
There is* still money available to search for biological parents – and then what?



The project to trace origins is being extended by a year. But the federal government and the cantons cannot reach an agreement.


For decades, Swiss couples adopted babies from abroad  - often under questionable and illegal circumstances. Now the Back to the Roots association can  temporarily continue to support those affected in their search for their origins in Sri Lanka.

Koninklijke Onderscheiding Ina Hut

Ina (H.R.) Hut

Ina (H.R.) HutIna (H.R.) Hut• 1st• 1stInvestor social impact initiatives, strategic advisor, member supervisory board Offlimits. Member SER Topvrouwen.Investor social impact initiatives, strategic advisor, member supervisory board Offlimits. Member SER Topvrouwen.

31m • Edited • 31m • Edited •


Een Koninklijke Onderscheiding.
Ongelooflijk vereerd en verrast dat ik vrijdag 26 april 2024 door Zijne Majesteit benoemd ben tot ‘Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau’.

Een lintje krijg je nooit alleen! Graag wil ik mijn dank uitspreken aan allen die mij enorm gesteund hebben bij mijn werkzaamheden, waaronder collega’s van CoMensha | Coördinatiecentrum tegen Mensenhandel, ervaringsdeskundigen #mensenhandel, professionals uit het werkveld en vele geadopteerden. En last but not least mijn gezin: Aart Zandbergen en Florian Zandbergen.

Veel dank aan de aanvrager Aart Zandbergen én allen die de aanvraag hebben ondersteund: Conny Rijken Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen, Peter Oskam, Edith-Bernadette Poot, Leen Diepenhorst, RvT van CoMensha | Coördinatiecentrum tegen Mensenhandel, Brian Oedayrajsingh Varma, Mirjam Elisabeth Blaak Defence for Children Nederland, Tamme de Leur en Asha Dijkstra.
En natuurlijk ook veel dank aan Nana Bies en @AnkBijleveld en burgemeester @fritsnaafs.

En aan de fotografen die top kwaliteit hebben geleverd:
Martijn Hut www.hutspotfotografie.nl
Etienne Oldeman 📷

Press release: new chief diplomatic adviser of the President of the European Council

European Council President Charles Michel’s Chief Diplomatic Adviser, Simon Mordue has been selected as Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and will take up his duties on 1 July. Prior to that he will complete a short term assignment on Ukraine for the Commission.  

Magdalena Grono, Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to President Michel will take up the role and duties as Chief Diplomatic Advisor. 

President Michel would like to personally thank Simon for his professionalism, dedication and commitment. His contribution has made an impact on EU foreign policy successes and has been highly valued at home and abroad. 

President Michel wishes Simon all the best in his new endeavour while confident of the great added value he will bring to the EEAS.

Regulatory void complicates child adoption process in Nepal

Regulatory void complicates child adoption process in Nepal

While international adoptions have been banned over child trafficking and abuse concerns, domestic adoptions are also not easy.Regulatory void complicates child adoption process in Nepal Post Illustration


Manushree Mahat

Accenture introduces* adoption-assistance programme for India employees


Accenture in India has launched a program to support employees choosing to adopt a child, providing financial assistance for adoption-related expenses, with each employee eligible for this benefit for up to two adoptions. Lakshmi C, managing director and lead - human resources at Accenture in India, emphasized the initiative's aim to bolster existing policies for supporting parenthood.

Accenture in India has introduced a programme to assist employees who choose to adopt a child, the IT and consulting services company said in a press statement.
The programme offers financial assistance for adoption-related expenses. Each Accenture employee can avail of this benefit towards two instances of adoption.

She came* of age and wanted to keep her contact person - instead she got the worst imaginable message



When she turned 18, she lost the only adult in her life that she trusted.

18-year-old Louisa sat with her phone in her hand. She was nervous, because soon her world could topple.

A message had arrived in her e-Box from the Danish Appeals Board with a decision for which she had been waiting for six months.

Who is* Jillian Suh Kurovski-Legris?

Adoption is a very personal journey that influences numerous lives. 

In addition to juggling the complexities of her adoption narrative, Jillian Suh Kurovski-Legris, a first-year PhD student specializing in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, is a college adoptee facing the trials of young adulthood. Her story challenges the oversimplified narratives surrounding adoption and provides a window into the varied experiences of adoptees.

“Every adoption begins with loss,” Kurovski-Legris said. 

The process of understanding her adopted status and getting back in touch with her birth family is a very complicated and intimate journey for Kurovski-Legris. But Kurovski-Legris, like many adoptees, has had to deal with the difficulty of having people who might not completely understand the nuances of her experience, simplify her adoption story into simplistic tales. 

Kurovski-Legris encountered some difficulties adjusting to Korea when she visited, such as linguistic and cultural hurdles. She was adamant about finding her birth family in spite of these obstacles. 

Betty grows* up in a horror family: 'Shit Ethiopian, I regret that adoption so much'

To the outside world, it seems as if adopted child Betty lives in a children's paradise. In reality, her childhood is a living hell for fourteen years. She is insulted, humiliated, threatened and abused. "My mother really had traits of a psychopath."

“You're dumber than a donkey.”
“You filthy piece of shit, go back to Africa.”
“You fucking Ethiopian, I so regret that adoption.”

In the beautiful house with the large garden and the swimming pool, somewhere on the border between Brabant and Gelderland, just one thing has to happen and Betty's mother goes ballistic. She is a woman with two faces: to the outside world a model mother who the whole village is crazy about, inside a cruel shrew. "She never had an official diagnosis," says Betty. "But she really had traits of a psychopath."

Mother Bea doesn't stop at just scolding. She also hands out punishments. And they are extreme. A few minutes late home after a sports training? Betty - crazy about football - has to leave the club immediately. What are the tangles in her African hair? Mother grabs the clippers and shaves her daughter bald. "You sweep it up, fatlip", is the command the crying teenager then receives.

When she mumbles that she can't take it anymore, Betty is handed an axe. "If you want to die so badly, then do it," Bea screams. And to the rest of the family: "Everyone shout: Do it - do it - do it!"