
Money for Children/Kindergeld

Money for Children/Kindergeld

Date: 2009-01-19

Originally published in Austrian magazine Profil, January 19, 2009 / Translation by Dr. Eric Agstner

Exclusive story. In the case of countless children having been adopted in Ethiopia it is unclear whether they really are orphans. Two of them are certainly not. The documentation of a large number of human tragedies and unparalleled failure of the Austrian authorities.

By Andrea Rexer

Forum: Onderwerp: Even voorstellen-Pondok Pelangi

Geplaatst: Zo jan 18, 2009 13:34 Onderwerp: Even voorstellen-Pondok Pelangi Hallo, ik ben nieuw op dit forum dus wil ik mezelf even voorstellen. Mijn naam is Sofian, geboren op 12 april 1981 en momenteel wonend in Dongen. In Juni 1981 ben ik geadopteerd vanuit het weeshuis Pondok Pelangi. Anderhalve maand voordat ik daar terecht kwam heb ik bij een man (die Jopie Sajetapie heet) in huis gewoont. Tevens heeft Els Wunnink hier ook een rol in gespeelt die destijds werkzaam was voor de stichting die meehielp bij de adoptie. Volgens Jopie kom ik uit Leuwiliang (bij Bogor) en heb daar 4 broers en 2 zussen waarvan 1 overleden. Helaas is er bij mij niet meer bekend. Op forums heb ik gelezen dat Mevr. Wunnink is overleden maar ondertussen heb ik gehoord dat dit niet waar is. Als iemand iets herkend in mijn verhaal zou ik daar graag mee in contact komen..


Adoption: A Love Story

Adoption: A Love Story

by Deal Hudson - January 17, 2009

Reprinted with permission from our good friends at InsideCatholic.com, the leading online journal of Catholic faith, culture, and politics.

I was relaxing in my favorite armchair and watching golf when my daughter, Hannah, strode into the room. "Dad," she said, "we need to have a serious talk."

"Okay," I replied, turning to her.

'My foster parents treated me like a slave'

'My foster parents treated me like a slave'


16 January 2009

Mayura Janwalkar

Mumbai: At just 27, Jennifer Haynes has experienced more than most people her age. In an exclusive interview with DNA, the thoroughbred American talks about being abruptly deported to her place of birth 20 years after she was adopted by an American couple.
A traumatic childhood
Born in Mumbai on July 29, 1981, Haynes was adopted as an eight-year-old by US nationals, Edward and Melissa Hancox, and flown to USA in November 1989.

Italian NGO Reunites Abandoned Mongolian Children With Families

Italian NGO Reunites Abandoned Mongolian Children With Families

Written by Bijani Mizell

Thursday, January 15, 2009.

ABANDONED children have been a huge issue for Mongolia, as its crowded shelters can attest. But several NGOs, including Italy-based Amici dei Bambini, strive to combat this pervasive problem. With 29 centers worldwide, Amici dei Bambini is an international intermediary center that facilitates family placement, and its unique focus is re-integrating abandoned children with their biological families.

In March 2008, Amici dei Bambini started a program at the Infant Clinic Sanatorium, a hospital in Ulaanbaatar, called "The Right to Live in a Family".

She was adopted, assaulted & deported

he was adopted, assaulted & deported


Mayura Janwalkar

MUMBAI: Nearly 20 years after she was adopted by an American national, 27-year-old Jennifer Haynes is back in Mumbai, seeking action against the Americans for International Aid and Adoption (AIAA), the agency that had processed her adoption papers. 
Speaking to DNA on Wednesday evening, Haynes said, "I was fighting with the immigration authorities in the US. They said that my documentation for US citizenship was unfinished and wanted to deport me. With the Indian government accepting my repatriation, I came back in July last year. Ever since, I have been living in a Chembur hostel."

In her petition, which was mentioned before Bombay High Court on Wednesday, Haynes has sought a court direction to Central Adoption Resources Authority (Cara) to deregister AIAA and other foreign agencies, based in the US and registered with the Indian Government, and stop inter-country adoption until she is sent back to her family.

"For all these years, nobody ever told me that I am not an American citizen. It is because of AIAA that I have landed in this situation," Haynes said. 
She has stated in the petition that her adoption process was carried out in violation of the UN Convention onthe Rights of the Child, 1989 and the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Inter-Country Adoption.

Her advocate, Pradeep Havnur, said that the petition had been filed, but it was yet to get a date for hearing.

Born in India in 1981, Haynes was adopted by Edward Hancox, who flew her to the US in November 1989. It was the beginning of a nightmare for her. "I was sexually abused by my first foster father. I changed nearly 50 foster homes, but everywhere the abuse continued. Nobody was willing to accept me," she told DNA.

She married Justin Haynes in 2002 and lived with him and their two children -- Kadafi, 5 and Kanassa, 4 -- in Michigan. "My husband works in a construction company. I used to be a housewife. I talk to my family in Michigan only once in two weeks," said a frustrated Haynes. "I want to be back with my family. I am going crazy here."

Not having the necessary documents, she is finding it difficult to get a job in the city. "Now, I have no means to sustain myself. I am surviving on the money that my mother-in-law sends me," she added.

Do not use Hope Adoption Agency


Do not use Hope Adoption Agency

I typically keep some of the negative parts of dealing with our agency off my blog, as we have always wanted to remain in good standing and be considerate of our agency director. Well, after today…. That’s all being thrown out the window. The truth needs to be told.

After repeated attempts to reach our adoption agency we finally received a call. It was our agency director Shimeliss Demissie. He basically started the conversation by telling me that we are not being very patient and that he feels like he should not work on our case anymore. He said that we do not understand everything that goes on with Ethiopian adoption and that he never referred our kids to us. That it is our fault for using AWOP in the beginning and not doing our homework. He continued to go on about how he is done with our case and how he can no longer help us.

I was floored. When I was allowed to speak- (he tends to take over the conversation), I asked if he was serious…. And if he is – then we would like to see our money back since we are in the same place now as we were two years ago. This was the point where he inappropriately and very unprofessionally started yelling at me. Truthfully I couldn’t understand a word he was saying, as his Ethiopian accent was getting in the way. When I calmly mentioned taking legal action to get our money he welcomed it, saying that he has spent many hours on the phone and sending emails about/for our case. To the tune of $6000 worth?

Deb's sickness

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Joined: 13 Jan 2009
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Posts: 1 Quote Reply Topic: cold sweats
Posted: 14 Jan 2009 at 5:51pm
I sent this an hour or two ago and it did not post. Maybe it takes a couple of hours. I am sending my message again. I apologize if it comes up twice. DLMS

Hi, my name is Deb and I have CVID. I posted a couple of years ago and have read many of the posts. The support and information has been great. Six years ago I became ill in India for taking a sip (not a drink) of what I thought was a new bottle of water. Consequently, I obtained a bacterial infection called Shigella for which I was hospitalized with congestive heart failure, fluid around the lungs and a septic gallbladder. A couple of months later I was diagnosed with Reiter’s Syndrome a form of reactive arthritis. It is from this episode that doctors think my immune system was “knocked out”. In the past three years I have been in the hospital 16 times. Pneumonia’s, MRSA 3X, two sinus surgeries, a surgery to repair an aneurism and knee surgery for a torn meniscus. I have no measurable IgA, IgM, IgE and a non-functional IgG. Prior to my illness I worked at a job that was my passion; my husband and I parented 9 kids and up to 3 foster children; and I traveled around the world at least four times a year. Needless to say life has changed. Despite all of the challenges I have manage to keep it going…barely. I am desperate for answers on an issue I have. Approximately two years ago prior to the episodes of getting ill, I would have cold sweats. I would go from piles of blankets to stripping them all off. I am just getting over four straight days of this. I am at the point that I can’t take them anymore. No, these are not hot flashes. I went through menopause seven years ago and I did have hot flashes a couple of years. These are a thousand times worse. During the “sweat” time my hands and feet are freezing and my hair and the rest of my body is wet. If anyone has experienced this or knows a treatment for this I would be beyond grateful. DLMS
Debra Murphy-Scheumann

Stolen by the Nazis: The tragic tale of 12,000 blue-eyed blond children taken by the SS to create an Aryan super-race

Stolen by the Nazis: The tragic tale of 12,000 blue-eyed blond children taken by the SS to create an Aryan super-race


Last updated at 11:43 PM on 09th January 2009

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Fraudulent adoption process lands woman in trouble

Fraudulent adoption process lands woman in trouble


Mumbai - An allegedly fraudulent adoption process carried out by an American agency has landed 27-year-old Jennifer Haynes in trouble after she was deported back to India in July last year.

Haynes, who was adopted by an American twenty years ago, has now moved the Bombay High Court seeking action against the Americans for International Aid and Adoption (AIAA) that had processed her adoption papers.

In her petition she has blamed the AIAA for jeopardising her stay in America as her adoption process was carried out in violation with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 and the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Inter-Country Adoption. Now, she has asked the court to direct the Central Adoption Resources Authority (CARA) to de-register AIAA and other foreign agencies based in United States and registered with the Indian Government and stop inter-country adoption.

Her petition states that she is also a victim of sexual abuse from her foster father and the abuse continued even after changing several foster homes.

After her adoption in 1989 at the age of eight, she was flown to US where she was ill-treated by her foster father. After going through the abuse and rejection from foster homes she married Justin Haynes, who worked in a construction company, in 2002, and lived with him and her two children Kadafi, 5, and Kanassa, 4, in Michigan.

She was also convicted in 2001 and 2004 for illegal possession of cocaine by the US Department of Justice, but was later deported to India as she was of Indian origin after the Indian government accepted her repatriation through the Board of Immigrant Appeals in the US.

She is now keen to go back to US as she has not seen her children due to imprisonment and subsequent deportation. Haynes, who is currently staying in a Chembur Hostel, is also finding it difficult to get a job as she does not have proper documents and is surviving on the money sent by her mother-in-law.

She is seeking direction from court so as to direct the authorities to place all records and quantify exemplary damages against the parties responsible for their acts of denying her right to life.

She also wants to be deported back to the United States and restore her ties with her two American minor children and her American husband.

Until then she should be accorded the status of being the state guest in India by providing shelter, food and money to bear the expenses, said the court.

“The case will come up for hearing on January 30,” her advocate Pradip Havnur said.