details of childless couples.

After the IVF procedure had also failed for such couple, they lured them into buying babies stating that the adoption process through legal means may be lengthy and complicated. The entire gang has confessed to selling more babies, some of which have complicity of the biological parents of the babies also,” said a senior police officer.

A woman filed a complaint that she was sitting at Moti Bagh Gurdwara. In the meantime, a woman came to her and started a conversation and she offered her to take care of her son. She handed over her son to that woman and went to the gate of gurdwara to take meal. When she returned, she did not find her son. The woman was also not there. An FIR was registered into the matter.

Police teams were formed to trace the child. Eight people, including women were arrested. During interrogation, accused Gopal alias Pankaj disclosed that he is graduate from Delhi University. He was working as a property dealer but earnings were insufficient.

Gurugram doctor, couple booked for illegal adoption of newborn

Following a local court’s directive, the Gurugram police on Tuesday booked a private doctor and a couple for the alleged illegal adoption of a newborn.

The doctor who runs a clinic in Sector 56 and mediated the adoption has been booked along with the couple under relevant Sections of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.

In her complaint, the child’s biological mother alleged that the police didn’t register a case and misbehaved with them. She then moved court and it directed the police to register an FIR. According to the complainant, she was in a consensual live-in relationship and had gone to the accused doctor during her pregnancy. She and her partner wanted to put the child up for adoption through an NGO.

“At first, the doctor refused to help but then introduced us to the couple. In July 2019, I gave birth to a child and they took it without completing the legal adoption formalities. When I tried contacting the couple, they stopped taking my calls and the doctor refused to intervene. Following which, I went to the police but they did not register a case and asked me to go to the court,” the complainant said.

“A case has been registered against the trio,” said police spokesperson Subhash Boken. — OC

NGO cites e-stamp paper sales, says adoptions bypassing JJ Act

NEW DELHI: Citing over 13000 e-stamp papers issued for adoption between January, 2018 and November 10 this year, as

revealed in response to an RTI plea, voluntary organisation, Families of Joy (FoJ), has expressed concern that many adoptions

are taking place through deeds executed under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 to avoid monitoring and bypass

the rigorous process laid out under the Juvenile Justice Act 2015.

The JJ Act allows adoption through specialised adoption agencies under stringent procedures laid out by Central Adoption

The right to adoption soon recognized for unmarried couples

Currently, within an unmarried couple, only one of the two members has the right to adopt a child and therefore has parental authority. This situation is about to change. Monday, the deputies examined in committee, and validated, a bill LREM opening the adoption to the couples pacsés or cohabiting.

Carried by the deputy of Isère Monique Limon, this text “aimed at reforming adoption” intends to facilitate and secure the procedures, and also to strengthen the status of ward of the State. It will be examined on December 2 in the hemicycle of the National Assembly.

The Assembly's Laws Committee has already adopted its article 2 on Monday, which should make it possible to disconnect the plenary adoption from the marital status of the adopter.

Today, marriage is “not a guarantee of stability” for children, explained Monique Limon. Her colleague Coralie Dubost praised a "progress text" which removes all "civil discrimination".

Minimum age required for adopters lowered to 26

Hillary and Bill Clinton – zealous promoters of forced adoptions in the USA | Marianne Haslev Skånlands hjemmeside

Hillary and Bill Clinton – zealous promoters of forced adoptions in the USA

By Marianne Haslev Skånland

• • • •

This article was updated in July 2021 with some addition in the section 'Some ideological background' and the quotation from Mark Pendergrast's book.

The first edition of the article was also published on Wings of the Wind on 29 November 2020 and on Arizona Telegraph on 3 December 2020, and has been updated on Wings of the Wind.

'How much do you cost?' Rikke lives with your prejudices about Asians

- Hey, I just want to know if you're still standing here later today.

A man's voice interrupts my thoughts while I am standing on Jagtvej in Nørrebro waiting for a colleague this Monday morning.

I look up and see a young family man with a child seat on the bike. He looks like someone on his way to work.

After a few seconds it dawns on me what he is actually asking me. And for the rare occasion I get so pissed off that I get nothing but "uh, NO!" before he cycles on in a hurry.

'Land in the wrong family'