
Les homosexuels bousculent les règles de l'adoption

Les homosexuels bousculent les règles de l'adoption

Agnès Leclair

25/11/2009 | Mise à jour : 14:02 | Commentaires 142 | Ajouter à ma sélection

Selon un sondage, 57 % des Français seraient favorables à l'adoption par des couples homosexuels (ici, deux Néerlandais se préparent à accueillir leur premier enfant). Crédits photo : ASSOCIATED PRESS

Depuis que la justice a autorisé une homosexuelle à adopter un enfant, le climat se tend entre les défenseurs de la famille et les associations de gays et de lesbiennes.

Vietnam adoption agreement suspended

Vietnam adoption agreement suspended

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Vietnam adoptions remain suspended | 25/11/2009

The Government has announced it is to suspend “indefinitely” negotiations on a new adoption agreement with Vietnam and said couples eligible to adopt children from that country may instead opt to adopt from another jurisdiction.

Minister for Children Barry Andrews said the decision was taken in response to the “serious findings and recommendations” contained in the report on intercountry adoption commissioned by Unicef and the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice and carried out by International Social Services (ISS).

Haynes case: Centre pulled up

Haynes case: Centre pulled up

Date: 2009-11-25
Source: dnaindia.com

Mayura Janwalkar

Mumbai: The Bombay high court questioned the central government over the investigations made in Jennifer Haynes's case and asked the government counsel why they should not be responsible to provide shelter for Haynes.

A year after she was deported to Mumbai from USA owing to incomplete adoption formalities 20 years back, Haynes, 28, told the court that having lived away from her two young children, her marriage too is in troubled waters.

Speaking to justice Ranjana Desai and justice Mridula Bhatkar on Wednesday, Haynes broke down at the mention of her children, Kadafi, 5, and Kanassa, 4.

Haynes's lawyer Pradeep Havnur told the court that Haynes was convicted in a case of illegal possession of drugs in July 2004 and was under probation in prison. When her case reached the Board of Immigration, it was found that her citizenship formalities were incomplete at the time of her adoption in 1989. The board then decided to deport her.
Taking a serious note of the matter, justice Desai said, "The charges she is facing are in America," adding that things like these happen due to poverty and unemployment. "You cannot separate a mother from her children in this manner," she said.

Haynes has been living at a shelter home in Chembur since July last year. When the court enquired about her accommodation, Haynes said that the home that she lives in is temporary. The court called for additional solicitor general DJ Khambata to clarify the government's position in the case and adjourned the case till November 30.

Maame Dokono Trial Begins

Maame Dokono Trial Begins
Date: 24-Nov-2009       
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Grace Omaboe, alias Maame Dokono
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Chester Ronna, the first witness in the trial of actress and talk show hostess Grace Omaboe, alias Maame Dokono, and one of her workers, in connection with the neglect of her Peace and Love Orphanage, yesterday told the court that she did not know her (Omaboe).

Chester, the Director of a children’s home at East Legon, said she had only heard of Maame Dokono but had never seen her before.

Evidence-in-chief ASP Kofi Blagodzi told an Accra Circuit Court presided over by Mrs. Georgina Mensah-Datsa that the witness said on January 13, 2009 she received a telephone call from two ladies who asked for directions to her orphanage.

She said the ladies came to her and asked if she could take two children from Peace and Love, but she declined saying she would take them only if the ladies had a letter of approval from the Department of Social Welfare.They came two days later with the letter.

The witness said when they first brought the children she was not at home, and when she arrived the diapers of the children were being changed. She said she realized one of the children, a six-month-old called Barrack, had passed bloody stool.

According to her, she realised that the child was still passing stool frequently and whenever he did so part of his anus came out and he cried a lot. She thus took the two children to the Police Hospital and saw a paediatrician, Dr. Awusi, who referred her to Dr. Amoah where it was revealed that they had been defiled.

The judge asked the worker from Peace and Love, Mary Anaglate, whether she had any questions for the witness, but she said she had none because she did not know the witness and was not a worker but someone who was also helped by Maame Dokono. The case has been adjourned to December 1 2009.

The two have pleaded not guilty to three counts of operating a home without a license, and exposing a child to harm. They pleaded not guilty to the offences, after which the trial judge granted them a GH¢30,000 bail with two sureties each.

ASP Kofi Blagodzi who narrated the events leading to the arrest of the accused persons to the courts said Omaboe, 61, is the proprietor of the orphanage, which was registered with the Department of Social Welfare in March 2005. Mr. Blagodzi said its license to operate expired on March 2006, after which it was not renewed by Maame Dokono, so from 2006 the NGO was unlicensed.

He said in 2004 a certain Nana Yaa Agyeman, who was the supervisor of the home, wrote to the National Commission on Children about the poor state of affairs at the home, but no action was taken on it.

The prosecutor was of the opinion that Omaboe failed to employ adequate number of persons to manage the home, adding that the children were underfed, malnourished and made to live in dark, poorly ventilated rooms.

ASP Blagodzi added that as a result of the darkness due to non-payment of electricity bills, the older children took advantage of the younger ones by sexually abusing them.

Explaining further, he told the court that the Maame Dokono on December 31, 2008 left for Holland leaving only GH¢50 for the upkeep of the home. The situation got out of hand, leading to complaints being made to the Social Welfare about shortage of food in the orphanage. They consequently sent an officer to review the situation.

Mr. Blagodzi continued that it was recommended that four children be evacuated immediately. Two of the children; Daadum Omaboe and Barrack Omaboe, who are two years and six months old respectively, were to be sent to other homes. They were thus sent to another orphanage called Beacon House where it was detected that the two kids had been sodomised.

Furthermore, he stated that during investigations it was found that some of the children under 12 years of age admitted to taking advantage of the darkness and lack of attention to defile the younger ones, including the two children named above.

He also noted that further investigations revealed that a certain Joseph Kobi Omaboe and Adom Omaboe were put in boiled water by a certain Daavi, leading to them to sustaining various degrees of injury. This led to the death of Joseph Kobi Omaboe on October 2006. The orphanage has since been shut down.

Most 'orphans' have a living parent, says charity

Most 'orphans' have a living parent, says charity

Zimbabwean orphan prepares maize
Poverty, not the death of a parent, is filling orphanages, the report says

At least four out of five children in orphanages around the world have a living parent, a leading charity says.

In a report, Save the Children says some institutions coerce or trick poor parents to give up their children.

As a result, the report says, millions of children are put at risk through living in an institution, and face rape, trafficking and beatings.

Save the Children says resources should go into projects which support families so they can look after their children.

It also wants stricter monitoring of children's institutions.

The findings have been dismissed by officials who run orphanages.


Save the Children says about eight million children are known to be living in orphanages and similar institutions around the world, but the actual number could be much higher as many are not registered.

It says orphanages in some countries have become big business, with those who run them often receiving financial incentives from governments or well-meaning donors.

Report author Corinna Csaky writes: "It is a myth that children in orphanages have no parents. Most are there because their parents simply can't afford to feed, clothe and educate them."

It says parents who hand over their children may hope to give them a better education or believe they will be returned to them when they are older.

But few are aware they are giving up all legal rights to their child, the charity says, and often adoptive parents do not know the true background of the youngster.

The report says children have become "commodities" in a growing industry and that "unscrupulous institutions are known to recruit children in order to profit from international adoption and child trafficking," the report says.

Findings rejected

Spokeswoman Sarah Jacobs says the problem is a global one, but cases are especially high in parts of Africa and Eastern Europe.

Most recently, she says she has seen children living in "atrocious" conditions in Liberia, where the number of orphanages has multiplied tenfold in the past 10 years.

She cites cases of numerous children sharing a single bed, of 30 children sleeping in a flooded dormitory, and still others being forced to work in the orphanage instead of going to school.

But the head of an orphanage in the Liberian capital Monrovia has dismissed the group's findings.

"Save the Children have their own motives," Albert Wreh, president of the Love a Child Orphanage, told the BBC's Network Africa programme.

"We have a focus - we are Liberians, and we are taking care of Liberian children," he said.

'Inhumane treatment'

Mr Wreh strongly dismissed claims of child trafficking.

"We are totally, totally, against that," he said. "Most people come here from abroad and want to adopt, and we say no... It is better for our kids to be here and to know where they come from and to know where there will be going tomorrow."

In Kenya, the BBC's Will Ross says several institutions have sprung up to take in children who have been forced on to the streets by poverty, the effects of HIV/Aids, and last year's inter-tribal violence.

Our correspondent says there have been some complaints of inhumane treatment and the government admits the homes are not always well run.

Cum a mijlocit Klaus Iohannis disparitia definitiva a trei copii orfani

Google Translation

Curentul Newspaper - Home

Tuesday November 24, 2009

Proposed by the Liberal and Social Democratic government for imaginary leadership , Klaus Iohannis is accused of international trafficking in human beings by the grandmother of three missing children via a dubious adoption intermediated by the present Mayor of Sibiu. Newspaper "Curentul" is in possession of a video that it puts to the public HERE, the grandmother of three children, Maria Iliu?, make statements on a fulminant story of the disappearance of children and blaming Iohannnis directly for this unclean business. Publication Director "Justice", Sibiu journalist Marius Albin Marinescu, who investigated this case in detail, says his part in an open letter to Romanian President Traian B?sescu, documented with more evidence that Iohannis is guilty of the following: human trafficking, trafficking in influence and bribery, tax evasion, stealing of property, abuse of power and corruption in the management of public money and attempt on national security ground for his links with a foreign power.

The Iliu? family tragedy begins in the years 1990-1991, when, taking advantage of early loss of parents of three children, appears on the line school inspector Klaus Werner Iohannis. He, together with his wife, Carmen Georgeta Iohannis brokered at the time more adoptions of children in the county of Sibiu for Canadian and American citizens. About these children nothing is known today, says "Justice". The Committee on Research of Abuses, corruption and Petitions of the Chamber of Deputies investigated the case, and in 2004 Maria Iliu?  was heard, the grandmother of three brothers adopted by a Canadian family through the gang of Iohannis, together with another girl aged only two months.

Requested by the Commission to be present at the hearing, Iohannis refused, defying the Romanian Parliament. Maria Iliu? personally handed a memorandum to former President Ion Iliescu in which Iohannis’ involvement in the disappearance of her grandchildren is shown, but no result. I can care for the children of Iliescu. Only he has no children! Iohannis has no children, but "goods" that he sold to others, notes with disappointment Albin Marinescu. In addition to the evidence filed, the journalist shall inform the President that he has additional evidence and that there are witnesses willing to give statements on direct involvement in international trafficking of children of the wife of Iohannis. Until then, "Curentul" gives you the exclusive video interview with grandmother fighting three missing children.


Cum a mijlocit Klaus Iohannis disparitia definitiva a trei copii orfani

Ziarul Curentul – prima pagina
Marti 24 noiembrie, 2009

Propus de PNL ?i PSD pentru ?efia unui guvern imaginar, Klaus Iohannis este acuzat de trafic interna?ional de fiin?e umane de c?tre bunica a trei copii disp?ru?i via o adop?ie dubioas? intermediat? de actualul primar al Sibiului. Ziarul „Curentul“ se afl? în posesia unei înregistr?ri video pe care am pus-o la dispozi?ia opiniei publice  AICI, în care bunica celor trei copii, Maria Iliu?, face declara?ii fulminante, istorisind dispari?ia copiilor ?i învinov??indu-l direct pe Iohannis de aceast? afacere necurat?. Directorul publica?iei „Justi?iarul“, jurnalistul sibian  Marius Albin Marinescu, care a investigat acest caz în am?nun?ime, afirm? la råndul s?u într-o scrisoare deschis? adresat? pre?edintelui Romåniei, Traian B?sescu, documentat? cu mai multe dovezi, c? Iohannis se face vinovat de urm?toarele: trafic de fiin?e umane, trafic de influen?? ?i luare de mit?, evaziune fiscal?, rapt imobiliar, abuz de putere ?i corup?ie în gestionarea banului public ?i atentat la siguran?a na?ional?, pentru leg?turile sale subterane cu o putere str?in?.

Tragedia familiei Iliu? începe cu anii 1990-1991, când, profitând de dispari?ia prematur? a p?rin?ilor celor trei copii, apare pe fir inspectorul ?colar Klaus Werner Iohannis. Acesta, împreun? cu so?ia, Carmen Georgeta Iohannis, au intermediat la vremea respectiv? mai multe adop?ii de copii din jude?ul Sibiu pentru cet??eni canadieni ?i americani. De ace?ti copii nu se mai ?tie nimic ast?zi, afirm? „Justi?iarul“. Comisia pentru Cercetarea Abuzurilor, Corup?iei ?i pentru Peti?ii din Camera Deputa?ilor a cercetat acest caz, ?i în anul 2004 a fost audiat? chiar Maria Iliu?, bunica a trei fra?i adopta?i de o familie de canadieni pe filiera Iohannis, împreun? cu înc? o feti?? în vârst? de doar dou? luni.

Solicitat de Comisia respectiv? s? se prezinte la audiere, Iohannis a refuzat, sfidând Parlamentul României. Maria Iliu? i-a înmânat personal fostului pre?edinte Ion Iliescu un memoriu în care ar?ta implicarea lui Iohannis în dispari?ia nepo?ilor s?i, dar f?r? niciun rezultat. Pu?in i-a p?sat lui Iliescu de copiii altora. Doar el nu are copii! Nici Iohannis nu are copii, dar „bine“ c? i-a vândut pe ai altora, constat? cu dezam?gire Albin Marinescu. Pe lâng? probele depuse la dosar, jurnalistul îl informeaz? pe pre?edinte c? de?ine probe suplimentare ?i c? exist? ?i martori dispu?i s? dea declara?ii privind implicarea direct? a so?ilor Iohannis în traficul interna?ional de copii. Pân? atunci, „Curentul“ v? ofer?, în exclusivitate, un interviu video incendiar cu bunica celor trei copii disp?ru?i.

Joint Council Grievance Board elected

Joint Council Grievance Board

The Joint Council Board of Directors appointed the following members to the Joint Council Grievance Board.   Joint Council extends its appreciation to the members of the Grievance Board for their service to Joint Council.  We remain confident that their individual and collective expertise will serve the goals of Joint Council and support its mission.
  • Bert Ballard
  • Gary Gamer
  • Maureen Evans
  • Chris Huber
  • Margi Miller
  • Kathleen Hogan Morrison
  • Jennifer Peterson
In pursuing a goal of transparency and to avoid conflicts of interest, the members of the Grievance Board:
  • are not employed by Joint Council,
  • do not receive compensation for their service on the Grievance Board,
  • are not an individual member of Joint Council,
  • are not employed by any Joint Council Member Organization,
  • serve in their individual capacity,
  • and do not represent any organization with which they may be affiliated.

Adoption : des progrès mais peut mieux faire

Publié le 23/11/2009 03:46 | LaDepeche.fr

Adoption : des progrès mais peut mieux faire

Famille. Les assises régionales de l'adoption se sont tenues à l'ENAP.

En France, l'adoption reste un parcours semé d'embûches, qui plus est long et coûteux : en moyenne, et même si les moyennes n'ont pas grand sens lorsqu'il s'agit de questions d'ordre aussi intime, il faut en effet compter 4 ans d'attente et un budget avoisinant les 12 000 € pour que les candidats à l'adoption aient enfin le bonheur de serrer leur enfant dans leurs bras.

Une dure réalité que sont venues rappeler les assises régionales de l'adoption, qui se sont tenues à l'ENAP, samedi, à l'initiative de la fédération Enfance et familles d'adoption (EFA, dont Isabelle Rigo assure la présidence pour le département).

Plus de « défenseure

des enfants » ?

C'est Geneviève Miral, la présidente de la fédération, qui est venue ouvrir les débats, en s'attachant à « secouer le cocotier » des pouvoirs publics. Elle a d'abord observé qu'en ce vingtième anniversaire de la Convention internationale des droits de l'enfant, la France envoyait un bien curieux signal en supprimant la charge de « Défenseure des enfants » qu'assumait Dominique Versini : ses missions, en effet, seront désormais incluses (noyées ?) dans celles du Défenseur des droits, qui absorbe dans la foulée celles du Médiateur de la République et de la Commission nationale de déontologie et de sécurité. Enfance et familles d'adoption a donc signé des deux mains la pétition sur Internet qui demande le maintien de cette fonction.

Par ailleurs, l'association s'émeut du « manque de volonté politique » sur le dossier de l'adoption : le projet de réforme présenté en conseil des ministres en avril dernier a été repoussé sine die, et en l'état, il s'avère très en deçà des propositions formulées par le rapport que le président de la république a confié à Jean-Marie Colombani, et dont le texte était précisément sensé s'inspirer.

Un rapport dont l'association salue la pertinence, et qui s'articulait autour de cinq axes : la réorganisation de l'action de la France en matière d'adoption internationale, le repositionnement de l'adoption nationale, la révision de la qualité des « agréments » (une des étapes obligatoires du processus d'adoption), un meilleur pilotage du dossier adoption et enfin un meilleur accompagnement des familles adoptives. Autant dire qu'il reste du pain sur la planche.

Six held over child trafficking

Six held over child trafficking

Six people have been arrested over an alleged child trafficking ring after 15 youngsters were found by police during raids across Manchester.

Houses on Agnes Street, Gorton and Stockport Road, Longsight, were raided over a probe into children being moved from Romania by organised crime groups.

Two men and four women, aged 23 to 32, were arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, said police.

Police believe the children were being forced to commit low level crimes.

The children, found at four houses, are now in the care of Manchester City Council social services.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said: "The trafficked children are at risk of being subject to cruelty by neglect and being forced to commit low-level crimes such as cash point distraction burglaries, pick pocketing and begging."

The raids also targeted a crackdown on organised crime groups "at the heart of this exploitation", added police.

Child offered for adoption on Craigslist

Child offered for adoption on Craigslist

Published: Nov. 22, 2009 at 1:34 PM