
Tihipko: All orphan children must be adopted

News / 1 June 2012 | 13:40

Tihipko: All orphan children must be adopted

Tihipko: All orphan children must be adopted

The National Prevention of Social Orphanhood Strategy entrusts
the state and the society that by the end of 2020 all the orphan children are
adopted, the vice prime minister of Ukraine and the social policy minister of
Ukraine Serhiy Tihipko told a press conference, as ForUm correspondent

Tihipko informed that for the last two year the positive trend
has been observed. Back in 2009 there were registered 100787 orphan children in
Ukraine. Currently, this number has reduced to 95545 children.

He also
noticed that the majority of orphans live in the family type homes, meanwhile
21.5 thousand children live in traditional orphanages.

According to the
minister, the National Strategy provides that all the orphan children should be
brought up in the family type homes or be adopted.

Tihipko mentioned that
starting from June this year the number of the social workers will be increased
by 12 thousands, including so-called social inspectors who will monitor and
assist multi-child families, single-parent families and disadvantaged

The minister also noticed that the Strategy provides for the
construction of the day boarding schools, where the working parents could leave
their children in case of need.

He also mentioned that the policy of
social aid to families is to be reconsidered as the truly disadvantaged families
get only 23% of state benefits. The minister promised the situation will be
improved, however the indirect income estimation won’t be applied. 

Head of the UNICEF in Ukraine Yukie Mokuo is sure that the Ukrainian National
strategy will improve the protection of children rights in Ukraine. She also
stressed that the protection of the children is to be a key issue within the
EU-Ukraine dialogue.

Sierra Leonean Parents Fight Non-Consensual Adoptions

Sierra Leonean Parents Fight Non-Consensual Adoptions       

Sierra Leonean mothers hold their children (File)

Blog - Children in institutions

Children in institutions

Bulgaria’s abandoned children- still waiting for the deinstitutionalisation

by Maria Sharkova

I spent almost a year in the children’s home in Mogilino as an interpreter and assistant of Kate Blewett during the filming of “Bulgaria’s abandoned children”, which was aired on the BBC in 2007. The time spent in that and other children’s homes in Bulgaria made me feel very strongly that:

- all institutions must be closed

Agencies suspended - Bulgaria

As a result of the following demonstration of illegal activity on the part of Reece's Rainbow, the government of Bulgaria has installed a block on adoptions associated with Reece's Rainbow.

In addition, the entities in Bulgaria, working with Reece's Rainbow, are no longer allowed to process adoptions.



The following agencies are now banned from doing adoptions in Russia:

Hand in Hand, Christian World Adoption, Homestudies and Placement Services, Creative Adoptions and Small World Adoption Foundation.

All have been tied into the illegal posting of photographs and medical charts of orphans.

Here is a letter from the director of Hand in Hand:

From: "handinh...@hihiadopt.org" <handinh...@hihiadopt.org>
Date: June 6, 2012 1:20:00 AM CDT
Subject: Reeces Rainbow and St. Petersburg
Reply-To: "handinh...@hihiadopt.org" <handinh...@hihiadopt.org>
Dear Hand in Hand Families:
We are all indebted to Reece's Rainbow for providing an avenue in bringing the needs of these special children to our attention, there are not enough words to express our gratitude.  However, RR should not be mentioned in your documents, home study, on the Internet or to anyone while in Russia, because your child's medical condition and availability is extremely private and can be only legally displayed on the Russian data bank website.
Any information provided by Elena, Alyona or a volunteer about your adoptive child is absolutely unofficial, only after you've been registered is it permissible for Elena or Alyona to obtain information on the child's health status and location.  If "The Committee" in St. Petersburg or the "Moscow Department of Education" were to get wind of what they are doing they would not only shut them down but worst case scenario face criminal charges. I don't mean to scare you, but you need to be aware of the situation and I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't mention this to you from time to time. Remember that we need to uphold and respect Russia's customs and laws while undergoing the adoption process and while we are visitors in their country. These are their precious children that they are allowing us to take halfway around the world never be seen again, and when considering the "alleged" scandals and atrocities perpetrated against Russian adoptees that have occurred here in
this country, they are justified in their skepticism and in the demands that they place upon us no matter how nonsensical they may seem to us as Americans.
By know you've all heard about the problems that we are dealing with in St. Petersburg.
I've been dealing with this for two days now and it's been very difficult.  Somehow the Russian's found out about Reeces Rainbow through a Russian chat group (the details are very convoluted) and knew that a family was coming to visit their adoptive child due to the FSB button on their sponsorship page which I understand takes you directly to the child's RR listing. This is against everything that I've been telling our families, the rule of thumb is that if you can locate a child on the Russian data bank through information that is listed on your blog, then according to the Russian government you are breaking the law and will not be allowed to adopt.
Elena has a meeting at the end of the week with the City Social Worker with whom until now Elena has worked very hard to foster a good relationship.  So depending upon the SW's attitude during the meeting Elena has no idea if she will be allowed to assist us with adoptions in St. Petersburg, her advise is to lay low and wait until after the treaty is ratified, and to please make your yahoo chat groups and blogs private. RR has already obliged us and removed many children from their website.
I will be going for a short vacation this coming Thursday through Sunday, I will bring my computer with me and will let you know if I hear anything further.
Please keep Elena in your prayers.

Susan Johnson
Director of Russia Program Families
Hand in Hand International Adoptions
Ph: (520) 745-1322
Fax: (520) 745-1343
visit our website at: www.hihiadopt.org

So far the director of Reece's Rainbow, Andrea Roberts has tried to remove all traces of Russia and Bulgaria from their web site.

It seems their illegal practices are now causing them to be excluded from Bulgarian adoptions as well.

New reports from Russia suggest that the US must enact specific legislation concerning such practices or Russia may institute yet another moratorium on adoptions by Americans.

"What I see here is criminal activity, just like murder" said newly reinstated Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, to a group of journalists.

Lavrov worked with the US to draft the adoption agreement. Lavrov indicated that it was the Foreign Ministry's position that the agreement will not pass in its present form.

"Due to continued shows of bad faith in America, that document is now worthless" concluded Lavrov.

Cases Reece's Rainbow - disruption, killed

From Cache: 

Sad as it is to say, some of the worst offenders in the adoption world
are evangelical Christians and their "orphan movement" (even David smolin, a
self-described evangelical Christian, law professor and adoptive parent thinks
so -- check out his writing at fleasbiting.blogspot.com)... Folks with good intentions who
scarily veer into "ends justifies the means" territory, ie "breaking the law is
OK if it saves a child, since laws are made by man and I have god on my

Among the worst offenders are the Reece's Rainbow adoption "ministry" that
advocates for the adoptions of orphans with down syndrome snd other special
needs in eastern Europe. Yes, such children can languish in awful institutions
but breaking the law to get to them doesn't do anyone any favors... and illegal
activities get adoption programs shut down, which is why Americans can no longer
adopt from Nepal, Guatemala or Vietnam (and why the State Department has issued
numerous warnings about adoption corruption in Ethiopia, DRC, and

Tons of  russian, ukrainian and serbian children are ILLEGALLY photolisted on
Reece's Rainbow (the kids are super-duper cute):

Here are links to the actual Ukrainian Russian and Serbian laws:

Ukrainian law banning photolistings and pre-selection of adoptable

Russian law banning photolistings by anybody except the government of Russia
(it's in Russian, but you can google translate it into English to get the

Similar laws are in the books in Bulgaria (just google it) and Serbia (who to
contact at the US and Serbian embassies to confirm this can be found at):

It is illegal, unethical, undignified and inappropriate to photolist these
children -- who are entitled to privacy and dignity!!  Reece's Rainbow also
photolists many children that aren't and never were legally available for
international adoption, which leads to heartbreak (myianna.blogspot.com,bobbyandlura.blogspot.com, savinganangel.blogspot.com) and encourages PAPs to use the
illegally obtained info to set up "fundraising" blogs so that underprepared
folks with no savings, an underwater mortgage and no ability to take out loans
due to bad credit and/or who have so many kids already that they cannot get a
fostercare license or adopt domestically CAN adopt:



Or families that already have 12 high needs, special needs kids and are
adopting 5 more simultaneously, despite the fact that 17 SN kids to 2 caregivers
is not appropriate:

RR encourages PAPs to work with an allegedly unethical facilitator called
Serge in Ukraine, who has allegedly threatened PAPs with bodily harm and held
PAPs hostage to boot:


Adoption agencies acknowledge that RR breaks tge law by sending their clients
emails to tell them NOT to mention Reece's rainbow due to their illegal
activities, such as this message from Hand in Hand adoptions:

Reece's Rainbow is argued to work with missionary groups in Ukraine and
Bulgaria to obtain the photos and private medical info needed to illegally
photolist children:

Shelly Bedford runs NGO One Heart Bulgaria and updated folks on how donations
have been used to improve conditions at the terrible Pleven orphanage:

It is alleged Shelly sent pics and private medical info on kids in Pleven to
RR and to her friend (and fellow RR adoptive momma) Sizsnne Mussner ... Hello
illegal photolistings:


Missionaries from Team Works Ukraine send therapists to orphanages in ukraine
to provide much needed treatment to disabled children:

(the 3rd picture is of a little boy who was photolisted on RR as

These pics and info often end up on RR... And "Valentin" was recently adopted
thru RR by the Ashton family:


The very worst part of all this corruption is that it is ultimately the
adopted children who suffer the most -- they are kicked to the curb (disrupted)
or killed by their godly Christian "forever families" at an appallingly high
rate, in just the past couple of years:

Nicolai Enelyentsev - dead at the hands of his RR parents, Kim and Fyodor

Yuri Winkle - disrupted by forever momma Autumn Winkle (who allegedly kept
$30k raised to adopt him and $13k adoption tax refund... despite getting rid of

Victor Reilly - disrupted by Kari and Tom Reilly, do they could adopt 2
cuter, lower maintenance kids from Ethiopia (just what Jesus would do,

Emmitt Bedford - disrupted by his first RR family taken in by Shelly who
works with NGO Ine Heart Bulgaria (provider of info/photos to RR) and is alleged
to quietly help re-home many of the RR kids that are

  • Lisa

  • Journeys of the Heart ADOPTION SCANDAL in Marshall Islands

    From 2007-8, I lived in the Marshall Islands, an isolated Pacific island nation. The day before I left, my host uncle came to me in private. "Seven years ago, my daughter was born in the capital. When my wife and I were raising her, an American came to me asking for our baby. Because it is our culture, we agreed. Do you know when she will come back?"

    He gave me the name and address of the adoption agency, Journeys of the Heart, whose agent had taken his child. When I returned to the United States I began contacting agency personnel, who did not respond. Each time I wrote, I clearly described the tragic details of the story and asked them to forward my requests for information to the adoptive family. Finally, I received an e-mail from the executive director, Susan Tompkins. She wrote: "Journeys of the Heart does not provide family contact information, as this would be illegal and unethical." I replied that kidnapping was unethical.

    In 2002, seven U.S. adoption agencies were working in the Marshall Islands. After a law was passed to prevent corrupt adoption practices, the only agency to receive a license was Journeys of the Heart. Its Web site proudly advertises "Marshall Island (sic) Child Adoption Going Strong." It continues, "The birth mother and her family generally welcome any contact including visits, phone calls or the required letters." As for visits, the island I lived on receives a boat that offloads food every two and a half months. Anybody who has been to the Marshall Islands knows that the majority of people do not have any access to telephones or mail. But for kidnappers, the facts are of no consequence.

    The agency's main goal is to get "as many of the world's children out of harm's way as possible." By this logic, it is harmful simply to live in poor countries, which apparently can't approach our own moral and cultural superiority. Thus, any baby living in a poor country is a legitimate target of such supposedly progressive ideals. We can be reminded of a similar humanitarian vision stated by Christopher Columbus: "Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending (to Spain) all the slaves that can be sold." It seems the worst aspect of colonialism is still our manifest destiny.

    For carrying, bearing, beginning to raise and giving up their infant, the young mother and father received nothing. The reason is simple: for adoption companies, giving birth parents nothing is more profitable than giving them something. This is what happens when children become commodities, and agents are paid based on commission.

    INSIDE STORY: Lack of accountability leaves Kairi in limbo

    INSIDE STORY: Lack of accountability leaves Kairi in limbo


    Gibi's passport had the name Shepherd, because Erlene was to have adopted her/ Credit: Dr. Michelle Harrison

    Kolkata - Kairi Abha Shepherd was adopted from India at three months of age and has no country to call home. She was abandoned at birth in a Kolkata nursing home and taken in by a Kolkata orphanage that has since closed. At three months of age she was sent to the United States for adoption by Erlene Shepherd, a widow with six other adopted children. Erlene died of metastatic breast cancer when Kairi was eight years old, but never filed the papers to make Kairi a US citizen.

    Concern over Africa adoption rise


    Concern over Africa adoption rise

    Written By:BBC,    Posted: Wed, May
    30, 2012

    More than 41,000 African children have been
    adopted and taken out of home countries since

    The number of children from Africa being adopted by
    foreign nationals from other continents has risen dramatically, a report has

    In the past eight years, international adoptions increased by
    almost 400%, the African Child Policy Forum has found.

    "Africa is becoming the new frontier for inter-country
    adoption," the Addis Ababa-based group said.

    But many African countries do not have adequate safeguards in
    place to protect the children being adopted, it warns.

    The majority of so-called orphans adopted from Africa have at
    least one living parent and many children are trafficked or sold by their
    parents, the child expert group says.

    More than 41,000 African children have been adopted and taken
    out of home countries since 2004, the ACPF report says.

    More than two thirds of the total in 2009 and 2010 were adopted
    from Ethiopia, which now sends more children abroad for adoption than any other
    country, apart from China.

    Adoptable children shortage

    "Compromising children's best interests while undertaking
    inter-country adoption is likely and adoption can become a vast, profit-driven,
    industry with children as the commodity," the African Child Policy Forum report

    The group's director, David Mugawe, said that adoption in some
    parts of Africa had indeed become a business.

    "It's got an element where adoption has now become
    commercialised. And so it's an industry that some orphanages are benefiting
    [from] - and they are promoting adoption basically to be able to sustain and
    maintain the orphanages," he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.

    He said large sums of money were sometimes being paid by
    prospective parents.

    "There was a lady who worked with the American embassy in
    Uganda and she mentioned the figures ranged between $10,000 to $30,000," Mr
    Mugawe said.

    According to the ACPF, Ethiopia has more than 70 adoption
    agencies, including 15 that only refer children to families in the United

    Most African children go to the US, which is where most
    adoptions from foreign countries occur - in 2010 more than 11,000 children from
    more than 100 countries were adopted by American parents.

    Families in western Europe and Canada also adopt African

    International adoption is also popular in Nigeria, the
    Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Mali, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Morocco,
    Uganda, and Burkina Faso, the ACPF report says.

    People wanting to adopt children are increasingly turning to
    Africa because changes in adoption patterns and laws in other countries has
    resulted in a shortage of adoptable children, it says.

    Countries including China, South Korea, Guatemala, Russia,
    Romania and Ukraine have tightened up eligibility rules and shut down or limited
    overseas adoption - instead promoting domestic adoption.

    According to international law, inter-country adoption should
    be a last resort - and the rise in the number of children being adopted in
    Africa and moved to other countries is of concern to child welfare experts.

    "Every child has the right to be reared in the country and
    culture in which it was born," said Mr Mugawe.

    "It is true that a number of children have actually benefited
    from adoption, but is it the best option or have other options been explored,"
    he told the BBC.

    The report warned that many countries on the continent do not
    have strong enough laws and policies to stem illicit activities including child

    Only 13 African countries have ratified the Hague Convention,
    which provides various safeguards to try to ensure children are not adopted

    "The onus is on African states to take urgent and decisive
    measures to strengthen families and communities to take care of children in
    their country of origin," the ACPF report says.

    ah woman adopted from Indian orphanage THIRTY years ago now faces

    Utah woman adopted from Indian orphanage THIRTY years ago now faces
    By Daily Mail Reporter


    Deportation battle: Attorneys are fighting to stop Kairi
    Shepherd, who was adopted from India as a 3-month-old baby, being deported

    A 30-year-old woman who has lived in the U.S
    since she was adopted from an orphanage in India as a baby is facing deportation
    after a court ruled she is living in the country illegally.

    Kairi Shepherd, who has been orphaned twice
    following the death of her biological Indian mother when she was just
    3-months-old and her adoptive American mother, has described the deportation
    order as a 'death sentence.'

    Shepherd could be thrown out of the country
    because her adoptive mother, a widow from Utah who died of breast cancer when
    Shepherd was eight, never filed citizenship paperwork for her.

    Last week Indian authorities highlighted the
    'humanitarian dimension' of Shepherd's case - urging the U.S. to deal with the
    ‘utmost sensitivity and compassion.'

    Profit-driven adoptions turn children into a commodity



    Profit-driven adoptions turn children into a commodity



    From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

    Last updated Tuesday, May. 29, 2012 9:24PM EDT


    War-orphaned children sit in cardboard boxes at the Kizito orphanage in Bunia in northeastern Congo February 24, 2009. (Finbarr O'Reilly / Reuters)


    A dramatic rise in foreign adoptions from Africa is ringing alarm bells among child advocates who worry that the soaring numbers are fuelled by financial incentives and a lack of basic safeguards.

    The number of African children adopted by foreign families has nearly tripled in the past eight years. Nearly 6,350 children from Africa were adopted by foreigners in 2010, compared to less than 2,240 in 2003, according to a report released on Tuesday.


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    The rapid growth has been accompanied by a proliferation of adoption agencies and orphanages, even though the vast majority of “orphans” actually have at least one living parent.

    Many orphanages in Africa are set up to generate profits for the owners, since they can receive up to $30,000 per adopted child, the report’s author says. “They were created for financial gain,” said David Mugawe, executive director of the African Child Policy Forum, which released the report Tuesday. “A lot is happening under the table.”

    Of the five African countries that produce the most adopted children, none has ratified the Hague Convention, the leading international treaty on protecting children from illegal adoption. And too often the adoption of African children is cloaked in secrecy, according to Mr. Mugawe.

    “Some parents are illiterate, so they don’t know what they are signing. They’re not told the whole truth,” he said. “Some are told it’s just a sponsorship for their children’s education, and they’ll get a job and return home to help their parents. They’re often told it’s just foster care for some period of time.”

    Mr. Mugawe emphasized that many adoptions are legitimate, and many adoption agencies are good ones. But he said there is also evidence of frequent fraud, the sale and abduction of children, falsified documents, bribery, and children being removed from relatives who could care for them.

    He cited the example of Ethiopia, where a number of orphanages were shut down by the government last year – and their children were promptly collected by their parents.

    Canada is one of the world’s five biggest adopting countries, with nearly 2,000 children adopted by Canadians from all foreign nations in 2010. Ethiopia is by far the biggest source of adopted children in Africa, and it has also become one of the biggest sources of foreign children for Canadian adoptive parents in recent years.

    Canadian adoption agencies have complained about growing restrictions on adoptions from foreign countries. Fees are getting higher, waiting times are longer, and fewer children are available – especially from traditional sources such as China and Russia.

    But as China and Russia impose more restrictions, many agencies are turning to Africa to fill the gap. With more than 41,000 children sent overseas in the past decade, Africa has become the “new frontier” for foreign adoption, according to the report by the African Child Policy Forum, presented at a conference in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has also become the world’s second-biggest source of adopted children, and it may soon overtake China to become the biggest source.

    Hollywood celebrities and pop stars such as Angelina Jolie and Madonna are among those who have adopted African children in recent years.

    In some cases, African children can be adopted in a matter of weeks, compared to waiting periods of years in other countries, the report said.

    Because of pressure from adopting countries, many African countries haven’t introduced enough safeguards to protect their children from illegal adoptions, and often they don’t make enough effort to look for informal adoption arrangements in their own countries, Mr. Mugawe said.

    “Adoption can become a vast, profit-driven industry with children as the commodity,” he added. “Inter-country adoption should not be taken as an easy and convenient option. It should be a last resort and an exception, rather than the normal recourse to solving the situation of children in difficult circumstances, as it seems to have now become.”

    Published on Tuesday, May. 29, 2012 8:32PM