
Danish authorities express concern about adoption from South Africa, but adoption cases are carried out anyway


Danish authorities express concern about adoption from South Africa, but adoption cases are carried out anyway

When international adoption to Denmark stopped in January, there were 11 ongoing cases which were decided to be completed. The majority are from South Africa.

One of the concerns about adopting from South Africa is, according to the Appeals Board's letter, that there are challenges associated with the release procedure in the courts. (Photo: © Ida Marie Odgaard, Ritzau Scanpix)

Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of March 23, 2004


The liberal leader Valeriu Stoica, nicknamed by the media "the baron of illegal adoptions", should shed light on the disappearance from the archives of the authorized institutions, between 1997 and 2000, of hundreds of adoption documents. Valeriu Stoica must publicly declare the destination of the children entrusted for adoption and the reason why they no longer appear, for more than suspicious reasons, in any database.



Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of March 23, 2004

Adoption defects


Our project

200,000 is the number of Korean children who have been adopted since the end of the Korean War in 1953. For several years now, the voices of Korean adoptees around the world have been heard and their testimonies agree to paint a picture of a flawed international adoption system . Between demands and recognition of illegal procedures, Korean adoptees are now demanding compensation from the responsible states.    


Among these states, Belgium. Despite its small size, our country has welcomed nearly 3,700 Korean adoptees , which ranks it 7th in the world in terms of the number of Korean children welcomed. This relatively high number of adoptions obviously raises questions: in what circumstances did they take place? To what extent was the Belgian government aware of what was happening on its soil, and what is its responsibility for the scale of the phenomenon? 

Adopted Chinese children return to trace their origins

Over 82,000 children born in China have been adopted by American families since 1999, according to State Department figures — mostly girls, owing to a Chinese cultural preference for boys


People read a flyer bearing Loulee Wilson’s photographs distributed in the hope of finding her biological parents in Dianjiang, China. | Photo Credit: AFP

At an empty concrete lot in southwest China, Loulee Wilson scoops a handful of stones into a bag — a memento from the site where she believes she was abandoned as a baby.

2009 Adoption Policy Conference

2009 Adoption Policy Conference

International Adoption, the United States and the Reality of the Hague System

presented by The Center for Adoption Policy,
The Child Advocacy Program of Harvard Law School, and
The Justice Action Center at New York Law School

Friday, March 6, 2009
New York Law School
Wellington Conference Center

This conference will address all aspects of international adoption to and from the United States, one year after the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption became effective in the United States.


9:30 a.m. - 9:40 a.m.
Diane B. Kunz, Executive Director, Center for Adoption Policy
Elizabeth Bartholet, Professor, Harvard Law School;  Director, Child Advocacy Program, Harvard Law School

FT investigation finds Ukrainian children on Russian adoption sites

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Ukrainian children who were abducted and taken to Russia in the early months of the Kremlin’s 2022 invasion have been put up for adoption by authorities, in one case under a false Russian identity, a Financial Times investigation has found. Using image recognition tools and public records, as well as interviews with Ukrainian officials and the children’s relatives, the FT identified and located four Ukrainian children on the Russian government-linked adoption website usynovite.ru. One Must-Read This article was featured in the One Must-Read newsletter, where we recommend one remarkable story each weekday. Sign up for the newsletter here The findings add to the mounting body of evidence that the International Criminal Court, Ukrainian government officials and legal experts say point to alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Russia. One of the children is shown with a new Russian name and age that differs from their Ukrainian government-issued documents. Another child is shown using a Russian version of their Ukrainian name. There is no mention of the Ukrainian background of any of the children. The children were abducted from state care homes and separated from their guardians and relatives in towns across the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine that fell under the control of Russia’s invading army in 2022. They range in age from eight to 15-years-old. The children traced by the FT and whose identities were confirmed with their families by the Ukrainian authorities have ended up in the Tula region near Moscow and in the Orenburg region close to the Kazakh border. One of the children was taken to occupied Crimea. Seventeen additional matches identified by the FT on the adoption website were confirmed as Ukrainian children in a recent New York Times investigation, all of them from a children’s home in Kherson. The ICC has issued arrest warrants for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova, saying they bear criminal responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of the children. The Kremlin did not respond to requests for comment about the FT’s findings. It has objected to the warrants, denied abducting children and tried to justify its actions by claiming it was done for their protection despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary. A defiant Putin has signed decrees making it possible to fast-track Russian citizenship for Ukrainian children taken to Russia. RESUME Show video description A video posted by Maria Lvova-Belova's Telegram account in July 2022 shows her with Ukrainian children from the Donbas, Ukraine. The post says they are to be adopted in the Russian region of Tula. These are not missing children identified by the FT. © @malvovabelova/Telegram Ukrainian authorities estimate nearly 20,000 children have been forcibly taken from occupied territories to Russia since its full-scale invasion began in February 2022; many thousands are still missing. The parents and relatives of the four children located by the FT declined to speak about their situation in detail, citing concerns that Moscow would thwart their return home. But other families whose children have been forcibly taken to Russia and returned to Ukraine recounted harrowing experiences during their time in the country. Moscow has allowed some children to return to Ukraine if their relatives or guardians come to Russia to collect them. They described the children being coerced to watch and recite Kremlin propaganda; being held against their will; not being allowed to contact relatives; and being forced to take Russian identities. Many described verbal and physical abuse by Russian children and some caregivers. “I was heartbroken,” said Svitlana Popova, mother of 15-year-old Alina Kovaleva, who was abducted by a group of Russian soldiers in the occupied Kherson region. Her daughter’s captors “had a new birth certificate forged to say that Alina was born in Russia”, she said in Kyiv after returning with her daughter. “And adoption papers. [They] were going to make my daughter their own.” Wayne Jordash, president of Global Rights Compliance, an international humanitarian law firm, said forcibly transferring or deporting children are war crimes. “However, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population as Russia’s attack on Ukraine undoubtedly is, they are also crimes against humanity,” he said. “Changing [children’s] identity and putting them up for adoption only confirms the necessary criminal intent.” The FT confirmed the children’s identities with the help of the Ukrainian Child Rights Protection Centre (CRPC), a state body. The centre is awaiting further confirmation on two more children located by the FT who they strongly believe are Ukrainian. The children’s guardians and Ukraine’s authorities had previously been unaware of the children’s whereabouts. The FT identified the kidnapped children by comparing photographs from an official database of missing Ukrainian children with public profiles of children up for adoption in Russia using an image recognition tool. Reporters reviewed potential matches manually to select those likely to be a true match. The false names and ages the children had been given meant it would have been challenging to find them in other ways. High probability matches were shared with the CRPC, which contacted the children’s relatives and guardians to confirm each missing Ukrainian child. Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian parliament commissioner for human rights whose office oversees the CRPC and helped the FT with the identifications, called Russia’s removal of Ukrainian children “premeditated”. Ukrainian officials shared with the FT Russian government documents that show the Kremlin had devised plans ahead of its invasion to forcibly deport Ukrainian children to Russia as part of a so-called “filtration” process. “They had a well-planned genocide policy towards us,” said Daria Herasymchuk, an adviser and commissioner of the president of Ukraine for children’s rights. “They committed a crime, they kidnapped children in large quantities.” It is a struggle for Ukraine’s government, the country’s charities and the children’s relatives and guardians to return the children. It often takes many months to track them down and several weeks or more to plan how to reach them. The journey is roughly 4,000 miles round-trip, winding from Ukraine through the EU and then into Russia, where relatives and guardians face hours-long interrogations by the FSB, and then back. As of June 11, Ukraine has managed to return at least 389 children from Russia, according to the president’s office. The office of Ukraine’s human rights commissioner and the CRPC are attempting to confirm the identities of dozens more Ukrainian children taken to Russia who were flagged to them by the FT. The CRPC is working with a relative of one of the children identified and located by the FT to return them home to Ukraine. Visual investigations team: Peter Andringa, Chris Campbell, Sam Learner and Sam Joiner. Additional reporting by Anastasia Stognei in Tbilisi.