
European Parliament adopts joint motion for resolution on international adoptions (See link Romania for export ONly)

European Parliament adopts joint motion for resolution on international adoptions

The European Parliament has discussed a possible re-opening of international adoptions to the EU, with Romania being mentioned almost exclusively with the criticism that its legislation does now allow international adoptions.

This debate comes less than a year after the petition of Amici dei Bambini (an Italian Eurochild member), who called for the re-opening of international adoptions by Romania. On 18 January 2011, the European Parliament adopted a joint motion for resolution.

Please find here the EP Joint Motion for a Resolution. More information about the discussions can be found on www.romania-forexportonly.eu.

*Angelina Jolie si Brad Pitt isi doresc sa adopte un copil din Romania.

Jan.17, 2011 in Ultimele

*Angelina Jolie si Brad Pitt isi doresc sa adopte un copil din Romania.

Potrivit ziarului Libertatea, cei doi, care au decis de curand sa-si
mareasca familia cu inca un membru, au luat calcul infierea unui copil
roman, dupa ce au discutat cu doctorul Ronald Federici, consilierul personal
in materie de adoptii al Angelinei Jolie.

 Ronald Federici este totodata si presedintele Organizatiei “Care for
children international”. Federici a aratat un interes deosebit fata de
copiii orfani din Europa de Est, in special cei din tara noastra, el reusind
sa realizeze peste 1.000 de adoptii din aceasta parte a continentului. De
altfel, Federici insusi a infiat doi copii din Romania.

Demersul cuplului Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt este deocamdata blocat de actuala
legislatie romaneasca referitoare la regimul adoptiilor. Astfel, de la 1
ianuarie 2005 a intrat in vigoare o lege care restrictioneaza adoptiile

Angelina Jolie si Brad Pitt au sase copii: trei adoptati si trei biologici (
*Shiloh Nouvel *si gemenii *Knox Leon*si *Vivienne Marcheline*). Angelina
Jolie a adoptat primul copil, pe *Maddox*, din Cambodgia, in martie 2002.
Apoi, vedeta a mai infiat-o pe *Zahara Marley*, din Etiopia, in 2005. Doi
ani mai tarziu, actrita l-a adoptat pe *Pax Thien*, un baietel din

Adoption en Éthiopie: «C'est comme si on achetait nos bébés»

Publié le 15 janvier 2011 à 05h00 | Mis à jour le 15 janvier 2011 à 11h01

Adoption en Éthiopie: «C'est comme si on achetait nos bébés»


Tous les enfants qui arrivent à l'orphelinat sont testés pour le VIH.


Czech Supreme Court: Poverty not a good enough reason to take children into state care

Czech Supreme Court: Poverty not a good enough reason to take children into state care
Brno, 14.1.2011 11:05, (ROMEA)

The Czech Supreme Court has issued a new unifying opinion stating that a family's poverty and poor housing circumstances cannot be the sole basis for removing children from the home and placing them in state care. Children may be removed and institutionalized only in cases where other measures, such as assistance provided by the authorities and municipalities, has not led to an improvement in the children's living conditions, or in cases where other serious reasons exist. It is also necessary to interview the children concerned and determine their opinions.

Supreme Court spokesperson Petr Knötig announced the opinion to the Czech Press Agency today. "A family's material deficiencies, especially poor housing conditions, cannot in and of themselves constitute a reason for ordering the institutional care of a child," reads the opinion, which was released to civil rights and commercial law committees.

According to data released last May, about 21 000 children live in institutions in the Czech Republic. Experts in children's rights claim that roughly one-third of those children end up in institutions unnecessarily, while another third of that population is kept in institutions longer than necessary. The Czech Republic is one of the EU countries with the highest numbers of children in institutional care.

Last year the Czech Constitutional Court also ruled against the unnecessary breakup of families in cases where it is not absolutely necessary. Constitutional Court judges say it is only possible to remove children from their families in serious cases of a total absence of care or in cases where the child is in immediate danger.

The aim of the Supreme Court opinion is to unify conflicting rulings by Czech courts in cases where children have been living in impoverished families and in conditions of poor housing or hygiene. "When courts decide to place a child in institutional care, it is necessary to document all of the serious facts justifying family breakup. A family's insufficient assets (particularly those of the parents) resulting primarily in inappropriate or insufficient housing conditions may never in and of itself be considered such a fact," Knötig said.

Courts must first determine whether the state authorities and local municipalities have offered sufficient assistance to the family and what the results of that assistance have been. A municipality can sometimes manage to arrange for substitute housing, including temporary shelter. The state can provide material aid or at least advice as to how the family can improve its situation and find a solution to its problems. "An offer to adequately resolve the housing situation can also be made by other entities besides a state body or municipal government, such as churches, non-governmental organizations, etc.," the opinion reads.

Prior to ordering institutional care, a court may order supervision of the parents' child-rearing or warn the parents they are at risk of losing their children unless the situation improves. The Supreme Court has also ruled that the child him or herself must be interviewed during the decision on institutionalization. This applies to children who have reached the age at which they are able to express their own opinions. The court also emphasized the need for such court verdicts to be carefully justified.

In its opinion, the Supreme Court mentioned many verdicts from various parts of the Czech Republic. It criticized the approach taken by the District Court in Klatovy, where judges in one case were satisfied with committee reports only and did not interview the children concerned, who were aged eight, 10 and 15. On the other hand, the Supreme Court agreed with the approach taken by the District Court in Ústí nad Labem, which interviewed a 14-year-old girl in one particular case. The girl, who had been institutionalized and then returned to her mother's care, testified that she wanted to return to the institutional facility.

Czech Press Agency, translated by Gwendolyn Al

Les adoptions internationales en hausse de 14 % en France

12/01/2011 | Mise à jour : 10:44 Réactions (11)

Les adoptions internationales en hausse de 14 % en France

INFOGRAPHIE - En 2010, les foyers français ont accueilli 3 504 enfants du monde entier.

Cliquez sur l'aperçu pour agrandir l'infographie.

Dans un contexte difficile, le nombre d'adoptions à l'étranger a enregistré, en 2010, une hausse exceptionnelle. Selon les statistiques du ministère des Affaires étrangères, dévoilées par Le Figaro, 3 504 enfants ont été recueillis par des familles françaises l'an dernier, contre 3 017 en 2009. Soit une augmentation de 14 %.

Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia

Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia
11 January, oral questions - Fake adoption papers and parents who under false pretentions relinquish their children. Arib (PvdA) aks clarity about these 'horrible' adoption practices in Ethiopia. According to minister Opstelten (Justice) there is no reason to interfere: "Each signal of child trafficking is reason for investigation."
Parents in Ethiopia get the promiss that their children will get a good future and come back when they are 18 year. The Brandpunt-broadcast of 9 January reported on adoption practices in Ethiopia. That is child trafficking under the pretext of adoption, means Arib. If it were up to her, minister Opstelten should investigate into such practices. But for the minister there is no reason to reconsider the adoption relation between the Netherlands and Ethiopia, as extra measures have been taken.


Arib wil opheldering over adoptie uit Ethiopië
11 januari, mondelinge vragen - Vervalste adoptiepapieren en ouders die onder valse voorwendsels hun kinderen afstaan. Arib (PvdA) vraagt opheldering over deze "vreselijke" adoptiepraktijken in Ethiopië. Volgens minister Opstelten (Justitie) is er geen reden om in te grijpen: "Elk signaal van kinderhandel is aanleiding voor onderzoek."
Ouders in Ethiopië krijgen de belofte dat hun kinderen een goede toekomst krijgen en weer terug mogen als zij 18 zijn. De Brandpunt-uitzending van 9 januari maakte gewag van adoptiepraktijken in Ethiopië. Dat is kinderhandel onder het mom van adoptie, meent Arib. Als het aan haar ligt, stelt minister Opstelten een onderzoek in naar dergelijke praktijken. Maar voor de minister is er geen aanleiding om de adoptierelatie tussen Nederland en Ethiopië te heroverwegen, omdat er al extra maatregelen zijn genomen.

Children trafficked and exploited inside Europe by criminal gangs (no ica mentioned)

The Hague, 11 January 2011



Children trafficked and exploited inside Europe by criminal gangs

Children forced into criminal activities such as organised begging and shoplifting are being traded as commodities with €20 000 price tags


The Hague - The Netherlands.

As part of its responsibility to monitor developments in the threat from organised crime and terrorism in Europe, Europol has identified an increasing trend in the exploitation of children by mobile organised crime groups in the European Union (EU). These groups of criminals tend to originate from South East Europe and move around the EU with the trafficked children who they work and trade with other criminal gangs.

The trafficking and exploitation of these children is a lucrative business, with the children being routinely sold between the different criminal gangs, and the ‘price’ based on the child’s money–earning potential. The average price paid for a trafficked child in the UK, for example, is €20 000 (source: UK Metropolitan Police). With an estimated annual income of up to €160 000 from a single trafficked child, one can see why there are around 1.2 million children being trafficked worldwide for criminal purposes (source: UNICEF). The number of victims being exploited by just one mobile organised crime gang can range from 10 to 100 minors.

The trafficked children, aged from just five years old, are systematically trained and forced into committing criminal activities such as pick-pocketing, organised begging, shoplifting and distraction burglary, as well as other street crimes like robbery and mugging. In addition, minors are also being trafficked for sexual exploitation. The severity of violence and intimidation used by these criminal groups to control and exploit the minors includes extreme forms of violence such as sexual abuse and torture. The children often come from impoverished families who are forced to hand over their children to the criminals to pay off debts. Some families are complicit in selling or renting out their children for money.

As well as exploiting children, many mobile organised criminal groups are involved in other crimes such as theft of cargo, vehicles and construction equipment, violent robberies and rip deals – where a vendor is tricked into accepting payment in large amounts of cash, which turns out to be counterfeit or just bundles of cut–up paper.

The level of sophistication associated with these groups is increasing as many are now investing in more permanent operating bases across the EU. The groups cooperate with brokers in key source regions, particularly South East Europe, to ensure a constant supply of children and, to reduce the risk of law enforcement detection, they sell or ‘rent out’ the minors to different criminal groups.

These gangs tend to have bases on the outskirts of large European cities from where children under their control are dispatched across the city to commit crimes. On arrest, these minors are fully aware that they are under the age of criminal responsibility. In addition, authorities are confronted with victims that are not in possession of identification documents, have a limited understanding of their resident country’s language, and refuse to provide information on the criminal group that is exploiting them, out of fear of reprisal.

To prevent victims from talking to the authorities, and condition them into returning to the group, they are intimidated with false stories. For example, they are told they will be tortured by police or that social workers will sell their organs. Not surprisingly, the children refuse to provide information on the organised crime group and frequently return back to the gang within 24 hours of their arrest and placement in a juvenile detention centre. On their return, they will often be transferred to another operating unit or mobile organised crime group based in a different part of the EU.

As a countermeasure to this criminal activity in the UK, London’s Metropolitan Police have been working closely as part of a Joint Investigation Team with Europol, Eurojust and the Romanian National Police. This successful operation has been in progress since 2008 and to date has led to the arrest of 126 individuals in the UK. Earlier, 28 children were rescued by the Metropolitan Police and the operation is still ongoing to identify further criminals and victims of the gangs. In 2010, the Romanian authorities arrested 26 individuals from one organised criminal network who are facing charges of trafficking and criminally exploiting 181 named children.

Drawing on its findings, the main recommendations of the Europol threat notice include:


  • An EU–wide system to track–and–trace victims in response to the phenomenon that arrested minors are often transferred to another operating unit or mobile organised crime group based in a different part of the EU.


  • A section in the Europol Platform of Experts on Mobile (Itinerant) organised crime groups dedicated to the exchange of best practices on the exploitation of minors. Due to the specific nature of this phenomenon (e.g. the age of the victims), this expert group should adopt a multi–agency approach that includes, for instance, social services.

Debate MP Arib - Minister Opstelten

Publitiek » Debatten » Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië

Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië

Debat in de Tweede Kamer op 11 januari 2011

  1.  Debatitem

    Khadija Arib (PvdA)

    Voorzitter. Afgelopen zondag hebben wij in het tv-programma Brandpunt kunnen zien hoe kinderen door misleiding en bedrog ter adoptie aan Nederlandse ouders worden aangeboden. Ouders in Ethiopië wordt beloofd dat als zij hun kind afstaan, hun kind een goede toekomst krijgt en dat zij met hun kind kunnen worden herenigd na diens achttiende levensjaar. Ouders hebben geen idee wat adoptie inhoudt. Verder worden adoptiepapieren vervalst. De geboortedatum wordt veranderd zodat het kind op papier jonger lijkt, en in de documenten staat dat de biologische ouders zijn overleden, terwijl ze nog leven. Kortom, onder valse voorwendsels staan ouders hun kinderen af om ze nooit meer terug te zien.

    Is de minister het met mij eens dat in dit geval geen sprake is van adoptie, maar eigenlijk van kinderhandel? Gaat het om een incident of gaat het om praktijken die zich systematisch voordoen? Wordt er misbruik gemaakt van de armoede en slechte economische omstandigheden in landen? Betreft dit behalve Ethiopië ook andere landen zoals, naar bleek uit de uitzending, Roemenië en Vietnam? Is de minister bereid om onderzoek te doen naar dit soort vreselijke praktijken en de Kamer hierover te informeren? Vindt het ronselen van kinderen niet alleen in Ethiopië, Roemenië en Vietnam maar ook in andere landen plaats die niet in de uitzending aan bod zijn geweest?

    Dan kom ik bij de rol van Wereldkinderen. Met stijgende verbazing heb ik kennisgenomen van de reactie van Wereldkinderen op de illegale adoptie in Ethiopië. Wat mij deed schrikken is de wijze waarop men omgaat met signalen van misleiding. Men gaat te laat en te laks in op de signalen dat geen sprake is van adoptie maar van handel in kinderen.

    11 januari 2011 omstreeks 13:58 via Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië - Link - Delen

  2.  Debatitem

    Ivo Opstelten (VVD)

    Voorzitter. Dank aan mevrouw Arib. Ik heb inderdaad kennisgenomen van de uitzending van Brandpunt zondagavond. Ik onderken dat er altijd een risico is dat kinderen worden verhandeld onder het mom van adoptie. Om deze reden is het geweldig van belang om zo veel mogelijk waarborgen in te bouwen in het adoptieproces. Mevrouw Arib is bekend met het Haags Adoptieverdrag waarbij Nederland sedert 1998 is aangesloten.

    Ik wil ook wijzen op de feiten in de uitzending van zondagavond. Het ging niet om nieuwe informatie. Ik wil de Kamer in herinnering brengen dat in oktober 2009 een onderzoeksrapport van de vereniging Wereldkinderen is uitgebracht over de vermeende misstanden bij adopties. Wereldkinderen heeft in dat verband op 17 september 2009 besloten om de procedures betreffende adopties uit Ethiopië tijdelijk op te schorten. Op 6 oktober heeft de toenmalige minister van Justitie hierover met de Kamer overlegd. De uitkomst van het overleg was dat de zaken nader zouden worden geïnventariseerd. Op 16 februari 2010 is de Kamer door mijn voorganger geïnformeerd over de adopties uit Ethiopië. De conclusie was: er is geen aanleiding om de thans bestaande adoptierelatie tussen Ethiopië en Nederland te heroverwegen, omdat er extra maatregelen zijn genomen die door Wereldkinderen en Stichting Afrika worden toegepast.

    Dit is de kern van ons betoog. Mijn voorganger is naar Ethiopië geweest om dit te checken. Hij is met heldere conclusies gekomen. Ik heb ook vanochtend nog kunnen checken dat er twee punten zijn. Dit soort signalen wordt altijd serieus genomen. Deze signalen worden behandeld door de autoriteit op het departement of door de organisatie zelf. In deze situatie is er aanleiding geweest voor Wereldkinderen om extra procedures te volgen, in het kader van check en double-check. Dit heeft ook betrekking op de andere landen die net als Nederland het Haags adoptieverdrag hebben ondertekend. Voor deze landen wordt dezelfde procedure gehanteerd als voor de landen die niet bij dit verdrag zijn aangesloten.

    11 januari 2011 omstreeks 14:01 via Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië - Link - Delen

  3.  Debatitem

    Khadija Arib (PvdA)

    De minister schetst hoe de adoptieprocedure in elkaar zit. Op papier zijn er inderdaad waarborgen voor het in gang zetten van de adoptieprocedure. Nu ontstaat er echter een verschil tussen papier en werkelijkheid. Het televisieprogramma heeft Ethiopië als voorbeeld genoemd. Ik durf te zeggen dat dit niet alleen in Ethiopië plaatsvindt, maar ook in andere landen. Dit is niet nieuw. Dat maakt het zo tragisch. We hebben het eerder gehad over kinderen die onder valse voorwendselen naar Nederland worden gehaald. Dit doet zich nog steeds voor. Het is prima dat er allerlei procedures en richtlijnen op papier staan, maar hoe ziet Wereldkinderen er in de praktijk op toe dat er geen sprake is van misleiding, dat de kinderen die ter adoptie beschikbaar worden gesteld, daadwerkelijk weeskinderen zijn en dat ouders de kinderen vrijwillig hebben afgestaan?

    11 januari 2011 omstreeks 14:04 via Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië - Link - Delen

  4.  Debatitem

    Ivo Opstelten (VVD)

    Het is gecheckt. Ik heb mij, als waarnemer van de staatssecretaris, er vanochtend van vergewist dat de check daadwerkelijk plaatsvindt. In dit geval, maar ook in andere landen, zoals India en China, wordt bij het geringste signaal nader onderzoek uitgevoerd door een organisatie als Wereldkinderen of door de centrale autoriteit. Er moet dan altijd een maatregel van opschorting worden getroffen zoals in dit geval destijds is gebeurd. Daarna moeten conclusies worden getrokken. Mijn voorganger heeft dit buitengewoon zorgvuldig gedaan. Elk signaal wordt buitengewoon serieus genomen. We moeten deze praktijk wederom bevestigen. We kunnen daar best een beetje trots op zijn. Voor Wereldkinderen is dit een aanleiding geweest om zijn eigen procedures te herijken en te dubbelchecken.

    11 januari 2011 omstreeks 14:06 via Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië - Link - Delen

  5.  Debatitem

    Khadija Arib (PvdA)

    Als ik de minister goed versta, zegt hij dat er wordt opgetreden zodra er signalen zijn. Kan de minister garanderen dat dit soort praktijken zich in de toekomst niet meer zullen voordoen, omdat alle protocollen, richtlijnen en procedures voor 100% dekkend zijn en in de praktijk zullen worden toegepast? De minister zegt immers dat we richtlijnen hebben en dat in de praktijk dit soort praktijken niet voorkomen.

    Waar komt het geld vandaan dat de ronselaars gebruiken om de kinderen van de straat te halen en bij de ouders weg te nemen? Wereldkinderen krijgt geld, ongeveer EUR1000 per kind, om kinderen te werven voor adoptie. Hoe kan ik weten dat dit geld niet op een onjuiste manier wordt ingezet? Uiteindelijk gaat het om belastinggeld.

    11 januari 2011 omstreeks 14:07 via Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië - Link - Delen

  6.  Debatitem

    Ivo Opstelten (VVD)

    Ik kan niet een garantie geven van 100%. Ik kan wel zeggen dat de inzet en de politieke verantwoordelijkheid van de staatssecretaris en dus van mij erop gericht zijn om erbovenop te zitten met onze organisatie. De centrale autoriteit doet dit, net als organisaties als Wereldkinderen.

    Dat gebeurt ongelooflijk scherp, zoals ik ook vandaag heb kunnen merken.

    Verder zijn wij middels de bestaande protocollen voor organisaties als Wereldkinderen transparant. Voor de Kamer en het departement zijn ze dus controleerbaar. Ook houdt de centrale autoriteit daar ongelooflijk scherp toezicht op. Dat alles in het kader van het internationaal Haags Adoptieverdrag, waar Nederland bij is aangesloten en dat voor Nederland het toetspunt is. Als het voor mocht komen dat wij aarzelen, dan wordt er opgeschort en wordt er in alle zorgvuldigheid bekeken wat de mogelijkheden zijn. Zijn er geen mogelijkheden, dan laten wij dat de Kamer altijd weten.

    11 januari 2011 omstreeks 14:09 via Vragenuur adoptie uit Ethiopië - Link - Delen


Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia

Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia

11 January, oral questions - Fake adoption papers and parents who under false pretentions relinquish their children. Arib (PvdA) aks clarity about these 'horrible' adoption practices in Ethiopia. According to minister Opstelten (Justice) there is no reason to interfere: "Each signal of child trafficking is reason for investigation."

Parents in Ethiopia get the promiss that their children will get a good future and come back when they are 18 year. The Brandpunt-broadcast of 9 January reported on adoption practices in Ethiopia. That is child trafficking under the pretext of adoption, means Arib. If it were up to her, minister Opstelten should investigate into such practices. But for the minister there is no reason to reconsider the adoption relation between the Netherlands and Ethiopia, as extra measures have been taken.


Arib wil opheldering over adoptie uit Ethiopiƫ

Dutch couple involved in Adoption scandal

Dutch couple involved in Adoption scandal

Posted by William Beeko on January 10, 2011 at 10:24 am in Top Story
Articles from Top Story

Investigation has uncovered a big scandal in the adoption of a Ghanaian child involving a Dutch national, John Wubbeling and his Ghanaian wife, Eunice Wubbeling-Boateng.

Mr. Wubbeling and his wife presently reside at Nungua on the beach road.
Though the whole transaction was legal, findings revealed that Mr. Wubbeling and his wife, who facilitated the process, took advantage of the adoption process to swindle the adoptive family, Dr. Peter Thiel and Mrs. Iris Thiel-Brokman [the Dutch couple] based in Holland to the tune of about 35,000 Euros.
This lump sum, according to documents, was not collected by Mr. and Mrs. Wubbeling at a go, but clandestinely in bits.

The Ghanaian child- whose name was given as Daniel Ali- was adopted by the Dr. Peter and Mrs. Iris Thiel-Brokman family, from the Osu Children’s Home under the Department of Social Welfare.
It was established from further findings that the adoption of Master Daniel by the Dutch couple took place in the year 2009 and the entire process spanned over a five-month period — March 2009- September 2009.
This was corroborated by Mr. Ebenezer Amarteifio, the Regional Director of the Department of Social Welfare, when this reporter reached him to ascertain the authenticity or otherwise of the matter.
“It is true that Daniel Ali was legally adopted by Dr. Peter Thiel and Iris Thiel-Brokman, the Dutch couple in 2009, but it is a big lie that Social Welfare directors took monies at every meeting as part of the adoption process as Eunice and John Wubbeling claim,” Mr. Amarteifio said.
He also denied claims by the Wubbelings that they paid monies to Social Welfare directors during every meeting for official discussions.
Mr. Amarteifio further vowed to expose John and Eunice Wubbeling for using the names of Social Welfare directors to amass wealth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wubbeling, Today Newspaper discovered, in their attempt to outwit and swindle Dr. Peter and Mrs. Iris Thiel-Brokman formed a consultancy company with the name ‘Wubbeling & Partners- Experts in Expertise.’
With their consultancy company in play, the Wubbelings used their discretion to charge the adoptive family huge sums of money.
High charges, according to documents in possession of the paper which include e-mails, reports and invoices indicate that the Wubbelings were out for one- to make supernormal profits from Mr. and Mrs. Thiel-Brokman.
As part of the modus operandi of the Wubellings, the paper found out that they faked invoices with several charges and push them down the throat of the adoptive family.
Though some of the invoices prepared by the Wubbelings to the Thiel-Brokman family showed that the former had made some payments to some directors at the Department of the Social Welfare, checks revealed that no transaction and payments had been made to any official at the Social Welfare.
Instead it emerged that all monies that accompanied the transactions between the Wubbleings and the adoptive family went into the pockets of the former.
We present to readers some of the invoices the Wubbelings prepared for the adoptive family.

Wubbeling & Partners Ltd.
Experts in Expertise
Attn. Dr. Peter Thiel
Iris Thiel-Brokmann
Westkapellelaan 234
2554 BD Den Haag NL
Subject: Invoice July 2009
Dear Sir,
Referring to your confirmation by email 12th July 2009 to assist you by the Adoption of your Children to the Netherlands, I herewith send you the invoice for consultancy, preliminary duties, meetings and negotiations for the period of July 2009.
13-07 Visit / meeting with management Children’s Home-Osu Accra = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 40,– + Lunch GHc 15,– = GHc 55,–
14-07 Visit / meeting Children’s Home-Osu Accra and making appointments = GHc 60,–
Presents on behalf of Peter and Iris Thiel = GHc 15,–
15-07 Administration, Internal discussions and preparing notes, = GHc 60,–
16-07 Visit / meeting Children’s Home, negotiations with Mrs. Abbey = GHc 60,–
Lunch with Mrs. Abbey = GHc 15,–
17-07 Visit and negotiations at Department Social Welfare Accra, Mr. Adongo = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 30,– = GHc 30,–
20-07 Visit / meeting at Dep. Soc. Welfare with Mr. Adongo forwarding process = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 30,– + Lunches, contact with NL Authorities (calls=GHc 10) = GHc 50,–
21-07 Visit / discussions at Children’s Home with Mrs. Abbey = GHc 60,–
24-07 Visit / meeting at Dep. Social Welfare with Mr. Amartifei = GHc 60,–
27-07 Visit / meeting with Iris to Dep. Soc. Welfare and Childrens Home = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 30,– + Lunches with Iris = GHc 60,–
28-07 Visit / meeting with Iris to Childrens Home, negotiations Dep.Soc.Welf. = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 30,– + Lunches = GHc 45,–
29-07 Visit to Childrens Home with Iris and visit the beach = GHc 60,–
Loan to Iris of GHc 10,– and lunches with Iris = GHc 40,–
30-07 Visit to Childrens Home with Iris and Peter + Shopping Mall = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 30,– Loan to Iris GHc 50,– = GHc 80,–
31-07 Visit to Childrens Home with Iris and Peter, = GHc 60,–
Fuel and Preparing and buying Documents at Register General= GHc 30 = GHc 60,–
Total amount GHc 1,230–
Please, will you be so kind and transfer the sum of GHc 1,230 (= Euro 615,–) by International Bank guaranteed Cheque or other accepted means of payment, within 30 days.
Wubbeling & Partners Ltd.
Experts in Expertise
Attn. Dr. Peter Thiel
Iris Thiel-Brokmann
Westkapellelaan 234
2554 BD Den Haag NL
Subject: Invoice August 2009
3 September 2009
Dear Sir,
Referring to your confirmation by email 12th July 2009 to assist you by the Adoption of your Children to the Netherlands, I herewith send you the invoice for consultancy, preliminary duties, meetings and negotiations for the period of August 2009.
03-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home-Osu-Accra = GHc60,–
Fuel GHc 40,– + lunch GHc 10,– = GHc50,–
04-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home-Osu-Accra = GHc60,–
Lunch GHc 10,– = GHc10,–
05-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home-Osu-Accra = GHc60,–
Fuel GHc 40,– + lunch GHc 10,– = GHc50,–
06-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home-Osu-Accra = GHc60,–
Lunch GHc 10,– = GHc10,–
07-08 Visit to Secretary General to establish Apollonia Dentistry Ltd (Forms) = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 40,– + Lunch GHc 10,– = GHc 50,–
10-08 Visit / Investigation Ghana-Canada Hosptital in connection to Apollonia = GHc 60,–
11-08 Visit to Register General’s office to register Apollonia Dentistry Ltd. = GHc 60,–
24-08 Visit / meeting at Dep. Soc. Welfare with Mr. Adongo, Social Report = GHc 60,–
Fuel GHc 40,– + Lunches GHc 10,– = GHc 50,–
25-08 Visit / meeting Childrens Home-Osu Accra and making appointments = GHc60,–
26-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home-Osu-Accra = GHc60,–
Fuel GHc 30,– + lunch GHc 10,– + present for Daniel GHc 10,– = GHc50,–
27-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home + Secretary General office = GHc60,–
28-08 Visit Daniel / Mrs Abbey at Children’s Home + Departm. Social Welfare = GHc60,–
Fuel GHc 40,– + lunch GHc 10,– = GHc50,–
31-08 Visit / meeting at Dep. Social Welfare with Mr. Adongo, Social Report = GHc60,–
07-08 Fee for registration of Business company Apollonia Dentistry Ghana Ltd = GHc 500,–
Total amount GHc 1,600–
Please, will you be so kind and transfer the sum of GHc 1,600 (= Euro 800,–) to ABN/AMRO bank, account nr. 410 185507 of All Container Shipping b.v., Attn. Wubbeling-Ghana, within 30 days.
