


Benin signs and ratifies the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention

On 28 June 2018, Benin signed and deposited its instrument of ratification to?the?Hague?Convention of 29?May 1993 on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. With the signature and ratification of Benin, the 1993 Hague Convention now has 99 Contracting Parties. The Convention will enter into force for Benin on 1 October 2018.?


At the ceremony, which took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (i.e., the Depositary of?the Hague?Conventions), the Embassy of Benin was represented by H.E. Zacharie Richard Akplogan, Ambassador, accompanied by Mr Robbert Blij, Honorary Consul of Benin in the Netherlands. On behalf of the Depositary, the Head of the Treaties Division, Ms Coos ‘t?Hoen, and Senior Legal Officer, Mr?Mark Groen, attended the ceremony. Secretary General Christophe Bernasconi and Principal Legal Officer Laura Martínez-Mora represented the Permanent Bureau of?the Hague?Conference on Private International Law.??

Writ against adoption by foreigners

Writ against adoption by foreigners

This is the first time that minor girls from Bharatpur are being adopted by couples from foreign countries.

JAIPUR Jun 28, 2018

HT Correspondent

The five girls, aged between three to six years, are currently lodged in a children’s home under the social justice and empowerment department in Bharatpur.

Writ against adoption by foreigners

Rajasthan news

The five girls, aged between three to six years, are currently lodged in a children’s home under the social justice and empowerment department in Bharatpur. (Getty Images/iStockphoto (REPRESENTATIVE?PIC))

Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Bharatpur on Thursday filed a writ in a family court against adoption of five minor girls by foreigners from an orphanage in the city, raising question about adoptees security in alien countries.

The five girls, aged between three to six years, are currently lodged in a children’s home under the social justice and empowerment department in Bharatpur.

They have been adopted by couples from America, Spain and New Zealand after completing legal process of adoption. Three girls will go to Spain, one to New Zealand and one to America.

Congress recommends $132.5 million for UNICEF for FY 19

The full Senate and House Appropriations Committees finished their work on the State-Foreign Operations Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2019 currently under consideration in Congress. We are thrilled to share that both committees have recommended $132.5 million – matching the amount requested by UNICEF USA and its advocates – for the U.S. Government’s contribution to UNICEF for Fiscal Year 2019.  

This is an important victory in our efforts to secure passage of the funding for UNICEF, but the battle is not yet over. Now the full House and Senate need to pass the bills sent to them by their Appropriations Committees. However, we are encouraged by the bipartisan support we received once again to maintain UNICEF’s funding at the same level of $132.5 million that was provided last year for Fiscal Year 2018. This is especially remarkable since the President’s Budget Request to Congress for Fiscal Year 2019 did not seek any funding for UNICEF.

Once again, our elected officials have demonstrated their commitment to putting children first and enabling UNICEF to continue its life-saving work to protect children from violence, exploitation, and abuse, support basic education, and save children from preventable deaths. This funding is an effective, measurable investment that reflects our American values. 

This wonderful news comes at the close of my 25-year career with UNICEF USA, leading our public policy and advocacy work from the nation’s capital. Over these past 25 years, our grassroots volunteers, partners, and advocates have enabled us to receive a total of $2.86 billion in funding that we have dedicated to directly impact children and young people. We take great pride in our growing network of supporters! Our advocates are diverse, energetic, and passionate. They have rejected cynicism about gridlock and dysfunction in Washington. They have charged forward with an infectious energy and a determination to make a difference that has inspired the Senators, Representatives, and staffers on the Hill. We are especially proud of the young people who have shown their commitment to UNICEF, and we hope that they will continue to engage and advocate on behalf of the world’s children.

While there will always be more to do, momentum is with us. We are stronger than ever before. May we all be energized and renewed by our accomplishments and continue to strive for positive change for the lives of millions of children around the globe!

The two-day conference " Child friendly justice - Leaving Margaret Tuite

The two-day conference " Child friendly justice and integrated child protection systems - lessons learned from EU projects ", organized by the European Commission, Justice and Consumer Affairs Department, ended yesterday - 26 June , for a cross-cutting comparison between stakeholders from the 28 European Union countries.

Among those present was also a representative of Ai.Bi., Monica Barbarotto, Head of Projects and International Cooperation of Amici dei Bambini.

Objectives of the two-day event in Brussels: to learn and exchange good practices in the field of European planning for justice systems and child- friendly protection with a view to " Child friendly justice and integrated child protection systems" .

On the first day of work, held Monday 25 at the Albert Borschette convention center, some of the interventions funded by the Commission over the last 3 years were presented, with the aim of illustrating methodologies and practices ready to be replicated.

Among all, a Swedish project on the promotion of ' barnahus': multi-purpose centers and places where the child undergoing judicial procedures can take advantage of numerous services and the support of a multidisciplinary team; from the medical tests to the therapies, from the places for the testimonies to the interrogations, all followed by doctors, social workers, psychologists, magistrates and representatives of the police.

Funda?ia SERA România vrea s? realizeze la C?l?ra?i un centru de recuperare pentru copiii cu dizabilit??i

SERA Romania Foundation wants to create a recovery center for children with disabilities in Calarasi

In the ordinary meeting of the Calarasi County Council, which will take place on Thursday, June 28, the draft decisions regarding the approval of the Calarasi County association with the SERA Romania Foundation and the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Social Protection will be submitted to the County Council. investment objective "Recovery center for the child with disabilities Calarasi". In our county, there are identified 237 minors with autism spectrum disorder, of whom 70 are in Calarasi municipality, and 49 minors with Down Syndrome, of which ten are in Calarasi municipality.

In promoting the best interests of the child, the society's efforts must be directed towards supporting and assuming responsibilities towards it in order to increase the quality of life, aiming to ensure that all services, in any of the areas of interest, comply with the standards for its harmonious development.

Disability is part of the human condition. Anyone can reach a disability situation resulting from the interaction of health conditions with the environment in which the person lives, develops and works. Disability is a complex phenomenon, multidimensional and dynamic, at present the focus is on removing the barriers of attitude and environment, which impedes the full and effective participation of people with disabilities in society, on a level playing field with others.

SERA Romania Foundation, through the registered address to the Calarasi County Council under no. 8970 from May 22, 2018, communicated a proposal for an association agreement between Calarasi County with SERA Romania Foundation and with the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection in Calarasi for achieving the investment objective "Recovery Center for the child with Calarasi disabilities". Through this Agreement, the SERA Foundation commits itself to bear the expenses generated by the construction of the headquarters, as well as its endowments in proportion of 85%, and the Calarasi County Council has a share of 15% of the entire value of the investment.

UAI to Karen Williams. Not Amused. Danielsson.

From: Chamila Seppenwoolde

Date: 2018-06-25 21:18 GMT+02:00

Subject: Re: Reminder Open Letter Roelie Post

To: Karen.Williams@ec.europa.eu, jean-claude.juncker@ec.europa.eu

Cc: johannes.hahn@ec.europa.eu, guenther.oettinger@ec.europa.eu, frans.timmermans@ec.europa.eu

Wenn Dein Leben in einem Gitterbett im Waisenhaus beginnt: "Dass sich jemand nicht kümmert, das bleibt"

When your life begins in a cot in the orphanage: "That somebody does not care, it stays that way"

She wrote hundreds of applications, had dozens of auditions: Acting is Luminita Arza's life. The job has helped her to understand her life. She started as an orphan in a Romanian hospital.

Luminita is Romanian and means something like "little light". But Luminita Arza spent the first years of her life in darkness: the two years after her birth she spent with other children in a barren room full of cots, which was only entered a few times a day by nurses to bring food. Luminita represents a whole generation of Romanian children left behind by their poor, often Roma-born families just after birth.

Because a German foster mother adopted her, Luminita Arza was able to start afresh in Germany. In her youth, she decided to become an actress. After training at a private school followed a job application marathon - with vocal exercises, countless letters of application and painful rejections.

She wants to live her dream - absolutely

Current details for ABN 53 700 243 254

ABN detailshelp

Entity name: The Trustee for The Vong Long Family Trust

ABN status: Active from 25 Jun 2018

Entity type: Discretionary Investment Trust

Goods & Services Tax (GST): Registered from 01 Jul 2018

Yanien werd ontvoerd uit haar thuisland. (Indonesia 1980)

Yanien werd ontvoerd uit haar thuisland.


Yanien werd ontvoerd uit haar thuisland. © Maarten Sprangh

Yanien uit Apeldoorn werd als kind ontvoerd voor adoptie: Ik ging kapot van verdriet

Help ons bij de zoektocht naar de waarheid. Het is de diepste wens van Indonesische adoptiekinderen die tussen 1973 en 1983 illegaal naar Nederland kwamen en nu hun biologische familie willen vinden. Ze zoeken financiële steun voor een rechtszaak tegen de Nederlandse staat. „Als ik mijn biologische moeder niet had gevonden, dan was ik nu waarschijnlijk dood.“