
'I Gave My Son Up For Adoption—23 Years Later My Life Was Turned Upside Down'

Iwas dressed in a clown costume: brightly colored baby-doll dress, bloomers, big shoes, red nose—the works—preparing to run the annual Fourth of July 5k race in Skagway, Alaska. As I stretched at the starting line, playing up to the crowd, my husband strode up, grabbed my arm, and tried to pull me toward a side street. Distressed at his forcefulness, I yanked away, ready to demand he explain himself, when his face seemed to melt.

"Michael died."

His gray complexion and the way he reached for me slammed the reality home. Like in a movie scene, my body crumbled to the ground, and as if in a lucid dream, I hovered above: my body was slumped in the middle of the city's Third Street, smack in the center of the hoop-bottomed dress like a bullseye. The sound that escaped my lips still echoes down that empty street—and in my skull.

In the days and weeks to follow, people expressed their condolences. They placed gentle hands on my forearm and nodded wordlessly or, more often, uttered the phrase "I'm so sorry for your loss." Emails filled my inbox, and messages popped up on social media feeds with broken hearts and sad face emojis.

These sympathetic offerings were welcome, if painful, reminders that I was a mother who'd lost her child. But their kindness marked a clear delineation from the last time I'd grieved the loss of this same child: after I'd relinquished my parental rights 23 years earlier.

The fact that black parents also adopt children, for example, has not yet occurred to many

Joyce Sylvester writes weekly about topics that touch her. This week she talks about adoption. "I also wish the children a more open society after arrival."

Indians remain averse to accepting children with special needs

Even as Indians are opening up to the idea of adoption by single parents or

adopting a sibling for their biological child, they remain averse to accepting

children with special needs.

Fewer than 50 children with special needs found a home within India in the past

three financial years, accounting for less than 1% of the total 9,443 in-country

Mediator : le Professeur Claude Griscelli poursuivi par l’Ordre des médecins

Claude Griscelli, the former boss of Inserm, aged 86, distinguished himself by re-reading, in favor of the Servier laboratories, on June 21, 2011 in the Senate, the copy of Marie-Thérèse Hermange (UMP) before she does not submit her report on the Mediator.

Caught by the patrol. Professor Claude Griscelli, the famous pediatrician, pioneer of bone marrow transplants for newborns is under threat of a sanction from the Order of Physicians for having re-read, in favor of Servier, the 2011 Senate report on the Mediator . The Collective of victims of the Mediator which had filed a complaint in January with the order obtained satisfaction: on March 16, the authority not only transmitted the request to the disciplinary chamber but it also associated itself with it. . The order joins the plaintiffs only when it considers that a doctor has committed an ethical fault, the latter then incurs a penalty that can range from a simple warning to radiation.

Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted'

Rosanne (41, midwife) and Martin (38, owns their own marketing and strategy business), have three adopted children: Shawn (12), Josiah (9) and Hannah (3). All three children are from South Africa. First came Josiah (when he was 11 months), then Shawn (who was then 5.5). Hannah came in April 2020, when she was almost 1.5. The family lives in Veenendaal.

No need to be pregnant

Rosanne: 'I don't recognize the need to carry a child. Not even to give birth. As a midwife I am often asked that, logically. I think it's fantastic to experience, but for myself I don't feel that need very strongly.

Now that I am a mother, I can miss that feeling that you know from scratch where your child is and what it is going through. I sometimes feel sad about that. That I couldn't be there for them from day one. I was able to save them from that difficult and sometimes damaging start they had.

Fix the damage

Amendment to Artificial Insemination Donor Data Act

The memorandum of amendment to the amendment proposal for the Artificial Insemination Donor Data Act (Wdkb) was sent to the House of Representatives on 19 May. This memorandum provides for a scheme for donor children of B donors and for a replacement consent after the death of the donor. The procedure for B donors from before 2004 will be the same as for donors from after 2004. This means that the donor's personally-identifying data will be provided, unless he can demonstrate a compelling interest. Donors from before 2004, who want replacement consent to be given by a specific person after their death, can now give consent for this. At this time, no information is provided if a donor prior to 2004 has died.

Read the summary

Procedure Legislative amendment

The memorandum of amendment makes a number of substantive changes to the bill that was submitted to the House of Representatives on 23 June 2021. The political groups can submit their questions and comments on the bill in writing before 15 June 2022. Minister Kuipers will respond to this in writing; the bill will then be discussed in the House of Representatives.

Scheme for donor children of b-donors

Minister of the Family, pro-adoption message: "It is one of the noblest gestures / The process has been much simplified and will

Minister of the Family, pro-adoption message: "It is one of the noblest gestures / The process has been much simplified and will become even easier / Of the more than 47,000 children in the special protection system, almost 6,000 are adoptable"

The Minister of the Family, Gabriela Firea, says that out of the over 47,000 children in the special protection system, almost 6,000 are adoptable and are just waiting for the right family.

"Adoption is one of the noblest gestures people can make. Love does not take into account DNA, ethnicity or hair color. Every child deserves love, a home and a family to guide them in life. Today, June 2, is National Adoption Day. I take this opportunity to tell you that adoption is the only chance that thousands of children in the care of the state have to grow up with the love of a mother and a father ", says the Minister of Family.

She points out that of the more than 47,000 children in the special protection system, almost 6,000 are adoptable and are just waiting for the right family.

"The adoption process has been greatly simplified and will become easier with the new computer system through which we modernize the child protection system. Adoptive parents will no longer be required to come to the "counter" for documents, and everything will be digital, online. A huge step for this complex process. Last year alone, nearly 1,600 children arrived in loving families, a record for the past 20 years. Children are our good and bright future. Everyone has the right to live and grow up with a family ", Firea also writes.

Looking for the roots after intercountry adoption

Statistics Netherlands investigated the search behavior of intercountry adopted persons for more information about the adoption and background. Fiom, in collaboration with Statistics Netherlands, has summarized the results of this research in a clear fact sheet.

Survey Research

In 2021, the report “Commission investigation into intercountry adoption in the past” was published as a result of an independent investigation into the state of affairs surrounding old international adoptions and the role of the Dutch government in this. In 2020, Statistics Netherlands investigated for the committee which searches adopted persons have made for more information about their background and adoption. Statistics Netherlands conducted a representative survey among people who were adopted internationally, born in the period 1970 - 1998. By chance (random sample), 11,456 adopted people were invited for the survey, of which 3,454 people completed the online questionnaire. The mean age of the participants was 35 years and 55% were female. Most participants were born in Colombia, India, Sri Lanka, China,

Information from adoptive parents

Most adopted adults feel that the parents have been open about the adoption (90%) and indicate that the parents have shared information about the adoption voluntarily (70%) or after they have asked (20%). However, two in three adoptees indicated that information was found to be incorrect during the search, including birth certificate, date of birth, name of biological parents or reason for renunciation.

Ukraine simplifies the adoption procedure of Ukrainian children through a "fast digital process"

Ukraine simplifies the procedure for adopting Ukrainian children through a "fast digital process", the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Digital Transformation announced on Wednesday, reports CNN, according to News.ro.

About 17,000 children in Ukraine are waiting to be adopted, said Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Kostiantin Ko?ielenko.

He mentioned that there are "several times fewer potential adoptive parents. One of the reasons is that the adoption procedure is very complicated".

The Ukrainian official emphasized that they will "implement a fast digital process", which will include only five minutes in which to submit the request for "initial consultation".

An initial adoption application can be submitted through the Diia portal starting Wednesday, and adoption applications will be able to be submitted online from August, Ko?ielenko added.

The Harrowing Story of the 'Children of Sin'

June 1, 2022 - Exactly 60 years after the independence of Rwanda and Burundi, the three-part documentary series Metissen of Belgium tells the disconcerting history of more than 300 metis from the Belgian colonial period in Rwanda.

The makers of the series do this on the basis of the life stories of three of them: Jaak, Paul and Jacqueline.

As illegitimate children of a white father and a black mother, they were taken from their mother by the Belgian government and placed in Save's boarding school in Rwanda. Just before independence, they also had to leave there and were rushed to Belgium.

There they ended up uprooted and traumatized in an adoptive family or an orphanage. They were events that marked the rest of their lives. It was only in 2015 that they gained access to their official file and were able to search for their roots.

A production by The Chinese for Canvas.