
International adoptions Recommendations from the Origin Search Working Group to support adopted people

On behalf of the board of the KKJPD, an interdisciplinary working group examined the possibilities of better support for adopted people in their search for origin. The working group consisted of representatives of authorities, adopted people and representatives of private organizations and tracing services. The work was carried out under the joint leadership of the General Secretariat of the KKJPD and the Federal Office of Justice (BJ). With the adoption of the technical recommendations, the working group has completed its work.

Luc (29) went abroad to pursue his desire to have children: 'It must be possible in Canada'

Luc Nibbeling (29) and his partner Luuk started an adoption procedure in the US in 2018. Their dream fell apart when it was banned in 2021. Now they are in the middle of a surrogacy process in Canada.

Want to have children

“I have always wanted to have children. Coming out meant that I also had to acknowledge and accept that I would never become a father naturally. That's why it took me until I was nineteen before I dared to take the step. When I met Luuk shortly afterwards, I immediately discussed my desire to have children, which is unusual in the gay scene . Especially in the beginning, gay men are often concerned with accepting themselves, which causes any desire to have children to fade into the background.

Luuk thought the same; he also wanted to become a father. In 2017 we went to an information evening about LGBT parenting organized by the Meer Dan Gewenst Foundation for the first time and in 2018 we started the adoption process. You can choose to adopt in the Netherlands, but the supply of adopted children is not large here; Often the first search for these children is in their own environment. As a gay couple you can only choose from four countries: the Netherlands, US, South Africa and Portugal. We decided to go for the United States.

It was a big disappointment when we heard that international adoption was being suspended. Adopting from the US will probably be completely banned, because there are sufficient prospective parents in the US itself. We were disappointed and sad. What now? We gave ourselves a year to explore other options.

US Woman Who Adopted Child With Down Syndrome From India Celebrate Their Journey

Many people appreciated Megan and her family for lovingly accepting Ami while many others criticized them for not adopting American kids and traveling to a foreign country for the same.

It is often said that family is more than blood relations, a woman named Megan and her family in the USA have proved this right as they have adopted and accepted a young girl from India as part of their family. Recently Megan shared a heartwarming video on Instagram that documented their one year with Ami, her adopted daughter from India who has Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes intellectual and developmental delays. In her now-viral Instagram post, Megan captured how they took their first flight from India to the USA and how her family, including her two sons, gathered at the airport to welcome them. The clip then moved on to show the wholesome moments of learning, traveling, and playing they all shared with Ami.

While explaining their one year anniversary since Ami’s adoption, Megan wrote, “One year ago we met our daughter for the first time. Family of five, greeted at the airport, playing. In October 2022 we became parents to the spunkiest, silliest, most beautiful “baby" girl born in India. She is smart, has the biggest heart, and rocks an extra chromosome. She was a missing piece to our family puzzle and we are so grateful to have spent one full year together. I wasn’t sure what kind of video I wanted to put together so here is some never before seen footage of our arrival in the United States and a montage of what life has been with our sweet Ami girl.️ We could have missed this."

This clip has over 1.8 lakh likes so far. Appreciating Megan’s tender mothering skills, an Instagram user wrote, “You’ve given life to a child which is only a dream for many. God bless you. You have the kindest heart". Another person wrote, “My sister and brother are both adopted and older (I randomly appeared haha). My sister is Sri Lankan and I love stories like this, this one was a little closer than normal, congratulations mum and dad, and gorgeous baby girl too."

While many people appreciated Megan and her family for lovingly accepting Ami, many others criticised them for going all the way to India for adopting kids in need when there are many kids in America as well.

Legal framework has been weaponised to oppress certain communities: CJI Chandrachud

Citing some of the judgments of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said that India's legal framework has been frequently weaponised to systematically oppress certain communities.

In a report by Bar & Bench, CJI Chandrachud added that judges should be cognisant of social realities as the marginalised social groups have been subjected to "horrendous wrongs".

He said that in both India and the US oppressed communities were denied voting rights for a long period of time.

The CJI underscored that the constitutional democracies must make sure that safeguards for these marginalized communities are upheld and policies are made for their upliftment.

Speaking at the Sixth International Conference on the 'Unfinished Legacy of Dr. BR Ambedkar' organised by Brandeis University, CJI Chandrachud said that advised that marginalise communities should have a meaningful voice in decision-making process as well.

In Goa, Man And His 2 Sons Rape Girl The Family Adopted

PANAJI: A father and his two sons, one of them a minor, allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl who the family had adopted. The girl, who had been residing in Tiswadi taluka with the family of four — a husband, wife and two sons — was allegedly raped over the course of two years.

The incident came to light on Sunday when one of the brothers tried to touch the girl inappropriately. Police said she consequently left the house and narrated the incident to a neighbour who later called an NGO.

While narrating the whole incident to the NGO, the survivor said the abuse began in March 2021, when one of the brothers touched her chest and private parts and then had sexual intercourse with her. The father and the other son, a minor, also abused her similarly and raped her, police said. The survivor said her mother was unaware of the abuse as she used to leave the house for work. After speaking to the NGO, the girl called the police.

“Two FIRs have been registered against the father and one of the sons at Agasaim police station, and action has been taken against the third accused, the North Goa SP said.

(The victim's identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme court directives on cases related to sexual assault)

Mothers subjected to forced adoption of babies can apply for $30,000 compensation in Victoria

More than 50 years have passed since Glen Rattenbury’s baby was taken away from her at birth but that memory is “as clear as day”.

“I didn’t even get to see him after a 35-hour labour,” she said. “I could hear the nurses saying, ‘No, that one is earmarked for adoption.’ And they took him away.”

She was heartbroken.

“They put a form in front of me – I was still under the effects of morphine – and they asked me to sign him away.

“For years, I remember looking into prams and thinking, ‘That could be my baby.’ Even though I knew he would’ve grown.”

Commission for Research on Domestic Distance and Adoption looking for stories

From 1956 to 1984, thousands of young women in the Netherlands gave up their children for adoption. This usually happened under pressure from family, authorities and the church. Babies were often taken from their mothers immediately after birth. This was a relatively unknown story until a few years ago, until more and more mothers and children came forward with their stories.



The Domestic Distance and Adoption Committee conducts independent research into the history of domestic distance and adoption in the period 1956-1984. Last week, this Commission launched the website www.cbaa.nl. This contains more information, and children, mothers, but also fathers and other involved parties can report.


Landmark ruling for donor-conceived people regarding DNA-testing of gamete donors

In June 2023, Anke Wesenbeek, a 30-year-old Belgian donor-conceived woman won a landmark court case after a year-long battle to gain information about her paternal heritage...


In June 2023, Anke Wesenbeek (co-author), a 30-year-old Belgian donor-conceived woman won a landmark court case after a year-long battle to gain information about her paternal heritage.

Two years before, after extensive research through commercial DNA-testing companies, she identified a man as her probable genetic father, but a direct DNA-comparison was needed for absolute certainty. The man was offered professional mediation and support by the Flemish Ancestry Centre, but their correspondence went unanswered. When Wesenbeek engaged a lawyer to send similar offers, the man's lawyer formally confirmed his client's unwillingness to cooperate. Wesenbeek therefore decided to take her quest to court.

Belgium is one of the few remaining European countries to still operate an anonymous donation policy. It wasn't until 2007 that the traditional preference for donor anonymity was enforced by law. The 'Law on Medically Assisted Reproduction' (MAR) followed the parliamentary committee's view that sharing any donor information must be avoided as this could reinforce the 'myth' that the donor's genes determine the donor offspring's characteristics (Nys & Wuyts, 2007). In 2012, advocacy by donor-conceived people reopened the discussion, leading to law proposals to abolish donor anonymity, but no parliamentary majority has been achieved.

We're a gay throuple who've spent over $170,000 on surrogacy and adoption — there are a lot of hidden costs, and it's more expensive than you think

  • Ben, Mitch, and Benjamin live in Los Angeles with their 20-month-old adopted daughter, Tegan.
  • The throuple have spent over four years and more than $170,000 on having their children.
  • They want to draw attention to the hidden and emotional costs of adoption and surrogacy.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Mitch Rolam, 37; Benjamin Rolam, 35; and Ben Rodriguez Rolam, 38, a Los Angeles throuple — or a three-person romantic relationship. This essay has been edited for length and clarity. Insider verified their adoption and surrogacy expenses through receipts they provided.

We became a throuple after two of us — Ben and Mitch, who had been together for 14 years — met Benjamin on the Atlantis gay cruise in February 2019.

All three of us got ceremonially married in Kauai, Hawaii, in September that same year. And at the same time, two of us — Benjamin and Mitch — also got legally married.

Mitch works in finance, Benjamin in e-commerce, and Ben in a beauty company. The three of us live together in Los Angeles with our 20-month-old daughter, Tegan, whom we adopted in 2022.